Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 664 Nuclear submarines, four

On the F1000, Ye Yang and Xia Yu were lying on the maintenance bed, and the beautiful flight attendant was carefully applying olive oil to them.

In-flight spa has become a must-have item every time you take a private jet.

I have to say that doing it in the sky is countless times more enjoyable than doing it on the ground.

So cool!

Ye Yang felt the massage of his small hands on various parts of his body, feeling that his muscles and bones were extremely smooth.

He looked very comfortable.


Not long after, the F1000 arrived at the predetermined location.

On an island somewhere in the high seas, a group of rich second generations were waiting.

In order to experience a complete spa, Ye Yang specifically ordered the F1000 to drive slower.

"Brother Ye hasn't arrived yet. I don't know what to enjoy in heaven."

Wang Xiaocong has seen Ye Yang's car. It is an advanced spaceship. If it wants to fly faster than the conventional private jet they have, it can be at least twice as fast.

It hasn't arrived yet, so it's obviously doing something in the sky.

"Hey, does Brother Ye have a submarine?"

Some rich second generation asked.

Submarines are very expensive, and generally people would not buy them without a special purpose.

Although they do not doubt the financial strength of Ye Yang, who is respected by both Wang Silin and Mark Jin, it has nothing to do with whether he has a submarine in his hand.

"I don't know either, but with Brother Ye's strength, even if you haven't bought it yet, if you want to borrow it, you can easily get it."

Qin Feng said that he had personally seen Ye Yang call countless submarines and armed helicopters on the Parrot. The fear that shocked his spine and chilled him still exists to this day.

"Let's just take advantage of this unpreparedness and possibly win against Brother Ye."

"If we wait until Brother Ye is ready, we can still compete."

Wang Xiaocong curled his lips and said.

"That's right..."

A group of rich second generation people are all connected.

One after another, their submarines were also in place.

In the waters surrounding the entire island, more than a dozen submarines surfaced, quite impressive!

Just as their discussion was getting heated.

In the sky, a huge shadow fell.


What the hell.

All the second-generation rich people looked at the plane landing in the sky in confusion.

" this a spaceship?"

"Let me go, whose car is this!?"

"Brother Ye is not here now, it should be Brother Ye's."

"Damn, this kind of aircraft is simply unheard of and unseen. As expected of Brother Ye! It's awesome!"


"But why does it feel like this plane is going to crash into the sea?"

"You're not going to lose control and hit us to death, are you?"


Many rich second generations are in shock and uncertainty.

The F1000 deforms directly in the air.

It landed smoothly on the sea and turned into a large sea ship.




The whole audience was stunned.

"Holy shit! Transformers!"

"Shit! This is clearly a seamless switch between the Decepticon and Autobot forms!"

"What kind of black technology is this!"

"I'm so jealous, damn it! It's amazing! If this spaceship were sold, it would cost more than 10 billion!"


All the rich second generation people were dumbfounded on the spot.

This kind of thing that only exists in science fiction movies is actually a product that has been created in reality! ?

Wang Xiaocong and Qin Feng looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

They were all surprised.

Brother Ye, who is that?

Even if one day Ye Yang tells them that he is actually a superhero, more powerful than Captain America, silently guarding China's justice, they will not be shocked...

After all, this is an existence that can destroy the army of a great power with just one phone call! ! !

Captain America is nothing!

I almost never fought Hydra...

When the end comes, I have to shout "Long live Hydra!"


The hatch opens.

Ye Yang took Xia Yu out of the spacecraft.

"It was done in the air for a while, which wasted time. Everyone has been waiting for a long time."

Ye Yang smiled.

"Haha, I understand everything!"

"Brother Ye is awesome!"

“After seeing this scene, it’s worth waiting for another ten days!!!”


All the second-generation rich people quickly cheered.

"Are all your submarines in place?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and looked around.

Quite cool.

For the sake of face, these second-generation rich people seem to beg their father to spend at least several billion to purchase this kind of submarine.

In order to show off, he tried his best.

"Brother Ye, your submarine..."

"Isn't it this spaceship?"

The rich second generation all asked foolishly.

If you could fly, sail, and go into the sea, that would be too high-tech, right?

"Ah, the F1000 does have the ability to submerge, but it only seems to be about five hundred to one thousand meters at most. I won't use it this time."

Ye Yang said with a smile.


The rich second generation are all crazy.

This is human talk! ?

That’s it?

Some of the submarines they invested heavily in can conduct scientific research operations at a depth of about five hundred meters.

Qin Feng, the most awesome person present, spent nearly 10 billion to buy a super-submarine at a sky-high price, which can only dive a little more than a thousand meters.

It’s only five hundred to one thousand meters!

People say no! ?

The key is that this is a Transformer that can transform from an airplane to a large ship and then to a submarine!

Not only can it transform, but it is also so awesome in three forms. It is simply super black technology!

"Since your submarines are in place, I should also show my yacht."

Ye Yang made a phone call: "Is it here?"

"I have been diving and waiting for a long time. I can show up at any time, boss!"

A capable voice came from the other side, obviously from a military background.

"Okay, come out!"

Ye Yang himself is also very much looking forward to it. After all, it is a vehicle worth 80 billion, which is considered his second most expensive ship.

The most expensive one is the Parrot, which is said to be worth 200 billion US dollars, which is about 1.3 trillion Chinese yuan, but it is expensive because of its added value.

The value of the ship itself is actually greatly reduced.

The estimated cost is about 150 billion Chinese yuan.

"Is Brother Ye's submarine finally going to appear?"

"I don't know what it is."


A group of rich second-generations are looking forward to it.

After all, Ye Yang just said that he didn't want to use his F1000 even if it could dive to 1,000 meters!

This submarine is at least 2,000 meters class! ?

Every 1,000-meter-class dive capability of a submarine will cost a lot more.

Don't think that Qin Feng's upgrade from 1,000-meter class to 2,000-meter class is almost twice as much as other rich second-generations.


Four huge black bows emerged from the water, splashing water.

The powerful hull was pitch black, reflecting a chilling luster.




"Wait, damn! What's the logo under the bow!?"

"A black and yellow three-leaf ionizing radiation logo... Damn..."

All the rich second-generations groaned weakly...

This, this is a nuclear submarine! ! !

And there are four of them! ! !

(First update)

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