Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 664: 80 billion top submarine? Arriving soon

"As expected of Brother Ye, he is so strong!"

All the rich second generation are envious.

After eating, the rich second generation all proposed to have some fun.

"Brother Ye, are you going?"

A group of rich second-generation people had just been educated by Ye Yang, and their hearts were burning with pretense, and they all wanted to show off quickly.

"Brother Ye, although you are awesome, we are having fun!"

"That's right!"


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. How could these second-generation rich people be so confident?

"Okay, what do you want to play?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Those young rich second generations are all racing cars and bigger boats. Our young masters in the capital are already completely out of touch with the ground and water!"

A young man from the capital raised his eyebrows proudly and laughed.

“Not on the road and on the sea, but in the sky?”

Ye Yang asked with raised eyebrows.

"Tch, those are just things that we are tired of playing. Now we are even more powerful than we are!"

The rich second generation kept talking.

"This is interesting."

Ye Yang also became interested: "Then what is your project?"

“Deep Sea Fishing!”

Several rich second generations said with great pride.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"It's a submarine!"

"Nowadays, sports cars, yachts, airplanes, etc. have all matured in technology. Only submarines, even China's Jiaolong, one of the most advanced working submarines in the world, can only explore to a depth of eight thousand meters."

"And the Mariana Trench, the deepest known trench in the world, has been explored for more than 10,000 meters!!! There are also bottomless cracks below."

"So, the world has not yet reached its peak level in terms of submarines."

"We will compete with each other to see who can catch creatures from deeper waters, whose submarine will be stronger!"

A group of wealthy second-generation people joined in the conversation.

"Then let's go to the Mariana Trench to compete?"

Ye Yang felt that it was a bit too much trouble.


When it comes to this, the rich second generation are obviously extremely embarrassed: "Brother Ye, you may not know much about it. The cost of building a submarine is not comparable to that of sports cars and airplanes. After all, we are just the rich second generation, so we can only play rubbish." But even this kind of submarine is priced at over a billion! And this kind of submarine can only dive down to 1,800 meters..."

"That's right!"

"It is enough for us to find a sea area with a maximum depth of three thousand meters, because the performance of our submarines is simply not enough."


Ye Yang suddenly realized.

It turns out that playing yachts has been eliminated in the circle of rich second-generation people who know how to play, and they have started playing submarines.

He casually checked the price of the submarine.

I found that the ones that are slightly better start from tens of billions.

The most expensive submarines are important weapons of great powers and cost hundreds of billions to build, let alone sell.

Impossible to sell!

The combined assets of some of these second-generation rich families are not enough to cover the cost of building a house, let alone cash.

And as the second generation, it is impossible to control too much wealth.

The top rich second generation like Qin Feng only has tens of billions in his hands, and he can't even afford a top-grade submarine.

Of course the most important thing is that you can’t buy it.

Advanced submarine technology is the core secret of all major powers and cannot be bought with money.

They were just too rich, and they were tired of playing with airplanes, yachts, and sports cars, so they just slapped their heads and came up with this proposal.

"We can just find a nearby place on the high seas that meets the conditions and has an island, and then take a plane there."

Someone suggested.

"How about staying at the same place?"

Wang Xiaocong asked.


All the second-generation rich people went to fly their own planes.

Ye Yang thought for a while.

With his current relationship, he can actually borrow the most core and high-end submarines.

However, he is not a person who likes to borrow things by nature.

After all, if you borrow it, you have to pay it back, so buy it directly.

After thinking for a while, he made a call.


Soon, the person on the other side picked up.

That's right, Ye Yang's call was made directly to the hurricane security headquarters.

"Is there a submarine? Bring me one. I'll send you the address in a moment."

Ye Yang said calmly.

"Boss, are you in any danger again!!! Our intelligence network did not issue an alert!!!"

The people over there were obviously panicking. Hurricane's intelligence network was at the level of a superpower, so there was no way it could go wrong!

If there is a problem with the boss, he should know it immediately!

"No, I just want the submarine to be useful."

Ye Yang said dumbfounded.


The other party was obviously relieved, and then asked repeatedly: "Boss, what type of submarine do you want? We have nuclear submarines of all levels 'purchased' through superpower channels. No matter which target we want to hit, we can..."

"Uh, stop, stop, stop. I just want a deep-sea fishing submarine..."

Ye Yang sweated violently.

As expected of hurricane security, the entry point is so violent.

Ask directly which model of nuclear submarine you want...

"Oh, is it the kind of scientific research submarine that wants to dive deep?"

He thought for a while: "We just spent 80 billion a few months ago to purchase a research submarine that is the world's top level. Its working depth can reach 7,000 meters. If the boss is not satisfied, We can go rob it right away... ah no, buy one of the top 8,000-meter class."

"...Did I let this slip by accident?"

Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but the cash flow of Hurricane Security was really terrifying. While supporting that level of military weapons, it could also casually take out more than 80 billion to purchase scientific research submarines.

This strength, in Europe, would crush almost most countries.

Although he was the boss of Hurricane, the financial part of Hurricane, after the establishment of the black technology company, was managed by those AIs.

Money was just a number to him, so he didn't care too much.

"It seems that I missed at least one zero that time..."

He muttered in his heart.

"Boss, do you need an 8,000-meter level? We will deploy the plan immediately..."

"Well, no, this is enough, let's take this."

Ye Yang said repeatedly.


After asking for the address, he repeatedly assured: "Boss, please rest assured, we will drive there immediately!"


Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Fortunately, he spoke quickly, otherwise he didn't know which 8,000-meter-class submarine would disappear from the arsenal of a beautiful country...


After Ye Yang dealt with the submarine problem, he called F2000.


Xia Yu, who was about to ask Ye Yang if he had a submarine, was stunned.

This... is this a plane?

This is a spaceship, right? ?

This shape is too sci-fi!

"When you get on it, you will feel more sci-fi."

Ye Yang laughed and patted Xia Yu's little head.


Xia Yu suffered too many shocks today. At this time, I have to say that I can accept this kind of shock a little...

"Humph! I will never be shocked by you again!!!"

(Second update)

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