Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 655: Sensible Director Wang Jing

"I am the biggest relationship!"

This was a powerful statement.

All the directors and senior executives were shocked. Obviously, it was impossible for the future Jade Mine Company to deceive subordinates and hide the truth from superiors and eat empty salaries like before!

This new chairman is a bit overbearing!

The key is that he still has strength!

He said that he is the biggest relationship, and there is no way to refute it...

"I can't control what you did in the past. From today on, if I see any bad phenomena in the company again, get out of here!"

Ye Yang looked at Dong Fang, whose face was a little pale: "And you, now, immediately, get out!!!"

After the words fell, Dong Fang was frightened by the terrifying momentum and fell to the ground.

The security guards who were ready to go next to him couldn't wait any longer, and rushed up directly, lifted Dong Fang up, and then took him out and threw him at the door.

Related things were also thrown out directly!


Xia Yu and others watched from the side, stunned the whole time.

This is really being stunned by the handsomeness!

They always thought that "stunningly handsome" was an exaggerated adjective until they experienced it with their own eyes today.

Too strong!!!

Originally, they thought that the manager who made things difficult for them and had connections behind him was a mountain that weighed down on them and made them breathless.

However, such a big villain was just a speck of dust in front of Ye Yang.

Destroying him has nothing to do with him!

The most satisfying thing is that Ye Yang used the same reason as this big villain to punish him.

Treating him the way he treats himself!!!

Isn't this too considerate of Xia Yu's feelings? !

He is simply a super warm man!

They found that they were more and more envious and admired this man...

Wang Jing rolled his eyes, wanting to quickly change the awkward atmosphere on the scene and make the chairman happy. He turned his eyes to Xia Yu and couldn't help but said repeatedly: "It seems that our board of directors doesn't have a secretary now!"

"I think our board of directors should directly vote to let Miss Xia Yu be the liaison secretary of the entire board of directors!"

"Yes! Seconds!"

The eyes of the other directors all lit up and said repeatedly.

"Liaison secretary?"

Xia Yu's eyes showed a trace of confusion.

"It is a person who specifically connects the chairman and the board of directors to communicate and discuss matters. He has great power. As long as he holds the seal granted by the chairman, he can generally act on behalf of the chairman in the company. Moreover, he only needs to be responsible to the chairman and provide personal service every day! There is no other work."

Wang Jing said repeatedly.

"Ah, right, right! This is good! This is good!"

The other directors are all old hands, and they instantly understand what Wang Jing means. They all help and go with the flow.

It's just that this liaison secretary is generally elected by the board of directors to check and balance the chairman.

But now that Ye Yang is the only one in power, it is impossible to check and balance. It is better to do him a favor and give the secretary job directly to his girlfriend.

Isn't it wonderful?

"The job is easy, and the salary is ten times your current basic salary. Performance bonus and share are all calculated separately!!!"

Wang Jing said repeatedly.

"Really, really!?"

The other sisters were drooling after hearing this. This is too good!

A black chicken turned into a phoenix directly!


It should be a white swan turned into a phoenix!

Easy work, and so much money! ! !

"Alas! Sister Xia Yu is done now!"

"Too powerful!"

"We will have a big thigh to hug in the future."

The sisters were all laughing, and they were happy for Xia Yu in their hearts.

"Well. Since the board of directors agrees, let's do it this way."

Ye Yang nodded and looked at Wang Jing. Although this old man is not good at doing serious work, he is very experienced in doing things like pushing the boat with the current and giving favors.

In any case, this move won his heart.


Seeing Ye Yang's satisfied look, Wang Jing was obviously very proud.

Damn, I finally did something that satisfied the chairman! So proud!!!

"Then shall we continue to shop?"

Wang Jing asked repeatedly.

"Let's go, and clear up the basic problems."

Ye Yang nodded.

"Ahem, then as the liaison secretary, Xia Yu, you should also come with us, and get familiar with the business by the way."

Wang Jing quickly waved to Xia Yu.

This is the chairman's girlfriend. Although I don't know which one she is, she is still close to the chairman. It is definitely right to treat her well.

"Ah!? Me! Good!"

Xia Yu obviously hasn't fully adapted to the change in her identity for a while. She was stunned for a while, and then hurried in.

Before today, she didn't dare to imagine that she could walk among these big guys.

Her social status didn't know how many levels she had risen in just a few minutes...

Soon, Ye Yang finished shopping in the entire company.

Along the way, he did not show any mercy to any bad behavior he saw, and directly eliminated it with thunderous means.

This reckless punishment made everyone tremble.

It seems that the days when the second-generation rich who do not understand the business at all and come here to bully others are gone forever...

The atmosphere of the entire company seems to have changed a lot in just a few hours.

Many managers and second-generation rich are learning and improving themselves.

The whole company is in a harmonious scene.

The rotten atmosphere that I just came in with soon dissipated...

"Well, that's it."

Ye Yang finally finished his inspection.

The directors all breathed a sigh of relief.

That's great!

It's finally over.

"Everyone should go and handle their own affairs. The potential and energy of the Jade Mine Group is far more than that. I want our profits to double every ten years."

Ye Yang said lightly.


Wang Jing knew very well that with the potential of the Jade Mine Group, it was not difficult to double the profits. It only required everyone to go to get off work on time and do their own work well in class.

However, as a gathering place for second-generation rich people, can everyone have such work enthusiasm?

"According to the current salary standard of the company, the salary will increase by a corresponding ratio for every increase in profit. If it doubles, it will double!"

Ye Yang said lightly: "If you can't do your job well and still want to be a second-generation rich man in the company, don't blame me for being ruthless."


If this is the case, then everyone's enthusiasm will suddenly soar!

Several directors breathed a sigh of relief. According to the calculation method of salary increase, performance and bonus, most people will still work actively.

"If there is anyone who is dissatisfied with my management, whether it is to find his grandfather or his great-grandfather, I will accompany him to the end."

Ye Yang said lightly: "However, whether these old guys can withstand my tossing in the end, you can judge for yourself!"

(Second update)

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