Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 654: I am the biggest relationship

"This, it's over!"

Wang Jing and others knew that the company's problems had been exposed a lot due to the rant just now. If we follow this clue, the backlog of problems of the Jade Mining Group will be exposed. This new chairman is obviously not a veteran.

At first glance, he looks like a young man with good ideas.

I'm afraid it won't be easy in the future.

But the most urgent problem to deal with now is Dong Fang, this idiot.

If it weren't for this trigger, they wouldn't be in the frightened situation they are in now! ?


Dong Fang also felt that his time was running out, and his face turned pale, and he wanted to beg Ye Yang to forgive him.

However, Ye Yang obviously would not give any chance to such a person who touched the bottom line. He directly said in a cold voice: "You guys who use power for personal gain and deceive others will never come to the company again!"


Dong Fang said angrily: "Why! This is unfair! You can't do whatever you want just because you are the chairman!"


Xia Yu and others were stunned, why did this scene seem so familiar!

"There is nothing wrong with Miss Xia Yu's work, but you still want to show off your authority. You have done so many bad things that violate your conscience, and you are quite justified!"

"That's it! Who do you think you are! Just a small manager, how dare you disagree with the chairman's decision! Who gave you the courage?"

Without Ye Yang opening his mouth, Wang Jing and others stood up and angrily attacked each other.


Dong Fang was dumbfounded. He thought that several old directors must be very unhappy when Ye Yang suddenly interfered. He was helping them vent their anger by criticizing Ye Yang. Maybe these former directors could help him.

It turned out to be a good thing, they were so loyal to the new chairman! ?

This was beyond his expectation.

However, he did not dare to attack the original directors. After all, he knew their backgrounds very well and did not dare to offend them at all.

"Haha, Mr. Ye, you've only been in the company for a day! You haven't even figured out the company yet. I suggest you don't fire me, otherwise you won't be able to bear the consequences!"

Dong Fang sneered.

"Really? Then tell me, what will be the consequences?"

Ye Yang asked playfully.

"Although you are the chairman, this is too much of a jade mining group. It is a group of several families behind it! To put it bluntly, you are just an outsider! Feel free to receive your equity dividends! Don't try to cause trouble here!"

Dong Fang sneered: "What does it mean to be rich!? Looking at the capital, there are millions of people with money! When you are walking outside, you must know how to be respectful!"

"Shut up!!!"

"Shut up!!!"

Several directors were completely panicked and wanted to punch him to death.

If it is someone else who acquires equity with money, they don't care at all. Relying on the influence of several families within the group, they can ignore whatever equity you have.

After all, the senior executives are all from several of their families. If no one listens to the orders given, there is nothing they can do.

However, they have checked Ye Yang's details!

Even with the joint efforts of several major families, they have only found out the broad outlines, and the final core secret has not yet been revealed.

In the end, the top talkers in the major families issued orders, and they were never allowed to disobey the new chairman's orders.

Several of the top talkers have spoken. How dare they, those connected people who were brought in by the family, dare to behave like monsters! ?

At this time, seeing Dong Fang, who didn't know how to live or die, dared to jump like this, they were all furious.

Although they have made regular arrangements to make people in the company respect the new chairman.

However, it was obvious that this guy didn't listen at all.

At yesterday's ideological work meeting of the welcoming group, Wang Jing emphasized it again. However, it is obvious that Dong Fang's level is too low and he is not qualified to join the welcoming group.

They also didn't expect that the first thing the new chairman would do when he came was to visit the company to understand the public sentiment...

Misstep, misstep!

Ye Yang narrowed his eyes. Yu Momo had probably already investigated the relationship behind the jade mining group for him.

He fully understood what Dong Fang meant by what he said.

But he came here today to tell everyone that from now on, the Jade Mining Group will change!

If you want to achieve this goal, it is the best choice to kill the chicken and scare the monkey by killing the Arrancar!

"You mean, the most influential person in the Jade Mining Group has the final say?"

Ye Yang asked calmly, waving his hand to stop several directors who wanted to send people to kick Dong Fang out.



"He means it."

It seems that the new chairman is determined to use Dong Fang as a chicken and kill him like monkeys like them.

These directors all knew the reason why Ye Yang stopped them, so they could only lie down and die, while watching coldly how capable Dong Fang was of committing suicide...

"Of course!!!"

Dong Fang laughed confidently: "The entire jade mining group has been here for so many years! Who do you think you are? You think you are the boss after you spend a few dollars to control individual stocks!? Shit! Just a casual word behind my family's back, I can get you out of this position!"


Several directors were covering their faces, just wanting to see how stupid he could be, when these words almost made them angry.

"You've been kicked in the head by a donkey!"

"We are sitting on the board of directors because of our connections. How can someone sit on the chairman's seat just because of money!?"

They are all complaining madly in their hearts.

But it can't be said clearly.

They could only shout: "Do you think the chairman can sit in this position just by spending money!"

"You can't imagine how powerful and profound the chairman is!"

"Get out! The company doesn't need a fool like you!!!"

Several directors shouted.


Dong Fang laughed, knowing that he would definitely not stay in the jade mine. He was just preparing to disgust Ye Yang before leaving.

"Let's go! I have a big family background, so it's easy for me to find a job. You old guys don't have any courage at all. You scared a young man like this. It's really funny! I feel that I am not appreciated in this company! Haha... You don't need to drive me away. I will leave by myself!!!"

Dong Fang felt that he was extremely free and easy.

He must look handsome.


Ye Yang sneered: "Then I promise you, with my connections, you won't be able to find a second job in Beijing, not to mention the whole of China!"


Dong Fang instantly felt that things were not as simple as he thought, but he still said stubbornly: "Who do you think you are! And the whole of China!? Stop bragging!"

"Not only can you not find a job, I promise you that the rest of your life will be miserable."

Ye Yang waved his hand lightly.

I was too lazy to say more to this kind of trash, just looked at the high-level group behind Wang Jing in the back, and said lightly: "I know you all admire connections and are used to speaking with connections, so today, I will clearly inform you that from now on, in the Jade Mine Group, I am the biggest connection!!!"

(First update)

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