Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 683 This time, I, Kameda, stand on the third floor

"In this case, the second round of blind auction begins now."

Sister Ling is in high spirits, no matter what, today she has really shaken the energy of European and American group capital! ! !

"I am Kameda Eiichiro, one hundred billion!"

In the second round, Kameda caught up and shouted a high price that no one before Ye Yang shouted in the first round.


Obviously Ye Yang's actions in the last round also stimulated many Chinese big guys present.

People can spend so much money for the sake of their family and country.

They themselves have a state-owned background, so there is nothing they can’t spend! ?

“One hundred and ten billion!!!”

Finally someone asked for a price.

"One hundred and thirteen billion."

"One hundred and fifteen billion!"

Above 100 billion, even if these super bosses are full of anger, they don't dare to jump too much in bidding price.

Usually, Eiichiro Kameda bids one price, and the others bid another price. "

After watching for a while, Ye Yang waved his hand in boredom and said directly: "This round, I still pay 200 billion."

""? ? ? "

"Holy crap! Mr. Ye is awesome! Okay!? I'll just say he's awesome. Is that okay with everyone!?"

Everyone felt that after the previous two hundred billion, Ye Yang's cash flow had been reduced by half, and he no longer had the power to light the lights again.

But they only noticed it now.

The light behind Ye Yang has not been extinguished!

The eighth light is still on! ! !

“Isn’t it really too strong?!”

“Light eight lights in a row, shocking!!!”

“It’s still 200 billion!!!”

"If this is the case, wouldn't his cash flow be cut off!?"


Everyone was about to cry.

So touching!

"This, you are crazy!!!"

Kameda Eiichiro roared.

"It's just 200 billion, what's so crazy about it?"

Ye Yang replied with a faint smile.


Kameda Eiichiro almost vomited blood, what he said was so irritating! ! !

His blood surged, and he was so angry that he said angrily: "Do you really think that this is all the European and American dads behind me!!!"

"This has nothing to do with me. I only know that none of them together are as rich as me."

Ye Yang crossed his legs and smiled casually.

It's just that this smile, in the eyes of other big guys, is not to mention how exciting it is!

This is so exciting to say! ! !


Kameda Eiichiro staggered and almost threw himself on the street: "What the hell!!!"

"If you want to increase the price, please feel free."

Ye Yang spread his hands: "I will stay with you until the end, but you have to think clearly about the final compensation."

"You!!! Don't try to deceive me!"

Kameda Eiichiro shouted angrily: "I know you are bluffing!"

"Whether it's a bluff or not, you'll know if you try it. I don't want to talk to the poor guy anymore."

After Ye Yang finished speaking, he opened the folding fan and ignored Kameda Eiichiro.

"What the hell!?"

Kameda Eiichiro himself is a big pussy king. Today, he took advantage of his European and American dad and wanted to show off his pussy, but in the end he was called a poor pussy! ?

The more I think about it, the angrier I get! ! !

His eyes were red.

He was so angry that he chuckled: "I asked you before I came here. The highest amount of cash that you Chinese people can put out is only 400 billion. Now you have spent 200 billion, and in my hand, you can It’s far more than this money! You miscalculated!”

After he finished speaking, he received no response from Ye Yang.

All I saw was the disdainful sneer on his face.

"Hey!? Bagaya! How dare you ignore me like this!!!"

Kameda Eiichiro was furious.

“Me, 250 billion!!!”

In this wave, he spent all his money, investing all his own assets and funds provided by Europe and the United States.

"Then I'll give you 300 billion."

Ye Yang smiled lightly and said without any pressure.


The whole place was excited again.

What did they hear! ?

Three hundred billion!


A treasure! ! !

They all looked at each other.


Then came the shock and tremors.

Even Yin Qingyue, who has always had unlimited confidence in Ye Yang, has grown up with a beautiful little mouth, and looks at Ye Yang with big eyes: "This is too strong!"

Qin Feng on the side was trembling.

Three hundred billion...

Brother Ye is really unfathomable, and his strength is boundless...

high! Really high!

hard! So hard!

Brother Ye is tall and hard! ! !

"Ha ha!"

Eiichiro Kameda laughed angrily: "The secret has been exposed! This time you faked the auction! The asset notarization just now has proved that you only have 400 billion! Don't say that my compensation cannot be included in your assets now. , even if you count it, you can’t get it, 300 billion!”

Ye Yang frowned, feeling that Kameda Eiichiro was too noisy, and couldn't help but sneered impatiently: "It's up to you whether you believe it or not. Do you still want to notarize it? If you want to pay, do it now."


Kameda was so reviled that he couldn't speak at all.

"Yes, Mr. Kameda, we can also support asset disclosure. Do you want to go through this process?"

Sister Ling also asked with a smile: "If you insist on making inquiries, then once it is proved that Mr. Ye did not cheat, this round, you will need to pay Mr. Ye and our Crescent Hotel a total of 120 billion."


Kameta cursed in his heart: "Baga, Baga, Baga!!!!"

These Chinese people have a bad conscience!!!

They teamed up to bully me, the honest Kameda Taijun!!!

It really makes me angry.

He paced back and forth.

He definitely can't take out 300 billion.

However, once it is proved that Ye Yang cheated, he can not only get the second lot, but also get compensation from Ye Yang. It can be said to be a comeback and directly seal the victory.

Except Ye Yang, no one else present is qualified to compete with him!

Moreover, the probability of this round being the Chinese national treasure is very high!

One in half!

He had to bet!!!

He clenched his hands tightly on the railing, rubbing his skin.


"Isn't it just over 100 billion? Aren't you the great Kameda Taijun? Why? You can't even afford to gamble with this little money?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and smiled faintly.

The whole audience laughed.

"This Mr. Ye has a lot of bad ideas in his belly."

Sister Ling obviously saw that Ye Yang was provoking Kameda.

"He is provoking me! He must want me to think that he has this money, so that I dare not verify his assets. So, I have to do the opposite and verify him! This wave, I stand on the third floor, I will win!!!!"

Kameda Eiichiro sorted out his thoughts and became confident in an instant: "I, want to verify!"

Now, it was the turn of the Chinese businessmen present to be nervous.

They didn't know whether Ye Yang really had 300 billion in his hands.

After all, in the whole of China, it seems that no one has ever been able to really take out 500 billion in cash in one breath...

(Second update)


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