
Aunt Zhang took a deep breath.

Living in Shanghai, luxury cars are everywhere, and everyone knows more or less about the key information of luxury cars.

"What is this... a car that you will never live with, right?"

Aunt Zhang thought for a while before she said uncertainly.

Ye Yang couldn't help but smile and corrected her:"It's a Rolls-Royce."

"Oh, yes, yes! Rolls-Royce!"

Aunt Zhang patted her head and said with a smile

"What else do you have to say now!"

The girlfriend next to him was very happy when she heard that she could get a bag for free.

But when she saw Ye Yang took out the car key of Rolls-Royce, she was instantly furious!

How could her boyfriend be so rubbish!

At most, he would buy her a bag, but he took out a Rolls-Royce!!!

"Oh shit……"

My boyfriend's face was burning, as if he had been slapped in the face again. He had to grit his teeth and said,"It's just a lighter! I've seen the same one on Taobao! Damn!""


Originally, Xiao Qingxuan thought it was fun to watch this gold-digging couple fighting.

But this time, she was a little angry.

She asked Ye Yang for the Rolls-Royce key and pressed the

"Ding ding!"

In the distance, a heavy Rolls-Royce suddenly opened, and the dazzling lights shone. Even from hundreds of meters away, people could clearly feel what a top luxury car was!


At this moment, no one dared to laugh anymore.

Everyone was stunned.

Some people who knew about cars even exclaimed:

"That's not an ordinary Rolls-Royce! That's a Rolls-Royce Phantom!!!"

"Rolls-Royce Phantom? Very valuable?"

"Starting at 40 million! If it is the top configuration, it will probably sell for 50 or 60 million!!!"


"Oh shit!"


Everyone present exclaimed


The girlfriend was so furious:"You rubbish man! You even mocked me as a lighter! Haha, I think you are a lighter!"

After saying that, she picked up the bag her boyfriend bought for her and turned away angrily.

"Hey! ? Tingting?! Don't go!"

The licking dog boyfriend saw that his girlfriend was angry, and stumbled after her.

"Ah! I'm so envious! A Rolls-Royce worth tens of millions! He's so young, he must be a super rich second generation! I want to be a big boss in the future!"

"Just you!? I think it's more like being a glutton, hahaha……"

"Tsk...won't you let me dream?"

"There is no comparison, he is rich and handsome, even a man like me would want to marry him! Not to mention these two beauties!"

The handsome boys are starting to get interested

"Eh... so disgusting."

The boy next to him said with disdain.

"Don't you think so?" the handsome boy said contemptuously.

"Um... cough cough cough……"

The companion who disliked the handsome boy blushed and buried his head in eating.……

"It seems that Xiao Ye, you have really made a fortune! Originally, I was thinking that if you come over again, I would introduce you to a girl. Alas... It seems that Aunt Zhang is no longer necessary. She is not worthy of you!"

Aunt Zhang looked at Ye Yang with some regret and envy.

If her son had one tenth of Ye Yang's... no, one percent of his potential, they would not have to work hard at such an old age, setting up a stall outside in the cold winter and hot summer, day and night!

Ye Yang nodded, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

""Alas...you guys eat first! I'll get busy!"

Aunt Zhang just complained to her son a little, then she sorted out her thoughts and got busy again... Who let them be parents?

No matter how bad their children are, they are their own children.


Ye Yang looked at Aunt Zhang's back, and felt a little emotional. He thought of his parents.……

"In a few days, it’s time to go back to see my parents."

Now he has achieved ultimate financial freedom. He has endless money to spend even if he just lies down. Of course, he has to find a way to really change the conditions at home.……

"What's wrong, boss?"

Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu have been orphans since childhood, relying on each other for survival. They are not sensitive to fatherly and motherly love, so they don't understand what Ye Yang is thinking at this time.

"Nothing, cheers!"

Ye Yang picked up the beer bottle, clinked glasses with the two girls, and drank the beer in the glass. The boys and girls around knew that such a rare talent was not worthy of them, so they ate quietly and occasionally glanced at Ye Yang and the other two to feast their eyes.

Just when they were full of food and drink, a black Toyota Prado rushed into the snack street.

The snack street had narrow aisles and was crowded.

This Prado car, as its name suggests, drove arrogantly and domineeringly. It came in with the window open, stopped next to each stall, and stretched out its hand.

The stall owner had to smile and hand over different amounts of money with both hands.

If the amount was not satisfactory, the Prado would not drive away and would stretch out his hand from the window again.

"here we go again……"

Ye Yang frowned, not accustomed to such behavior.

He had seen it many times when he was in college.

However, the city management swept the streets in the name of cleaning up the city, and the vendors had to give them money so that they would not overturn their stalls.

It was called"city management tips".

But in essence, in Ye Yang's eyes, what was the difference between it and the protection fees collected by the gangsters in the past! ?

(I guess someone will say it's unrealistic again... But this is what the author has seen with his own eyes. Novels are based on reality, but reality is often beyond novels. It's just that some things in reality are very euphemistic~)

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