Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 684 The terrifying impact of one trillion cash

"Can he prove such a high level of assets?"

Everyone felt a little nervous at this moment. Now, Ye Yang was the brightest hope in the hearts of everyone present.

It is the face of China!

If he can't do it, then no one present will be able to resist the financial offensive from European and American capital.

If you want to retain the national treasure, you need special means.

And that will undoubtedly cause some damage to China's international reputation, which is what China least wants to see.

It is also something that China paid great attention to maintaining during its rise.

"Mr. Ye, the asset certificate you provided now still has a balance of 200 billion. Please show other asset certificates."

Sister Ling looked at Ye Yang. Although she had a smile on her face, she was extremely nervous in her heart.

"Oh, wait a minute."

Ye Yang casually dug into his pocket and pulled out three or five black cards: "Let's check it out? If it's not enough, I still have some. My wallet can't hold so many black cards. If it's not enough, I'll ask the secretary to get it."


Eiichiro Kameda was stunned.

Everyone present was confused.

What kind of operation is this! ?

"It's just a bluff. In fact, he doesn't have much money in those cards! It must be like this, bluffing has no effect! Despicable Chinese people!!!"

Kameda Eiichiro forced himself to calm down and sat there, pretending to be calm.

Sister Ling took the black cards with trembling hands.

Enter the password for the first card according to the password given.

Only 30 billion.

Those present couldn't help but sweat. Looking at it this way, it seems that adding black cards together is not enough...

"Haha, I knew it!"

Kameda Eiichiro laughed angrily.

Ye Yang smiled lightly. This was a meal card he had made for himself, specifically for eating.

It should be the smallest amount among these black cards.

Kameda Eiichiro's lips just grinned.

The balance of the second card was displayed, and at that time, he felt numb...

"I go!!!!"

"This is enough!"

“This card contains a total of 150 billion! Add the previous 430 billion, and it’s 580 billion!!!”

Everyone was excited.

It turns out that there is such a terrifying existence in China! ?

All the big guys on the second floor were trembling.

They all believe that they are standing at the pinnacle of China, and they are the strongest beings who can look far and high.

But at this moment, they felt the gap between themselves and the true peak...

Not to mention they have put out 580 billion in cash, the total market value of their assets, many of them are not as huge as 580 billion! ! !

"The third card, 120 billion!"

“The fourth card, 300 billion!!!!”

Everyone felt like they were suffocating.

Back and forth, the total funds of the five cards announced by Ye Yang reached one trillion! ! ! ! !

One trillion! ! !

Looking at China, there are only a handful of companies with a market value of trillions.

But they directly took out one trillion... cash flow! ! !

"No wonder, no wonder!"

"No wonder he dared to light eight sky lanterns in a row! No wonder he dared to make bold statements! No wonder he regarded the Japanese pirates as nothing!!! It turns out that he is so strong!"

"This number makes my legs weak just thinking about it. When I saw it, I was paralyzed with fear."

"Besides, as I said, I can't bring out so many cards. I still have..."

"His personal cash flow is more than one trillion Huaxia coins!!!!"

Everyone was confused when they thought of this concept.

What a terrifying person this is!

There is no justice in this trap!

"What? Do you still want to fight?"

Ye Yang looked at Eiichiro Kameda with a faint smile: "You only have two pieces of bad money, but you still dare to run wild in China! You really think you are playing house in the Little Sun Country!"

Kameda Eiichiro's face turned red instantly and he wanted to speak.

But it was difficult to breathe under the pressure of those trillions, let alone speak.

I'm almost hurt internally!


Kameda Eiichiro was so angry that he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his face instantly turned pale...

How could such a thing exist in China? ! ! ?

Even if the European and American capital behind him put in all their efforts and put all their funds together, they would only be the same as Ye Yang alone, not much more.

But the key point is that these consortiums still want to do business!

They also need to ensure a constant flow of funds!

How could he be like Ye Yang and take out one trillion Chinese coins to participate in the auction! ?

If this is the case, those consortiums will be on the verge of bankruptcy and liquidation immediately!

His eyes were filled with despair.

He came to China with a huge capital of more than 300 billion, and with great pride in his heart, he believed that in the Crescent Society, he could be invincible and unstoppable!

But he was totally wrong.

Not only was he tortured, he was also brutally tortured!

It's too awful!

Yin Qingyue looked at Ye Yang, her eyes sparkling.

This is the glorious, unique hero in the world!

Ling Shishi, on the other hand, looked at Ye Yang with utter trembling admiration.

This rich guy is simply beyond the limit of imagination!

One hundred million is a big deal.

Ten thousand and one hundred million, good guy!

Sister Ling now fully understood why the boss said that Ye Yang was the only turning point this time!

This is truly a true god!

"It's so strong."

"So, Mr. Kameda, are you still going to increase the price!?"

Sister Ling was full of confidence at this time, and asked with a faint smile.

"Killing people and destroying their hearts!"

The big guys on the first and second floors couldn't help laughing.


Eiichiro Kameda was so angry that he spat out blood again...

"Sir, this is top-quality sandalwood furniture. If it is damaged, you have to pay compensation! You have already compensated Xinyue and Mr. Ye for more than 200 billion in two auctions. I'm afraid you don't have much money in your pocket. You may have to take out a loan to compensate!"

"Fuck me!!!!"

Killing people and destroying their hearts again!!!

Eiichiro Kameda spat out his last mouthful of blood in anger.

The whole person fell on his back and fainted completely!

"Oh my god, you're not going to be angry to death, are you?"

"Haha, you're angry to death by yourself, it's none of our business!"

"That's right, I'll testify!"

Eiichiro Kameda's body twitched...


Sister Ling smiled and said, "If that's the case, then this round, it's also Mr. Ye who will bid for this treasure and successfully light the eighth sky lantern."

"So, what's in the second cabinet?"

Sister Ling lifted the red cloth, opened the cabinet, and lifted the cloth on it.

Everyone looked over in confusion.

Although there was no tension that the national treasure could not be defended, the expectations for the national treasure were still extremely high.


It was a black and purple blood clot.

The shape was like a unicorn.

"Unfortunately, this treasure is not that national treasure. But this treasure is not inferior to the deer living grass at all."

Sister Ling smiled and said, "This precious medicine is called unicorn jelly, which can ward off all evil spirits in the world!"

(First update)


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