Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 652 Confident Dong Fang: What I want is the colorful black


While the employees of the jade mining company were waiting, Ye Yang got into the Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost.

After all, I was going to inspect the company. A sports car would be a bit frivolous, but this four-seater luxury car that looks domineering and mature looks more stylish.

"The chairman will be here soon, everyone, cheer up!"

Wang Jing and others looked at the Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost approaching in the distance, his eyes lit up, and he repeatedly asked everyone to cheer up.

The Jade Mining Group has few affairs but huge profits.

These directors have money, time, and nothing to do, so they will naturally know about luxury cars and watches.

This Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost is a modern model imitating the Rolls-Royce Silver Phantom.

Because the Silver Phantom is too old, there are only a few units left, and they are all displayed in museums for viewing.

This is a new model that pays tribute to the Silver Charm and is built with the most high-end modern technology. It sold for more than 80 million when it first appeared!

Now, it has been sold to a sky-high price of more than 90 million! ! !

It won’t be long before someone will spend 100 million to buy it!

"Is this the car of our new chairman!?"

"It's so strong!"

The moment the Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost first appeared on the stage, several directors felt a sense of admiration in their hearts.

Being able to buy this kind of car, the price of 90 million may not be the threshold that blocks most wealthy people, but the purchase restriction conditions and the strong network of connections represented behind being able to snap up this car.


The car door opens.

Ye Yang got out of the car with his personal secretary Yu Mo Mo.

Except for Wang Jing and other board members who had already seen Ye Yang's information, everyone else's eyes couldn't help but widen...

"Isn't this too young!?!"

Almost everyone burst out with such surprise and emotion.

Although everyone knew that the queue today was to welcome Chairman Ye, no one expected that this new chairman would be such a young and handsome person!

It’s so irritating to compare people to each other! ! !

Not only is he handsome, he also owns a jade mining group at such a young age! ! !

This jade mining group has a market value of 50 billion!

Fifty billion! ! !

And I heard that the new chairman this time is so smart that he has directly obtained more than half of the shares of the Jade Mining Group, making him an absolute controlling shareholder!

Ye Yang nodded slightly, indicating that it would be okay as usual.

However, Wang Jing prepared a welcome ceremony and naturally wanted to show it off.

The cheerleaders started dancing, the gongs and drums were noisy, firecrackers were blasting, and a bunch of company executives behind them were shouting slogans.

"...These veteran cadres really like this kind of pomp."

Ye Yang shook his head dumbfounded: "I came here mainly to see the actual operation of the company. I'd better go into the company and get a better understanding of the situation."

"Okay, okay."

Wang Jing nodded repeatedly, and there was a cold sweat on his temples. It seemed that the person who came this time was not only a young man, but also a practical man!

I'm afraid it's not easy to fool.

"Ah, of course that's the boss. The financial statements and other things are all ready. Come with me to the office. They are all in the chairman's office."

Wang Jing said repeatedly.

"Just leave the reports and paper documents to my secretary to connect them."

Ye Yang waved his hand.

"Ah this..."

Wang Jing's heart trembled, but he nodded again and again: "It's all up to you, boss."

The next few directors also looked at each other in confusion, wondering what medicine Ye Yang was selling in his gourd.

Yu Momo was taken by several directors to the chairman's office to hand over documents.

Ye Yang wandered around the company building without any rules and purpose, making Wang Jing and others look confused.

A certain office.

Xia Yu opened the door and walked in with the report.

She knew that the regional manager was plotting against her, so she didn't dare to close the door for fear that he would do something bad.

Regional manager Dong Fangzheng, who was sitting behind his desk with his legs crossed and playing with a pen on the table, looked unhappy. When he saw Xia Yu coming in, he also showed a playful expression.

The real core executives of the company are all going to welcome the new chairman.

His level is not high enough and he can only continue to work in the office.

He was very sad to lose the opportunity to win over the new chairman. Now that he saw the ungrateful Xia Yu who dared to reject his boss in public, he felt bad in his heart.

"This is the most recent report. The manager will take a look at it."

Xia Yu quickly placed the report on the table, avoiding Dong Fang's dirty tricks.

"Still so stubborn."

Dong Fang sneered inwardly, feeling even more unhappy. He glanced at the report a few times and threw it on the table.

He knew that Xia Yu was extremely capable at work and would not make any mistakes when it came to content and data.


He himself is the one who doesn't understand...

The related households come in and get free meals, and they know nothing.

But he obviously didn't feel that way. Instead, he felt that his talent was underappreciated because there were others who were not as good as him, and he sat in a higher position than him just because he had a better relationship at home.

Such second-generation ancestors often have a mysterious self-confidence.

They usually deny the environment and channels that their families provide them and that others cannot reach through their lifetime efforts.

Think that everything is achieved by one's own ability.

Sometimes I regard the set of so-called workplace rules of 'interpersonal communication' that I have summarized as my own abilities.

I think that my occasional forbearance to my boss's humiliation is a pain that no one else can understand.

Little did they know that it was just the basic operation of others.

Just like that, Dong Fang, who thought he was talented but not appreciated, actually had no ability at all, pointed to the report cover: "I told you, didn't I?"

Xia Yu was confused: "What did I say?"

"The color of the report cover that I want to present to the company headquarters needs to be a colorful black with a colorful white! Isn't your cover just black and white! There is no connotation at all! What the hell!!! Have you worked hard! Why is your work attitude so bad! You ignore the words of the leader?"

Dong Fang knows nothing about the business, so he can only find such nonsensical problems to teach others.

Make things difficult for subordinates.

If a leader accuses you of these, don't doubt it, it's because he is shit himself, and he forced some excuses to make you think he is better than you, and then bully you in the workplace.

Xia Yu is used to these difficulties, just stand there as if it was a dog farting, but actually didn't listen to a word.

"Haha, with your work attitude, I don't think you deserve performance bonus! This month's performance bonus will be cancelled!"

Dong Fang was so angry when he saw Xia Yu's indifferent look. Girl, you really think I can't do anything to you!

I'll tell you what it means that a higher-ranking official can crush someone to death! ! !


Xia Yu was very concerned and frowned.

The sisters who were waiting outside the door and worried about Xia Yu couldn't help but walk in: "Why do you do this? This is not fair!"

(First update)

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