Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 674: The sky lanterns light up, and the four people are shocked

"I wonder what the auction will be this time?!"

All the distinguished guests looked over nervously. The New Moon Party was not held often, but every time it was held, enough precious items would be brought out.

Every once in a while, it is enough to shock the entire collecting world!

I just don’t know what kind of precious auction items will be produced at this Crescent Moon Party at the Crescent Hotel!?

"The first item on the auction block is the imperial palace's colorful and feathered garments from the early Tang Dynasty!"

"I go!"

"What a big deal!"

"This is my first time attending the Crescent Party. I would like to ask you, seniors, were they this exciting before!?"


Everyone burst into exclamations.

Is this the first auction item so exciting? ?

After the antique was displayed, the feeling of magnificence and grace was simply dazzling! ! !

Even after a thousand and hundreds of years, when the colorful feathered clothes appeared, all the girls present could not take their eyes away!

In ancient times, this was only the emperor's favorite concubine who was qualified to wear it.

Plus its irreplaceable historical significance.

This one will definitely fetch a sky-high price! ! !

The opening scene is a bombshell!

"There is no reserve price, and each increase will be no less than one million. Now, start bidding!"

Hongyue, the woman in red, smiled slightly.

“No reserve price means you are very confident in the item and will never be sold at a low price!”

"However, such a super antique cannot be taken away easily."


Soon there were calls for prices.

"I'll pay, fifty million."

"Fifty-nine million!"

"Sixty-five million!"

"Seventy million!!!"

The current bidding price is generally that of individual customers on the first floor.

But even these individual tourists caused the price to skyrocket instantly during the random bidding. After a while, it rose to 70 to 80 million!

"It's so fanatical!"


Antiques from the Tang Dynasty were originally very valuable.

This is one of the most difficult to preserve and one of the most precious categories of clothing.

Moreover, only royal concubines are eligible to wear colorful feather clothes. Normally, they are definitely not allowed to be traded in public.

It's not unusual for the price to be as high as 80 to 90 million.

Many first-grade jade articles from the Tang Dynasty that were prohibited from trading can be sold for 70 to 80 million yuan on the gray market.

"Eighty-five million."

After this sound, the bidding on the lower floor of the venue became sparse.

After a long time, it slowly climbed to the level of 90 million.

"Ninety million, the first time..."

Red Moon's little hammer has just struck the first blow.

On the second floor, in a certain compartment, a clear voice came out: "One hundred million."


"As expected of the boss of the private room on the second floor!"

"They don't even bother to fight with us. They'll wait for us little ants to do our best before we say anything!"

"This is the real boss!"

The guests on the first floor shook their heads and sighed.

The bid of 100 million basically exceeded the bid limit of all guests on the first floor.

Ye Yang looked at Ling Shishi's greedy look on the side: "Want it?"

"Dang...ah, let's forget it. My family's total cash is only tens of millions, so I can't afford it."

Ling Shishi scratched her hair and sighed: "I studied fashion design. According to my hobbies, I originally wanted to design some Chinese-style clothing. If I can use this for research, it would be great."

"It doesn't matter. Since you want it, I can let you study it after I take it."

Ye Yang smiled lightly.

I haven’t spent money in a long time, so this is a good time to spend some money.

If the system is no longer used, it will gather dust.

This dress feels pretty good, and it should be a satisfactory expense for him in the end.

It just so happened that Ling Shishi was still useful, killing two birds with one stone.

"Ah, this! It's not good!"

Ling Shishi trembled. She still hasn't paid back the money Ye Yang gave her to compete for the rankings last time.

Although Ye Yang didn't want her to return it at all.

However, she always feels uneasy about her conscience. In the past few months, she has always looked for opportunities to send delicious and fun things to Ye Yang, and also sent some expensive and rare gadgets, as well as... personal comics exhibition photos, which are very large. 'That kind of thing.

But until now, only one or two million has been paid back.

Wanting to repay the money Ye Yang gave her last time to compete for the comic exhibition, she made a rough calculation and it would take her a lifetime!

"I didn't buy it for you, I just let you study it, don't be embarrassed."

Ye Yang also knew Ling Shishi's little thoughts, patted her little head, and then looked at Xiao Qingxuan: "How do you light the sky lantern?"

Xiao Qingxuan smiled. As expected of a boss, he always chooses the simplest and crudest way to solve problems.

Knowing that there is a method like sky lanterns, I don’t even bother to shout out the price.

"Just sit here."

Xiao Qingxuan pointed to the beautiful wide chair on the right side of the room.

Then pull out the lamp next to the chair and light the sky lantern.

Ye Yang nodded, looked around and found that no one in these private rooms was sitting on the right side.

He stood up casually and sat directly on the beautiful wide chair on the right: "Good guy, it's very comfortable. Why didn't I find such a good position just now?"

With that said, he directly dropped the lamp next to him.


At this moment, the entire Crescent Hotel's spotlight instantly gathered.

Everyone looked over at this moment! ! !

"Holy shit!"


"What a great man!"

"Which prince or nobleman is this?"

"I've been involved in the New Moon Society for several years, and this is the first time I've seen a sky lantern!"

"There is only one legend left. This is the first time I have seen it in such a long time!"


The audience immediately became excited.

Everyone applauded in unison.

This is respect for the Lord of Sky Lanterns!

"I go……"

Qin Feng looked at the box next to him dumbfounded.

On behalf of the Qin family, he didn’t even dare to light the sky lantern!

Where is the sky lantern? That’s obviously a waste of money!

Even an ancient prince with a fortune of hundreds of millions of taels of silver could not withstand such a burning!


Ye Yang was already used to this feeling of being watched by everyone.

When he lit the lamp, the price had been called 130 million!

The enthusiasm for bidding seemed to be ignited by this sky lantern.

Various bidding tests were conducted to find out the details of Ye Yang.

However, they are also cautious. Once the light explodes, they also have to think about whether they can eat it.

Suddenly, everyone in the private room on the second floor had different expressions and thoughts.

Across the street, a short middle-aged man with a mustache frowned and said to the girl next to him, "What kind of job does this guy do?"

"Sir, customer information is absolutely confidential. You can't ask us if you ask."

The girl smiled slightly and explained.


Eiichiro Kameda obviously had a bad temper, but then he sneered: "This time, the final treasure has not yet appeared, so I spent a lot of money to light sky lanterns. If I spend all the money first, I can eliminate the final competitor. ! Haha, you look like a newbie at first glance, so there’s nothing to be afraid of..."

(First update)

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