Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 675: Lighting up four lights in a row! Han Dynasty bronze eight-sided sword

"One hundred and fifty-six million!"

"One hundred and fifty-eight million..."

In the end, when the price stayed at around 160 million, it finally stagnated.

Everyone below was whispering.

"Will the boss who lit the sky lanterns pay for all the 160 million?"

"Then what do you think! Otherwise, why would people light sky lanterns?"

"I'll go! This is so rich! It doesn't even explode! How rich this family is!"

"This is just a bigger appetizer. Take a look at it tonight! You will soon see what it means to spend money like water and what it means to be extravagant and extravagant!"



There was a lot of discussion in the audience.

No one in the private room on the second floor is willing to order cannon anymore.

If it blows up, they will take over.

Everyone knows why they came here tonight. Maybe the lighting of sky lanterns is a strategy?

Therefore, under mutual suspicion and speculation, no one made any further bids.

"One hundred and sixty million times!"

"One hundred and sixty million twice!!"

"One hundred and sixty million three times!!!"

"This Tang Dynasty colorful feather coat belongs to Mr. Ye in Box No. 9!"


The whole audience burst into warm applause.

This is a transaction price of over 100 million yuan!

Just for a vintage costume! ! !

It’s so dreamy! ! !

"It actually worked!"

Ling Shishi swallowed a sip of saliva, then wouldn't it be true that she would really have the most exquisite colorful feather clothes of the Tang Dynasty to study in the future? ! !


It's incredible...

"This man is too strong!"

She cheered inwardly.

"Ding! The detection host spent 160 million Chinese coins to buy Millennium Clothes and reward a company with potential stocks: Tang Han Zhihui Group."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

Potential company?

This has never been encountered before.

He randomly searched for this company. It was an emerging company focusing on the design, promotion, and sales of Chinese antique clothes.

Inspirational to turn China's own ancient-style clothes into world-famous clothes, comparable to the world's largest luxury clothing brands such as Louis Vuitton!

However, this dream apparently has little support.

After all, most of the first batch of businessmen in China were short-sighted and had no sentiments.

Purely thinking about making money, I have already made hundreds of billions in my hands, but I am still not satisfied and only seek profit.

They simply have no three views and are harming the country and the people.

Pure capitalist!

Without financial support, Tang Han Zhihui was about to go bankrupt, but apparently the system had just injected a massive amount of funds into them.

Their market value increased directly from about 100 million to about 1 billion.

Note: Potential stock companies are new companies with great potential for future growth. Cultivating new companies to become giant companies will give the host a huge sense of accomplishment.

Ye Yang nodded slightly.

Indeed, just like he directly led Shentu Company into the world-class company it is today, this sense of accomplishment is so great!

And according to his observation, the face value provided to him by the Shentu Company he cultivated is much greater than that of directly taking over other companies and then revealing that he is the person behind the company.

It seemed that the system also knew that he was not short of money at all, so it simply started arranging some weird rewards for him.

"really not bad."

When Ye Yang came back to his senses.

This is already the third lot.

The previous two pieces were sold for around 10 million each.

Obviously, after the first round of explosions, the normal auction process entered.

None of these things appealed to him very much.

But since he wanted to spend money tonight, he didn't bother to turn off the lights, so he simply kept the sky lanterns on.

These three lots have all entered his possession.

"I'm going to light three lights in a row!!!"

"Why don't you turn off the lights yet?"

"Isn't he trying to wrap up tonight?"

"In the hundreds of years since the birth of the Crescent Hotel, I have never seen anyone so crazy!!!"

The roaring discussion in the audience became louder and louder, when it was discovered that Ye Yang still had the sky lantern on after arriving at the fourth lot.

Sister Ling glanced at Ye Yang in surprise.

Although the boss had a surprisingly high opinion of Mr. Ye, she never expected that he would be so courageous! ! !

Light three lights in a row!

According to the historical records of the New Moon Chronicles, the last time someone did this was one or two hundred years ago, when Zhang Dafoye dispersed all Changsha's family wealth and lit three lanterns in succession.

Of course, the things we fought for back then were naturally more valuable than they are now.

The valuation is much higher than Ye Yanghua’s current 200 million.

However, at least in terms of the number of lights lit, Ye Yang has created the best number in the past two hundred years! ! !

"Isn't it still destroyed?"

Sister Ling squinted her eyes, with a playful look on her face.

"The next lot is the Bafang Bronze Sword of the Han Dynasty!"

"Unearthed in the Hexi Corridor, it has great historical significance and research value."

"It has metal memory. Even after more than two thousand years, it is still extremely sharp and can cut iron as well as mud! It is the world's top antique treasure!!!"

Hongyue finished speaking.

The whole place exploded.

This is definitely a first-class treasure!

Han Dynasty Bafang Bronze Sword!

"This Crescent Hotel always surprises us!"

"This relationship ability is really too strong, isn't it!?!"

"Oh my god, I was shocked!"

"Too strong, right?!"

Even in the compartments on the second floor, there were many people who gasped.

The masters of the antique world couldn't resist the temptation and leaned forward to see the eight-sided bronze sword of the Han Dynasty.

However, they knew very well.

The Crescent Hotel has been passed down for hundreds of years.

With a reputation as strong as gold and iron, it is impossible to take it out without absolute guarantee!

"Even this kind of artifact is not the final big axis. I am afraid that the last treasure of this time will shock the entire antique world again!!!"

"That's right! It's really exciting!"


"No reserve price, each bid must not be less than five million, start bidding!!!"

After that.

The first floor was silent. They knew too well that this kind of treasure was not something they could get their hands on.

They all looked at the attic in the middle of the second floor.

The familiar and terrifying light was still on!!!


"It's still not extinguished!?"

"Four sky lanterns lit in a row!?"

"This... Oh my god! I can't express my shock in words!!!"

"Anyway, this should be the first time in two hundred years!"

"Too strong!"

"...Seeing that the Han Dynasty bronze eight-sided sword still has the lanterns! This is simply crazy!"


On the second floor, many big guys were moved!

"In order to consume us, let us spend money before seeing the last treasure, the Crescent Hotel, it's a big investment!!!"

(Second update)

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