"Hey! Isn't this Xiao Ye?"

Aunt Zhang looked at Ye Yang in surprise and said enthusiastically:"Didn't you graduate?"

"Isn't this just like your and Uncle Zhang's craftsmanship?"

Ye Yang smiled.

"You are still so sweet, boy."

Aunt Zhang laughed and said,"Okay, wait, I will grill it for you right away!" The three people who had just followed Ye Yang, some female classmates who wanted to see the handsome guy, and some male classmates who wanted to see the beautiful girls, all swarmed and occupied every seat at the barbecue stall.

"Ahem, boss, give me some barbecue!"

"Me too……"

Aunt Zhang was also confused. What was going on? Why was the business so good tonight?

Uncle Zhang was busy at the side, smiling but not saying anything. Men naturally understand men best...

After a while, the barbecue and beer were served.

"Ah! I just saw you, Xiaoye. When did you get to date two such beautiful girls?"

As soon as Aunt Zhang said this, all the boys sitting around pricked up their ears.

Everyone wanted to learn how he got such amazing beauties, and two of them at that!

This skill made them drool!


Ye Yang scratched his head and pretended to be puzzled for a while.

"Speak quickly!"

The boys beside him were scratching their heads anxiously.

"Maybe it’s because… I’m too handsome!"

Ye Yang laughed.




All the boys were instantly discouraged. They had to admit that Ye Yang was really handsome. They couldn't learn such innate hardware conditions even if they wanted to.……

""Pfft...you are still so naughty!"

Aunt Zhang covered her mouth and laughed. She had not seen Ye Yang for a long time. At this time, she couldn't help but ask about his recent situation:"Xiao Ye, it has been half a year since you graduated. Is your job stable?"

"Work?"Ye Yang scratched his head.

The eyes of the girls beside him all lit up. The more perfect the male god is, the better! There are dreams to be made at night.


Some of the guys who had just complained about the evil capitalism also perked up.

Just by being handsome, he could get two such awesome girls! ? And they even asked them out at the same time! ?

They didn't believe it!

It was probably... no, it was 100% because he was rich! ?

"I quit my job."

Ye Yang said with a smile


"Am I right? Who would bring their girlfriend to a snack stand if they have money? Why not go to a western restaurant or a big restaurant?"

The boys just now sneered and said,"You can tell at first glance that he is a scumbag with sweet words!"

"Then why did you take me to eat at a snack stand? Are you also a scumbag! And a poor scumbag with no money!"

The girlfriend next to him said indignantly

"I, I'm different... I haven't graduated yet!"

The boy scratched his head awkwardly, mocking the other party for burying him in the pit.……

"Oh, sweet talk!!!" the girlfriend said angrily

"Tsk! No way! He doesn’t even have a job! He can date two beautiful women just by having a handsome face! Oh my god!!! Give me a knife!"

"The singles expressed strong indignation!

The single boys on the side were angry and sad in their hearts.

"I don't care about either of them, so can I be the third one?……"

The pretty girls present were eager to try.

Aunt Zhang frowned when she heard this:"Xiao Ye! We young people can't be too ambitious! Only with a job can we live a good life. Even if we are wronged, we can't give up halfway!"

"Yeah, I see, Aunt Zhang.

Ye Yang knew that Aunt Zhang was doing this for his own good.

"So, why did you quit your job?

Aunt Zhang asked, still a little worried.

"Because I bought that company."

Ye Yang replied with a smile on his face.


Silence, the whole place was silent.

Even Aunt Zhang was stunned:"Is this true, Xiao Ye! You said that the company was worth several billion, right? Did you buy it?"

Ye Yang nodded:"It's not quite right to say that I bought it, I became a major shareholder."

Zhang Wanmin didn't have 500 million in cash, so he naturally used shares to pay off his debts.

Now he is the largest shareholder of Wanmin Software Company besides Zhang Wanmin.

So, it's not a lie to say that he bought the company.


"Ahhh! It's capitalism after all!"

The boys around were dumbfounded.

Is this human language?

I quit! Why? Because this company is mine now...

Fuck! You are such a pretentious person!

The boyfriends present almost vomited blood.

"Look, the major shareholder of the company brought his girlfriend to eat at the barbecue stall! You poor bastards are still mocking him! Humph! If you had his temperament, you would have been rich a long time ago!"

The girlfriends compared their boyfriends with Ye Yang and immediately felt that they were at a loss. They complained repeatedly

"Ahem... What a sin I did! I should have taken my girlfriend and left! I actually came to watch others show off.……"

Boyfriends are all bitter

"Maybe he's just bragging.……"

They can only comfort their girlfriends in this way

"Haha, the girls are not blind. How can she go out with him if she has no money and there are two such beautiful girls?"

"Do you think everyone is as superficial and materialistic as you?"

The boyfriend was so angry that he said the truth that he had been holding back.

"What did you say? Say it again!"

The girlfriend was exposed and became angry.

"Hey, there's no need for us to have a conflict over a liar. Hey, calm down. I'll take you shopping for a bag tomorrow.……"

The boy apologized repeatedly.

Ye Yang was afraid that Aunt Zhang would not believe him, so he took out the key of the Rolls-Royce:"Aunt Zhang, if you still don't believe me, this is my new car."

(If you like this book, please leave a five-star review and give me a reward. Thank you, Jiuyang. Hehe~ If your grades can go up, I will buy you a car next time.���I will update more! I have four chapters a day now, so I am considered a diligent author on Tomato~

PS: If you like online games, you can read the author's old book: Online Games: I Have Countless Evolution Points.

There will be another chapter in the evening, so I will go to write! )

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