Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 666 Four Thousand Meters Under the Sea, Fishing! Monster Ball

"This is a fin whale, the second largest whale category in the world. It is usually about 25 meters tall, but this one feels more than 25 meters long. I have to say, boss, you are really lucky."

Several scientific researchers looked at the ferocious hunting whale, with surprise flashing in their eyes: "After measurement, this fin whale is thirty-three meters long, which has broken the previous observation record. This is enough to set a world record." The discovery!”

They were all excited.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yang not only had all the wealth and status points, but also all the luck points!

I followed him down, and just after I dived to 500 meters, I discovered a world record!

This is an incredible discovery for researchers like them.

After taking photos and recording.

The Tai-1 submarine continues to dive...

Soon, we crossed the Khalifa Line.

This is named after the height of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, at a depth of 828 meters.

However, once the thousand-meter-level King's Building is completed, this line will probably be of little use.

"The current depth is one thousand meters, and sunlight can only reach up to here, so this depth is also called the midnight zone."

The scientific researchers repeatedly said: "Around one thousand meters is also the watershed that determines whether a submarine is awesome or not. Those who can dive below a thousand meters are truly awesome!"

After saying that, his face also showed a sense of pride.

After all, Tai-1 can dive not just a thousand meters, but seven thousand meters! ! !

Two thousand meters under the sea, you can see some sea craters on the seabed.

"Hai Volcano!!!"

Xia Yu and Mo Zhengzheng both came over.

I've seen volcanoes in the sea on TV before, and they were always surprising.

After all, according to common sense, water and fire are incompatible, but now in reality there are volcanoes in the deep sea, and they may erupt at any time!

"There are so many shrimps around these craters!"

"Cute and cute, no eyes!"

The two girls looked at it carefully and both said.


The researchers were dumbfounded: "Because there is no light at this depth, these creatures generally don't have eyes."

Following the crack, Tai 1 continued to dive.

Soon we reached a depth of three thousand meters.

"This is the deepest depth that mammals can reach."

The scientific researcher pointed to the Cuvier's beaked whale in front of him: "This is the whale known in the world that can hunt and survive on the deepest seabed."

Tai-1's lighting system is so advanced that there is basically no light at the bottom of the sea three thousand meters away.

But with Tai-1's lighting system, the surroundings can still be clearly seen.

However, the lighting system is just for the convenience of observation, and navigation still relies on terrain radar.

"Are you going to fish here? Catching a Cuvier's beaked whale will definitely shock your eyes!"

The scientific researchers were all rubbing their hands excitedly.

"??? So big! It must be eight or nine meters high!? Can it be captured?!"

Mo Zhengzheng asked doubtfully.

"Ahem, Tai One has been modified. Killing a whale is nothing. It's not impossible to capture it alive."

The scientific researchers kept saying.

This is Cuvier's beaked whale!

The entire scientific community in the world only discovers it four or five times a year, and this random dive actually encounters it in the vast sea! ?

What kind of luck is this, boss!

Lucky halo body protection! ?

If I could catch one and study it...

I get so excited just thinking about it!

Four thousand meters.

"This is the ultimate depth for finding organisms. There is nothing to catch if you go further down..."

The researcher said.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Isn't it said that the Mariana Trench, the deepest crack in the ocean, is more than 10,000 meters? There is no depth below 4,000 meters?"

"Um... Actually, the current level of human technology is not as powerful as you think, boss."

The scientific researchers all shook their heads: "Diving is not for commercial use, and there are no big investors to invest. Deep-sea diving is purely for scientific research. Although major countries have officially provided financial support, it is not like weapons, which require all-out research."

"Actually, our exploration of the ocean is too superficial. Our exploration of the ocean does not exceed 10%, and our understanding of the ocean does not exceed 1%. What is hidden under this endless ocean? What else is there? In fact, based on the current level of human civilization and technology, we have no idea at all.”

Mentioning this, many scientists sighed.

Who would have thought that today's human beings can already fly to the moon 380,000 kilometers away from the earth by rocket, but they are unable to truly explore on a large scale the depth of the earth's oceans which is less than 10,000 meters...

"Well, let's fish here."

Ye Yang nodded. It wasn't that he couldn't dive deeper, it was because there were no living creatures in the deeper depths!

Should we go down and capture some single cells and microorganisms?

That's too low.

"And the deepest sea area here is only more than 4,000 meters. Let's dive another 300 meters to get to the bottom."

The scientist said.

Fishing equipment ejected from Tai 1's hatch.

Resembling a round ball, it is connected to the Tai-1 hull by nano-ropes.

As the ball opened and closed, it trapped all the strange creatures in front of it.

"Pokémon!!!? Poke ball?"

Seeing this scene, both girls blinked and complained in unison.

After all, deep-sea creatures are all weird-looking, even weirder than the Gyarados in Pokémon, and can be called monsters.

After the capture was completed.

The group returned to the upper part.

"Although there are many things in the deep sea that I have never seen, it is just too depressing."


For creatures living on the ground under the sun, the seabed is a place of despair. It is good to have a deep-sea submersible and a team member to accompany you.

If you go deep into it alone, you will feel that it is more terrifying than hell.

Floating alone in absolute darkness, there is no up or down, no left or right, no boundaries, and no vitality.

This description of the deep sea is often used to describe death.

After all, many people who have never been to the sea can develop a fear of the deep sea by watching a video.


It was not until they rose to about a thousand meters and could see extremely weak natural light.

Everyone felt a little more comfortable.

The world within a thousand meters deep is the most common in TV programs.

Magnificent, magical, colorful, and with creatures as diverse as an epic, they gather into mountains and seas and disperse into sand and dust.

It can be called one of the most beautiful paintings in the world.


When it came out again, a long time had passed.

The submersible had to adapt to the water pressure, so whether it was ascending or diving, it would not be fast.

The rich second generation had been waiting on the island for a long time.

"Brother Ye is coming up!"

"Oh my god, where has it sunk to after so long!"

"I don't know... I guess it's at least 2,000 meters!?"

(First update)

It's chapter 666, don't you guys give me a 666? Haha.

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