Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 669: The vase from the Qianlong period was broken

"Is this the Crescent Hotel?"

Xia Yu looked at the splendid hotel decoration in front of him, so majestic!

At first glance, it has the heavy and imposing feeling of a traditional grand hotel.

After entering, the waiter politely guided her to her seat.

What she didn't know was that as soon as she entered the restaurant, she was spotted by a fat man with a big belly and a gold-plated iron ball at the next table.

Fat House is obviously worth a lot of money. He is dressed in ancient clothes. The Ferrari keys are swinging around his waist, the ball is spinning around in his left hand, and the red wine is dangling in his right hand.

Very angry.

At first glance, he looks like a pretentious rich and fat man.

When he saw Xia Yu, he raised the corner of his mouth and walked up quickly: "Beauty, alone?"

Xia Yu looked at this greasy young man who felt good about himself and liked to hang Ferrari keys around his waist to show others, and frowned: "No, my boyfriend will be here in a minute."

"I have a boyfriend! Great!"

Fat Man is happy, he likes to poach people.

The girlfriend I have now is all about money.

This feeling is so wonderful!

He licked his lips, his eyes glowing with perversion.

He started to twist his waist, hoping that Xia Yu would see the Ferrari keys on his waist.

However, the way Fat House dances with a lewd smile is really too horrible to watch.

Xia Yu directly covered his face: "If you don't leave, I will tell the waiter that you are harassing me!"

"Ah! The relationship with my boyfriend is pretty good!?"

The greasy man raised his eyebrows and became even more excited: "Miss, do you usually like red wine? I am Bo..."

"Get out of here!"

However, Xia Yu's good temper couldn't be tolerated any longer, so he started swearing.


Seeing that everyone around him was looking over, Fei Zhai felt bad and looked at Xia Yu deeply: "You are so handsome! How dare you look down on me! I want to see your boyfriend when he comes later. What kind of man can make you so fascinated!"

He snorted angrily, sat back depressedly, and slapped the gold-plated handball on the table, scraping off a lot of the gold layer.

"What a fool! It's still a fake!"

Du Zida, the fat man, felt that drinking cold water today would hurt his teeth, and he was very angry.


After a while, his girlfriend came too.

This woman was a gold digger, and she gave Du Zida a lick when she came up, which made Du Zida feel very comfortable, and then he felt relieved.

"Xiao Yu, did you arrive so early?"

A clear voice came, and the fat man frowned and looked over, and saw that the target of the stunning beauty had already arrived...

"He's quite handsome, but he's still a few levels behind me! Why don't you love me?"

Du Zida was very unhappy.

Ye Yang sat opposite Xia Yu, looked at the dishes she ordered, and smiled slightly: "I'm afraid it will cost a lot to choose Crescent Hotel."

"It's okay, it's not as expensive as the gas you paid for a few minutes yesterday."

Xia Yu stuck out his tongue and smiled.

"Ha ha……"

Ye Yang could tell that Xia Yu was dressed up today and came well prepared. She was already a top-notch person, but now that she has dressed up carefully, she is even more stunning.

Xia Yu now likes Ye Yang very much. Seeing Ye Yang talk about his magnificent past with a calm expression, he feels that the more he looks at him, the more handsome he becomes.

When she thought about something embarrassing, she drank a sip of wine to calm down her shock.

Then he lied that he was blushing because he drank alcohol.

Soon, I was a little drunk, so I stood up and staggered to go to the toilet.

However, because he was a little drunk and never wanted to take his eyes away from Ye Yang, he didn't pay attention and knocked the vase behind him, falling to the ground and breaking.

Ye Yang reacted quickly, stood up directly, hugged Xia Yu in one step, and kept her balanced: "I'd better go with you... You can't drink this, and you still drink so much..."

"Because I'm drinking with you... I can drink a thousand drinks without getting drunk when discussing business! Hmm... No, I broke something!"

Xia Yu was a little dizzy now. Just when he was about to argue that he was not drunk, he turned around and saw the vase that he had knocked down and broken. He suddenly panicked.

"It's just a vase."

Ye Yang smiled.

Turning around, I saw the lobby manager running over in a panic.

Everyone nearby also looked over.

Seeing the surprised expressions on these people's faces, Xia Yu knew that it was obviously not that simple, even if it wasn't 'just' a vase...


The corners of the lobby manager's mouth twitched: "This vase is a real antique, a Qianlong double-eared carved porcelain vase from the Qing Dynasty! And it is authentic! We have the auction certificate to prove that it is authentic!"


Xia Yu was so frightened that he woke up.

Oh my God!


It was during the Qianlong period. How much does it cost? ?

Ye Yang looked at the certificate they issued, and there was nothing wrong with it.

The Crescent Hotel is a super hotel with an ancient heritage, inherited from the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Naturally, it is impossible to use ordinary decorations.

Since I accidentally broke someone else's vase, I just need to pay compensation according to the price.

"No need to make such a fuss."

Ye Yang smiled lightly, waved his hand, and took out the CCB black card: "How much does it cost? Just swipe the card."


Seeing Ye Yang's calm and calm look, he looked like he was a kid from a wealthy family who had seen the wind and waves. The manager's face improved a lot. At least he would definitely be able to afford the compensation...

"This vase..."

Just asked for a quote.

A gracefully dressed woman walked over.

"Sister Ling? How could she show up!!!"

When the manager saw the woman coming towards him, he was so frightened that he was speechless for a moment.

Sister Ling is the close and capable assistant of the boss of Xinyue, and is the most trusted confidant of the boss of Xinyue.

The boss is usually elusive, and Sister Ling always holds the highest decision-making power!

"Hiss... Sister Ling!"

"What on earth could have alarmed her out!"

The Xinyue Hotel is very mysterious.

The people present obviously know that they can't see the boss at all, let alone the confidant who came out for the boss, they rarely see him!

"Is it because of that vase?"

"Impossible! What is the background and family background of Xinyue Hotel! Not to mention one vase, even if there are one hundred or ten thousand vases, it is impossible to alarm Sister Ling to come out in person!"


The atmosphere in the field was instantly ignited.

Everyone paid attention to it.

Including the fat guy who just flirted with Xia Yu, he sneered continuously. In his mind, if he offended the Crescent Hotel and also provoked Sister Ling, he would definitely be in trouble!

This young man is useless!

Sister Ling walked to the manager, whispered a few words in his ear, handed something to him, smiled at Ye Yang, bowed and turned around...


The famous and powerful Sister Ling came out and gave something! ?

Everyone was confused and said they couldn't understand it anymore...

(Second update)

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