Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 653 Dong Fang cried. I actually bullied the chairman’s girlfriend?

"That's right!"

"Even if you are the manager, this is too much! You have to consider the company's image!"

"That's right, if you do this, I will report you to the board of directors!"

Several sisters have long been fed up with Dong Fang's oppression of Xia Yu.

This time, Xia Yu's performance for a whole month was directly deducted for such an absurd reason. Their suppressed anger finally erupted and they directly confronted.

"Be quiet! What do you guys want to do? Do you want to turn the world upside down? You are disorganized and undisciplined. What a disgrace! Do you still want to work?"

Dong Fang said angrily.

I am a manager! ! !

I was actually confronted by several salesmen? ! Don't I have no face! ?

It's simply unfair!

"If you don't want to work, then don't work! We have discussed it. At worst, we can just quit together!"


Several sisters are obviously on the same front.

Dong Fang was so angry that his nose was crooked: "Haha, sue me? Then you can talk to the board of directors! Let's see, who is the boss of this jade mining company! I dare to tell you responsibly! Don't think you are awesome! I am still a little confident in my connections. If you offend me and leave this company, I dare to guarantee that you can't find the next job in Beijing!!!"


"How can you do this!?"

Although the sisters were very angry, they were obviously scared after all.

Xia Yu also waved her hand. She didn't care. At most, she would just leave.

It would be too bad if she caused several sisters to lose their jobs together.

She would feel guilty.

"Haha, now you know how powerful I am! You guys really don't know what's good for you."

Dong Fang crossed his legs, glanced at the girls confidently, and smiled ugly: "I really can't see who is in charge of this Jade Mine Group, and you dare to offend your superiors!"

"Haha, then tell me, who is in charge of this Jade Mine Group?"

A voice came, the tone was calm, but with a killing tone.

"Of course it is..."

Dong Fang, who was about to talk nonsense and brag, suddenly found that something was wrong...

He stared at the young man who came out of the door, and just wanted to scold him, "Whose intern are you?", he saw Wang Jing and others who were pale behind him.

"Hey, what's going on?"

He put away his crossed legs, launched himself, and stood up directly.

Standing there respectfully.

"Dong Fang! What nonsense are you talking about!"

Wang Jing shouted angrily.

"I... I, I, the chairman, no, the executive director..."

Dong Fang was trembling with fear after being scolded by Wang Jing. After all, he was a relative. If he offended a bigger relative, he would be in trouble.

"What no! The real chairman is right in front of you, why don't you apologize to the chairman!!!"

Wang Jing was so angry that his nose was crooked.

These days, he has been telling the whole company not to make any mistakes in the past few days. He was afraid of everything, but it still went wrong!

This idiot actually said in front of the chairman that the Jade Mine Group was his world?

He simply didn't know how to write death!!!

"Ah!? He!? The new chairman?! How is this possible!"

As soon as he said this, Dong Fang knew that he had spoken out of turn.

Before he could apologize, Director Liu behind Wang Jing came up and gave him a crisp slap in the face: "You are crazy! You are just talking nonsense!!!"


Dong Fang felt extremely wronged. It was simply because the shock was too great.

When he first met Ye Yang, he thought it was another relative who had inserted himself as a clerk.

As a result, in the blink of an eye, he became the boss of his boss, the chairman of the entire 50 billion market value jade mining group! ! ! ?

This is too outrageous...

From this point of view, he just graduated from college, right?

The chairman of a super company with a market value of 50 billion?

And he knew very well that the jade mining group was more than 50 billion. If you want to be the chairman, you need to have connections behind you, and you have to be a genius...

"I can't accept it all at once!"

Don't say Dong Fang was confused.

The Xia Yu sisters stood by and their brains went blank.

Until Ye Yang smiled at her: "Are you okay?"

They came to their senses.

Ye Yang, is actually the chairman of the jade mining group! ? ! ?

What's going on! ?

Oh my!

They didn't know whether they were more frightened or surprised.

"So the solution he mentioned last night was this way..."

"Oh my god!!! Stop talking, I've already imagined an 8 million-word romance novel about a domineering CEO..."

Several sisters felt that happiness came too suddenly.

Just now they were in a desperate situation, but now the sky cleared up and a rainbow appeared?

This is more than just a rainbow, it's simply the sun in the universe!

It's so dazzling that people can't look directly at it!

"Does he often harass employees like this?"

Ye Yang asked indifferently.


"More than that!"


Several employees complained one after another. This was finally the savior. The accumulated resentment and complaints about the company were all poured out at this moment!

And Xia Yu just stared at Ye Yang blankly, feeling that at this moment, this indifferent man was so full of aura from head to toe, he was simply lightning and light, the only myth! ! !

"What are you talking about!!!"

Wang Jing's face turned dark and he scolded directly.

I originally wanted to make a good impression on the new chairman, but I had been preparing for it for several days, but it was ruined, everything was ruined! ! !

His mentality immediately collapsed.

It's all over now...

Being angered by the former chairman was still very scary for these little girls, so they were a little timid and did not dare to say anything anymore.

"What Mr. Wang means is that my girlfriend's friends are talking nonsense!"

Ye Yang said coldly.

"Ah!? Your girlfriend!?"

Wang Dong was stupid and looked around. With his mind, he could guess eighty-nine percent of the truth in an instant.

I just cried.

I bet you have figured out the inside story of the company a long time ago...

You didn’t really want to buy the company just to protect your girlfriend from being bullied, right?

"You, you are actually the chairman of the Jade Mining Group...?!"

Xia Yu covered her mouth, eyes flashing with disbelief.

"Hmm, I heard that someone bullied you, so I bought this company."

Ye Yang smiled casually.

These words made the entire audience burst into envious gasps.

Damn it, when will I be able to say this with confidence in my life!

Ye Yang touched Xia Yu's head: "Don't worry, this kind of thing will never happen again in the company in the future, I promise."

Hearing these words felt sweet in Xia Yu's heart.

To the ears of Wang Jing and several directors, it felt like the cold of three winters, bone-chilling...

(Second update)

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