Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 665 Dive! Thirty-six-meter giant fin whale

"W-what is going on!!!"

"Holy crap! Four nuclear submarines came out at once? Is this a big country conducting a military exercise?"

"We actually bumped into him. Will they kill us and silence us? I'm so scared!"


A group of rich second-generation people were thinking about everything at this time, and they all felt like they were about to collapse.

These are four nuclear submarines!

You must know that Asan India, the whole country together, including the rented ones, only has three or four nuclear submarines...

The appearance of four nuclear submarines together is enough to be called a superpower military exercise! ! !

This kind of thing happened to me!

He might be killed and silenced!

This is the high seas. No one can tell you the law or reason. If one missile blows up all of you, it will kill you.

"Ahem, what's going on?"

Ye Yang asked on the phone.

"Because the task of bringing the submarine here was personally ordered by you, the boss. The Hurricane Group regards it as the highest-level core task, so it will naturally send out enough military forces to ensure that it is foolproof!"


Ye Yang couldn't laugh or cry. No matter how he said it, four nuclear submarines were too exaggerated!

This can make Asan of India greedy to death.

"No wonder Huanxiang dares to claim that under the Wuchang, all living beings are equal. It's really awesome."

Ye Yang silently gave Hurricane a thumbs up in his heart.

too strong! ! !

Looking at this kind of strength, apart from the five superpowers China, the United States, Russia, Britain and France, which have veto power in the United Nations, no one is afraid of it.

The four major nuclear submarines are in the center.

An extremely high-tech looking submarine emerged from the water.

"Don't panic, everyone. These nuclear submarines are protecting the scientific research submarine in the middle. This scientific research submarine is the submarine I want to use."

Ye Yang said calmly.

Although nuclear submarines have strong strike capabilities, their diving capabilities are not as strong as scientific research submarines that are specially used for deep-water scientific research.

The diving record of a nuclear submarine has not yet broken two thousand meters.

The scientific research submarine has reached the eight-thousand-meter level.

Purely for the purpose of diving into depth, unmanned submersibles have now reached the 10,000-meter level.


"Ah, this, this, this!?"

Everyone was stunned.

Including Xia Yu, who swore not to be shocked by Ye Yang again, was completely confused at this time.

Four nuclear submarines escort! ?

What kind of battle is this! ?

What kind of horror exists! ?

"This, this is really dreamy!"

"Holy crap, Brother Ye's energy has already reached this terrifying level!!!"

"That's so cool!"

"This is worse than a chicken!"

"I seemed to have foreseen the ending before the game even started."

"Does this still matter!? This champion is definitely confirmed..."

All the rich second generation people were crying.

How about such a cross-latitude crushing!

Too cruel!

They thought that Ye Yang would be very strong.

However, it is completely unimaginable for them to be strong at this level.

Simply outrageous! ! !


Ye Yang waved his hand and said: "Haha, since everyone's submarines are ready, let's start the competition."


In this way, a group of rich second-generation people were connected to the submarine by their respective diving teams in a numb and empty state...

Qin Feng and Wang Xiaocong looked at each other, both laughing harder than crying.

Although during the hurricane, I witnessed Ye Yang's ability to summon troops.

However, it is a conventional military weapon after all.

No matter what kind of equipment, if it has the word "core" on it, its value will immediately increase countless times.

In the international arena, the gap between nuclear-weapon countries and non-nuclear-weapon countries is simply that of human beings.

Countries with nuclear weapons have unlimited say wherever they go and are respected by others.

Non-nuclear countries have no deterrent power. If they are willing to talk to you, they will only give you face. When they are not willing, they are worse than pigs and dogs. I don’t know how many miserable small countries have been cut off by the United States, and they have been cut into pieces!

Don't they know? Don't they want to resist?

Without nuclear weapons, the word "resistance" will always be equivalent to a joke in front of countries with nuclear weapons!

Four nuclear submarines are dispatched for Ye Yang at any time! ! !

This concept is simply...

It's too scary!

"It's impossible for a mere major general to have this kind of energy, right?"

"Brother Ye definitely has an extremely core and extremely terrifying identity that is hidden. No one knows about it, but it is so terrifying."

Wang Xiaocong and Qin Feng both broke into cold sweats.

"I, Brother Ye, am simply invincible!"


Mo Zhengzheng didn't buy her own submarine, so she snuck into Ye Yang's submarine to play with him.

"The previous name of this submarine was too ugly, so we unanimously decided to change its name to Taiyi."

On the submarine, scientific researchers from various countries told Ye Yang about the performance and related information of the Taiyi.

This scientific research submarine had a foreign name before it was purchased.

But Mr. Ye, the hurricane, is from China!

Of course you have to give it a Chinese name, otherwise it wouldn’t be appropriate!

Including the current members of the Hurricanes, everyone has learned Chinese.

They scientific researchers are no exception.


Ye Yang nodded: "The name is quite good."

He was also looking forward to the scene in the deep sea.

After all, that is something that ordinary people will never see in their lifetime.

Even when I go to see the animal world, the photos I take usually focus on shallow sea scenery.

The real deep sea, few people in the world have been there...


The submersible was diving.

At 100 meters, it started to get dark.

However, with the submarine's own lights, it was not a problem.

There were blue whales outside, either catching food or lazily floating.

"From here on, the water pressure will become extremely high. On average, the pressure doubles every ten meters. Therefore, for a submersible, let alone a thousand meters, even an extra hundred meters is a technological breakthrough."

Scientists said repeatedly: "It's now 335 meters, which is the deepest depth a human body can dive with diving equipment."

"Five hundred meters..."

The underwater world is not the world on the ground.

Everywhere, there are worlds and creatures.

This magnificent and curious scene is enough to make people who have seen it never forget it for a lifetime!

Xia Yu and Mo Zhengzheng, both girls, looked at it in amazement.

"This scene is absolutely beautiful!"

"Ah! It's a giant squid!"

Mo Zhengzheng exclaimed: "It's so big!!!"

Ye Yang looked over and saw that the giant squid was more than ten meters long. There was no monster-like creature this big on land.

Elephants are no longer than ten meters.


But before he could take a closer look, a super-giant creature suddenly appeared and quickly hunted and ate the giant squid...

"Oh my god, what is so big!"

Ye Yang took a closer look. This suddenly appeared behemoth was more than thirty meters long at first glance! ! !

A real monster of this level, if you don't really see it, you can't feel the terrifying pressure at all!

This is the existence at the top of the chain of biological size on Earth...

(Second update)

Important notice:

This book has a second name "Start with three yuan of Coke, rebate 80 million supercars"

When you see it in the future, just know that it is a book.

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