"Are the city management here collecting security fees? Oh, it doesn't look like that from the car?" someone muttered.

"Are you a freshman? The city management here was reported before, and now they hire relatives to collect the money. If something goes wrong, someone will protect you, and if nothing goes wrong, you can also share the money."

A student who is obviously used to it explained

"Oh my god, can you play like this? Six!"

Obviously, everyone is used to this kind of thing. Although some people are not used to it, they don't say much.


The Toyota Prado quickly drove to the front of the barbecue stall:"Hmm?"

A big hand with a gold watch stretched out from it.

"Haha, Brother Zhou... you're still working hard to come out and collect money so late.……"

Uncle Zhang smiled and handed over the tip he had prepared long ago.


A doubtful voice came from inside the car, and he stretched out his hand again.

Uncle Zhang was in a dilemma, but he still took out a few red bills and stuffed them in.

"Huh! ?"

Brother Zhou snorted coldly and stretched out his hand again.

"Brother Zhou...you……"

Uncle Zhang's face changed.

"You're fully booked here, you must make several thousand dollars a night, right? You just want to get away with just a few hundred dollars?"

Brother Zhou frowned, obviously dissatisfied.

"I want to make a profit too.……"

Although Uncle Zhang wanted to complain, he dared not speak, so he had to stuff a few more red bills in.

Well, basically he worked for nothing for half the night.……


Brother Zhou nodded in satisfaction:"That's good enough. I wish you a prosperous business."

Then, he started up again and prepared to go to the next stall.

Ye Yang looked at this scene and shook his head. This is the way of survival in the snack street. It has always been like this. Even if he doesn't like it and beats up the other party, or even uses his connections to get rid of the people behind him, there will be another Brother Wang, Brother Bao, etc. to collect the money.

He is not often here, so naturally he can't always manage it.


As soon as the Toyota Prado started, a burst of laughter came from inside the car and it stopped.


Uncle Zhang's heart trembled. Why didn't he leave? Were you still not satisfied with the money?

"Hey? That pretty boy over there?"

Brother Zhou leaned half of his body out of the car, raised his chin, and pointed at where Ye Yang was.


Xiao Qingxuan felt the other party's ill intentions, and a cold light instantly gathered in her eyes.

Xiao Xiaozhu also subconsciously began to prepare poison.


Ye Yang's heart moved, and he felt a little embarrassed. Would the underworld see that his beautiful bodyguard was too pretty and wanted to rape her?

This was too vulgar!

But it was not impossible. After all, the three of them were sitting in a group of students, and they were indeed too conspicuous.

"Oh my god... I didn't know these two girls were so pretty."

Originally, the two girls had their backs to him, so Brother Zhou didn't pay much attention to them.

However, times have changed, and they don't dare to do things like robbing women in the street.

Otherwise, once they are exposed on the Internet, they will have a hard time under the heat of public opinion.……

"Damn it, I'm drooling just looking at it, it was better in the past few years, I could do whatever I wanted!"

Brother Zhou cursed secretly in his heart, but a smile appeared on his face:"You little white face, my sister likes you, get in the car and go with me, you will have a share of the money tonight!"


Ye Yang was confused.

It turned out that they were not looking for the two beautiful bodyguards around him, but for his own...

That's right, he suddenly remembered that Chinese law only protects girls, and boys are not held legally responsible if they are raped.

So, the underworld has now changed from robbing women to robbing decent women and men! ?

"Fuck... I suddenly felt a little dangerous. Luckily I hired two beautiful bodyguards……"

Ye Yang sneered in his heart


The students on the side were also confused. This script was a bit off!

They had originally planned to watch the gangster rape her, and had their phones out to record the video.

But he ended up falling for the rich second generation!?

Oh my god……

"My lord, times have changed!"


The college students nearby were all shocked by this scene.

"Your sister?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows:"Where is your sister?"

The car door opened.

A short, fat, red-haired girl smiled at him and winked.


Ye Yang just drank a sip of wine, and the moment he saw the other party, he sprayed it out……

"Just now I was envious of this guy for being rich and handsome, but now I suddenly feel sympathy for him……"

"This short and fat girl, and this old black man...Fuck, they are really the best……"

The college students on the side all covered their faces.

No wonder this old girl was so hungry/thirsty that she had to snatch a man on the street. It turns out that her own hardware conditions are so poor.……

"What the hell do you mean!"

Brother Zhou kicked open the car door. He was used to being aggressive in the snack street, but tonight, someone actually dared to laugh at his sister!?

Although she was a little ugly, it was not like he didn't pay for it!?

"Haha, don't you see how ugly you are? How dare you covet my husband's body?"

Xiao Xiaozhu continued to play the role of a temporary girlfriend.

"That's it!"

Xiao Qingxuan hugged the short and fat girl again, giving her a double critical hit

"Brother!!! They...they humiliated me……"

The short and fat little girl started crying.

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