Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 676: Rich Lady Yin Qingyue

"Are you going to make a bid or not!?"

"Maybe we can take the opportunity to raise the price?!"

While he was thinking about it, the noise in the audience became louder and louder.

"Huh? Still not turning off the lights!?"

"Do you really have to light four lights in a row!?"

"Good guy!"

Even the real VIPs on the second floor were a little surprised.

"Haha, since he dares to do something, then we dare to fight!"

"One hundred and eighty million!"

"Two hundred million!"

This Han Dynasty bronze Bafangjianguang was the first bid, which immediately shocked all the guests below.

"Two hundred million for asking!"

"I'll go, these big guys are crazy!"

"I'm afraid I'm going to blow this lamp up."

"Then you underestimate the guests on the second floor."

"Oh? How can you say this!?"

"I have seen with my own eyes that the guests on the second floor directly raised the price to six to seven billion for an ancient treasure!!!"

"Hiss... So, two hundred million is just the appetizer!?"

"Then what do you think!"


In the blink of an eye, the price has reached 300 million.

The existence of this kind of national treasure has no measurable value at all.

For those who like it, it is priceless!

Without market guidance, competition will have no end.

It's just a pure competition for financial resources and affordability.

It just so happens that Ye Yang lacks everything except money and the ability to spend money, which he doesn't lack at all~

"Three hundred and seventy million!"

"Four hundred million!!!"

The guests in the private room on the second floor gritted their teeth and stared at Ye Yang.

"Baga! Why doesn't this kid even have an expression on his face!? Doesn't he feel any pressure at all!? This is 400 million real money!!!"

"Maybe you're pretending to be calm!?"

"Four hundred million...!"

"It still didn't explode!"

"We have to restrain ourselves a little."


"After all, we will still have to compete for the ultimate treasure. Let's restrain ourselves a little. If someone blows up, we will lose both sides, and let others reap the benefits."

"That's right."


The inner activities of all the guests on the second floor were extremely active.

However, it is not a loss to pay several hundred million to acquire this Han Dynasty bronze sword. It is a priceless treasure in the first place!

In the end, the price slowly stopped at 490 million, and no one bid again.

Hongyue looked at Ye Yang, wanting to ask Ye Yang if he accepted the result.

Ye Yang smiled and nodded.

A trace of surprise flashed in Hongyue's eyes.

Even though she has been at the Crescent Hotel for so many years, she has never seen anyone take out more than 600 million in cash without any expression on his face!

“Isn’t it really too strong!?”

Even someone like her who had seen countless powerful people and big bosses was shocked.

If you spend 600 million to buy a super mansion, no one will think it is too outrageous, because for such a super boss, a place to live worth several hundred million is too much.

But this is an antique!

At the end of the day, it’s no different than a child playing with a toy.

A child can spend tens of thousands on learning, but that doesn’t mean he can spend tens of thousands on toys!

Only children whose families can spend hundreds of thousands on education will have toys worth tens of thousands.

From this, it can be inferred that this young man's residence on the second floor is worth... billions! ?

I’m afraid it’s more than that! ! !

"Snap, snap, snap!!!"

The audience burst into thunderous applause.

This is unprecedented recognition of the strong! ! !

At this moment, behind the new moon curtain, a girl walked out from the side curtain. The girl had a lively temperament. She was about eighteen or nineteen years old. She was dressed in white and had a beautiful appearance that was unforgettable at a glance.

"What's going on here?"

She blinked her beautiful eyes and found that the gathering point of the entire audience, the spotlight, all the eyes, all the admiration and aura, was on a figure on the second floor.

That figure was sitting on the Jinrong Xiuhua chair on the right where no one else had the courage to sit. The lights behind him were dazzling, his face was handsome, his eyebrows were sharp, and he had a smile on his lips. It seemed that all the excitement in the field had nothing to do with him. generally.


She looked at it and couldn't help being stunned: "I didn't expect that there really is such a man in the world..."

"Miss? Why are you here!"

Sister Ling picked up the girl in white and sat down.

"It's boring! Hey, sister Ling, who is that boy?"

Yin Qingyue's beautiful eyes still didn't move away from Ye Yang's body, and she asked again and again.

"Not sure."

Sister Ling shook her head.

"Not sure!?"

Yin Qingyue blinked: "Is there actually a Ling sister in the Crescent Hotel who doesn't know the details?!"

"Well, the boss said that he is the biggest guest of our Crescent Hotel. He did not reveal the specific details to me. He just asked me not to look down on him. Moreover, by inviting him here this time, he did not want the treasure to be exposed to the hands of the Japanese. "

Sister Ling took a sip of tea: "It's just that this young man has been lighting sky lanterns since the auction started. So far, he has lit four lanterns in a row and spent six to seven billion in cash!"

"Light four in a row!!!"

Yin Qingyue blinked: "This has already exceeded that record, right!? No wonder he is the man who even my dad thinks is our most powerful guest in New Moon!"

"That's right, but this time, those on the second floor didn't dare to fight for the last treasure, and they all kept their strength, so even if they lit four lanterns, the cost was not too outrageous. It's only 600 to 700 million."

Sister Ling shook her head: "If it was at that time, 600 to 700 million, I'm afraid not even one lantern could last."


Although she said so, Yin Qingyue still remembered Ye Yang's appearance firmly, so handsome!

As soon as she came in, she felt that this man had a completely different temperament from others.

It seemed that he was above the world and didn't care too much about everything.

He was extremely aloof but not arrogant.

"This person is really different."

Sister Ling shook her head: "But maybe he just wanted to stir up the heat and become famous. Knowing that there was a treasure, other people didn't dare to fight for the lanterns, so they forced the number of lanterns to be lit, and then sensationalized."

"No! He is not such a person."

Yin Qingyue pursed her lips and said firmly.

"Hey! You just glanced at him!"

Sister Ling raised her eyebrows and looked at Yin Qingyue: "My eldest lady."

"My intuition is always accurate!"

Yin Qingyue said, but her eyes did not leave Ye Yang.

"Well, I hope the boss is right about him."

Sister Ling's anxiety was relieved a little.

This time, the treasure is deeply involved. The boss has said that it must not fall into the hands of the Japanese.

In theory, Xinyue does not allow Japanese people to come in.

However, due to some changes in the power vortex that even Xinyue Hotel cannot refuse, this time, Kameda Eiichiro was forced to squeeze in.

This Kameda has a huge amount of capital and is determined to win.

According to the boss, the only variable that may successfully stop him is Mr. Ye...

(First update)

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