Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 670 Even if Mr. Ye broke the genuine article, it was still a fake.

Just when everyone wanted to see how the show would go on, whether the young man would take out hundreds of thousands or even millions to compensate for the antique.

The manager suddenly laughed, touched his head, and suddenly changed from being righteous to being servile: "Oh, Mr. Ye, look at my memory, this antique vase is actually fake, it's a replica! The real one has been repaired! No need to pay!"


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, feeling a little funny.

How come after someone came and said a few words, everything really became fake?

Obviously these few words were not simple.

But he didn't care, at most it was just a thing worth hundreds of thousands, since he didn't have to pay, he was too lazy to swipe his card.

He didn't doubt the authenticity of the antique.

But the boss of Xinyue obviously wanted to give him face, and he would not easily hurt others' kindness.

"That's it."

Ye Yang shrugged and helped Xia Yu go to the bathroom.

The scene exploded all of a sudden.

"I say! That certificate doesn't look fake!"

"You don't have to pay for it! Send it for maintenance? That's too much of a coincidence, isn't it?"

"Haha, can't you see that? This young man, even the boss of Xinyue has to give face to him!"

"Hiss... When I think about it carefully, it's really the case! But even Sister Ling has come forward, this face is too big!!!"

"Maybe it has something to do with what's going to happen tonight."

"What!!! You mean?!"

"Shh... It's what you think, don't say it during the day."


The diners present whispered, obviously extremely interested and shocked by what just happened.

After Ye Yang brought Xia Yu back, he saw the manager still waiting there respectfully, and couldn't help but ask in confusion: "Is there anything else?"

"It's like this, Mr. Ye, this Xinyue card is only owned by the highest-level guests of our Xinyue Hotel. Our boss personally ordered it to you, please accept it! With this Xinyue card, you can have the highest authorization of Xinyue Hotel."

The manager said respectfully.

"Hiss! Crescent Moon!"

Someone who knows the business stood up in shock!

Du Zida had no idea what a Crescent Moon was, so he didn't pay much attention to it, but since he didn't have it, he felt a little jealous.

"What is a Crescent Moon?"

The person who knew the business asked repeatedly.

The man who stood up was shocked for a long time before he slowly sat down and whispered softly: "The biggest function is the ticket to the thing tonight!"


The person who was with him was obviously shocked, and he understood it instantly, but he didn't dare to say more, and continued to eat in silence.


Ye Yang took the Crescent Moon card casually. It looked like wood, but it felt like metal in his hand. He thought about it and put his phone on it.

The smart sensing page popped up.

"Good guy, keep up with the times!"

Ye Yang thought that the owner of a seemingly old-fashioned restaurant like the Crescent Moon Hotel should be conservative, but he didn't expect it to be quite high-tech.

He glanced at the pop-up message and was slightly surprised: "So... that's what happened..."

The fat man with the golden ball on the side was so angry that he said, "Damn it! Damn it, why did he just let it go? I wanted to see him make a fool of himself!"

He couldn't figure it out.

This is the Crescent Hotel! Even the boss Du Yuesheng from the Magic City Beach has come here, and he has to follow the rules here!

Why should he give such a big face to a young man!

He even almost broke his own rules for him...

Although he found a high-sounding reason to prevaricate, he didn't let the man pay for it after all.

He knew that the rules in the Crescent Hotel were more important than the sky!

"Is it just a rumor? It's not as good as it's said?!"

The fat man's heart moved, and his eyes kept looking at Ye Yang.

"What are you looking at! I'm your girlfriend!"

Even the gold digger felt a little unhappy.

"What do you care what I'm looking at?"

The fat guy glanced at his gold-digger girlfriend. The more he looked at Xia Yu, the prettier she became. The more he looked at Ye Yang, the more unhappy he became!

"Why don't you just say that you're attracted to other women?"

The gold-digger girl got angry after being criticized: "Haha, you fat guy! I've already found several potential buyers! Do you really think you're my only choice?"

"I was wondering why you're so jumpy today. It turns out you've found a buyer!!!"

Du Zida was cheated on repeatedly. He was furious and threw the golden ball in his hand out in hatred.

The gold-digger girl had expected it and dodged.

The golden ball hit a jade statue of fortune.

Smashed the statue...


"What happened to the Crescent Hotel today? It's been so unlucky, always breaking... Ugh!"

The people around him quickly covered his mouth and said with a smile: "Oh! Break it up and it's safe! Break it up and it's safe!!!"

After that, he glared at his companion who was covered: "You're looking for death! Stop talking!"

The eyes of the people in the field all gathered, looking at the fat man with interest.

Want to see how the Crescent Hotel will deal with this time.

"Sir! The jade money clam you broke is a jade decoration that our store bought in the harbor at a cost of 2.8 million. It has a long history and is very valuable. Please pay according to the price!"

The manager came over directly.

"Um, do you want to check if it is authentic and take care of it?"

Du Zida's forehead was covered with sweat.

Although his family was considered rich.

But it was their family that was rich, and it had nothing to do with him.

He only had about 3 million in savings. If he had to pay the price, he would be left with nothing after the compensation!!!

This gold-digger would definitely humiliate him with a crooked nose and squinting eyes.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but angrily said: "This is clearly a fake!"

"We have a full set of certificates, and we can also call the police and ask the judicial authorities to come and notarize it. If you want to shirk the bill of the Crescent Hotel..."

The manager looked Du Zida up and down, and raised a disdainful smile at the corner of his mouth: "You are probably not qualified."

"Call the police!?"

Du Zida's heart trembled, his face turned pale, and he couldn't help but angrily said: "Then why doesn't he pay for it! I will pay for it if I break it!?"

"Mr. Ye is the highest-level VIP of this store holding a Crescent brand. Even if what he broke is real, it is fake. But you..."

The manager laughed: "If you can't even get a night ticket, don't even dream of any treatment. Hurry up and pay the money honestly!!!"


Du Zida was speechless, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he became.

The gap between himself and that young man is really so big! ?

No wonder Xia Yu didn't even look at him!

"Haha, didn't you say you were rich? Can't you even take out more than 2 million?"

The gold-digger laughed.


Du Zida was so angry that he fainted, but he thought of his biggest supporter.

Since Ye Yang could use his connections and status to make the Crescent Hotel break the rules, if he could do the same, wouldn't it prove that he was as awesome as Ye Yang! ?

Maybe that stunning beauty could be with him!

He was so excited that he took out his phone again and again...

(First update)

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