Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 685 Ye Yang suddenly realized that the boss of Xinyue was actually an old friend

"As long as you take Qilinjie, you will be able to ward off evil in this life. Mosquitoes will not be attracted in summer, Qilin blood will breed in your body, poisons will not invade, and all poisons can be detoxified!"

Sister Ling showed the Qilin Jie in her hand: "This is also the most top-notch medicine in China!"

Ye Yang looked at the Qilin Jie in Sister Ling's hand with interest. This introduction was very attractive to him.

This medicine is a bit interesting...

“Congratulations to Ye Shenhao, for getting another treasure!!!”

Everyone present stood up and paid tribute to Ye Yang.

Standing ovation! ! !

Ye Yang smiled and nodded, signaling everyone to calm down. These were just basic operations.

After all, 500 billion is not much.

He didn't say the next sentence, he just said it in his heart.

After all, sometimes no one believes you when you tell the truth.

"Then, let's start the third round of auctions?"

Sister Ling said with a smile: "This round, the base price is one yuan. There is no limit to the increase."

Everyone laughed tacitly.

Immediately, the venue fell into silence.

This is the silence that belongs to Ye Yang.

Everyone knows that this is the priceless national treasure.

But there is no need to explain the identity of the only person here who is qualified to receive this national treasure.

The Crescent Hotel's low price is obviously to thank Ye Yang for coming forward in the last two rounds and to show respect.

Ye Yang looked at everyone looking at him.

He also smiled slightly in his heart: "Then Ye will be disrespectful."

In this way, the priceless Chinese treasure, with the respect of everyone present, fell into Ye Yang's hands at a transaction price of one yuan.


"So, now, it's time for us to reveal what this national treasure is..."

Sister Ling uncovered the red cloth and said with a serious face.

The canvas is unveiled.

In the cabinet, a magnificent scroll unfolds head on! ! !

"I'll go! No wonder they use such a big cabinet!"

Everyone looked at this scene and exclaimed in amazement.

That scroll is none other than the priceless national treasure: Residence in the Fuchun Mountains, which is valued at more than 100 billion! ! ! !


"It's such a treasure, no wonder it's such a big deal!"

"It's so strong!"

"I actually got this thing back!"

"Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains" was created by Huang Gongwang, a great painter of the Yuan Dynasty. It was completed in 1350 and is an ink painting on paper.

One of China's top ten famous paintings handed down from generation to generation.

Previously, the first half of the remaining mountain map was now on the mainland, and the second half was the useless master scroll now displayed in front of everyone, in Daiwan!

The value of this painting also has a layer of great aspirations and feelings for the unification of the family and the country.

Therefore, it is priceless.

"No wonder European and American capital tried their best to sabotage this auction. It turns out that it is this treasure."

Ye Yang sighed. Unintentionally, he had crushed the European and American conspiracy and contributed a force that cannot be ignored on the road to the unification of China!

“It is the common aspiration of all descendants of China to live in Fuchun Mountain in perfect condition.”

At this time, he also felt deeply in his heart.

Everyone in the audience bowed respectfully to Ye Yang: "Mr. Ye is righteous!!!"

Regardless of whether Ye Yang thought so when he did this, he took out the 500 billion in times of crisis to turn the tide, crush European and American capital, and thwart their conspiracy.

Keep all the national treasures in China in the most honorable way!

Ye Yang also hugged his fists.

The entire New Moon Meeting came to an end in this solemn scene...

Soon, the legend of Mr. Ye lighting nine lanterns in a row, defeating Japanese pirates with 500 billion, defeating Europe and America, and protecting national treasures will spread throughout the underground world of the world! ! !

No matter in China, America, Europe or Japan, everyone will hear about this mysterious and powerful Chinese in rumors! ! !

"Mr. Ye, please come with me."

Sister Ling smiled and bowed to Ye Yang.

Everyone present knew that Ye Yang was definitely qualified to receive this honor!

"Handsome Ye, you were so handsome just now! He was so glorious!"

Yin Qingyue said with starry eyes.

“Don’t be rude! Be careful in front of Mr. Ye!!!”

Sister Ling was afraid that Ye Yang would be annoyed by this cheerful girl.

"This is our boss's daughter, the daughter of the Crescent Hotel."

Sister Ling said repeatedly.

"Well. Hello, I am Ye Yang."

Ye Yang smiled and shook hands with Yin Qingyue.

"Hmm, I'm Yin Qingyue, nice to meet you!"

Yin Qingyue was very happy.


The office of the owner of the Crescent Hotel.

This is the deepest part of the Crescent Hotel. Except for Sister Ling, no one else has a chance to come in!

"Mr. Ye. The boss is waiting for you inside."

Sister Ling smiled and bowed.


Ye Yang nodded.

He also wanted to see who this person who could get the second half of Fuchun Mountain Residence was.

In the boss's office.

The chair was facing away from him.


The chair turned.

Ye Yang stared, slightly stunned.

Because, the owner of the Crescent Hotel...

He knows it! ! !

"Mr. Ye, we meet again!"

The chubby man stood up, walked up to Ye Yang, and shook hands with Ye Yang.

"why you!?"

Ye Yang blinked, feeling a little incomprehensible.

The man in front of me should be the boss of Xinyue, an extremely mysterious and chubby man.

It turned out to be the boss of Han Pavilion in Modu.

Tang Ruguo...

"But, Sister Ling said you are Yin Qingyue's father, but you clearly..."

Ye Yang looked a little strange.

"Ah, that's her mother's surname."

Tang Ruguo said with a smile.

"Good guy."

Ye Yang had long felt that Tang Ruguo was not just a restaurant owner.

Whether it was his conversation or his temperament.

He should have a higher status.

Unexpectedly, everything is now revealed.

He turned out to be the owner of the Crescent Hotel...

A well-known figure in the entire Chinese underground world! ! !

In this case, many things can be explained.

Tang Ruguo's connections, Han Pavilion's resources, why can he invite the state banquet chef, why did he give himself the Black Dragon Card, you know, China had two Black Dragon Cards before, one for himself and one for Wang Silin.

But after he got the Black Dragon Card.

Wang Silin's card was quickly taken back.

He became the only Black Dragon Card owner in China!

He didn't think much about it before.

Now that I think about it, it is obvious that the other party has known from some channel that I have acquired Yida.

In the eyes of the other party, I have long been the supreme VIP.

It is not just because I ate a state banquet worth 4 million.

After all, just like this, I can't be compared with Wang Silin, the top boss of China...

At that time, his foundation was still shallow and he didn't react.

But now he knows Tang Ruguo's true identity.

All this makes perfect sense!!!

Ye Yang, at this moment, suddenly realized.

So, it is like this!!!

(Second update)


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