Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 688: Personal assets are invincible in the world, lonely as snow

"I really didn't expect to see Mr. Tang here."

Ye Yang couldn't laugh or cry.

Who would have thought that the owner of the Crescent Hotel, whose identity has always been secretive, is actually the owner of Hange who has made a public appearance in Shanghai?

However, Ye Yang would not ask about the specific details.

After all, judging from this matter, the Crescent Hotel must have something to do with the Chinese officials, and this relationship is very strange. If they don't want to tell me, there is no use asking.

After some pleasantries.

Tang Ruguo said that he would send the treasures Ye Yang had previously photographed to Prince Gong's mansion.

The Fuchun Mountain Residence Picture is of great significance, and officials will contact him to discuss related matters in the future.

"In the past, those antiques would be delivered by our Crescent Hotel. However, the last three blind auction items are of great significance, so they must be handed over to Mr. Ye personally."

Tang Ruguo showed one by one the pictures of exhausted unicorns, living deer and grass, and living in Fuchun Mountain.


After Ye Yang checked it, he also put away the three treasures.

"The European and American people definitely don't want the Fuchun Mountain Residence to return to Zhao intact. Therefore, if this journey is not peaceful, I will send the Crescent Moon Guards to escort Mr. Ye all the way."

Tang Ruguo kept saying.

"No need."

Ye Yang smiled lightly and waved his hand.


Tang Ruguo was slightly stunned and said repeatedly: "Mr. Ye, you have no idea how taboo Europe and the United States are against the unification of China. They will definitely use all means to stop it! Even if this is China, there is no guarantee that they will not use extreme measures. ! Some top killers can still infiltrate."

"I wish they'd come over."

Ye Yang said with a smile.

There is no point in keeping half a volume of Fuchun Mountain Residence in your hands. In fact, it must be completed in the end.

It's just that the process of perfecting the stone should look good on the surface.

Therefore, this useless master scroll of Fuchun Mountain Residence must pass through my hands once.

Europe and the United States will definitely take the opportunity to interfere.

If you protect them all the way, it will be difficult to track and retaliate along the route.

Only if their people can't hold back and show up, can he use his connections to make some ill-intentioned people in Europe and the United States really feel pain! ! !


Ye Yang probably told Tang Ruguo about his plans and ideas.

“So that’s it!!!”

Tang Ruguo's eyes lit up: "But in this case, how can you ensure your own safety?"

Based on his high-level connections, he also knew a thing or two about Ye Yang's status in the military.

But if the military comes to protect it, the target will be more obvious and it will be more difficult to lure the snake out of its hole than if Crescent Moon comes to protect it.

"This, you don't have to worry about."

A smile appeared at the corner of Ye Yang's mouth.

Even with Tang Ruguo's network, it is impossible to fully understand his trump card.

"It seems that Mr. Ye has some secrets that I don't know about."

Tang Ruguo instantly understood what Ye Yang meant.

He laughed and then said: "Take care! If you have a chance, please treat Mr. Ye to dinner again to show your respect!!!"

"In that case, I will go back first."

Ye Yang shook hands with Tang Ruguo.

After leaving the house, Yin Qingyue came up to her and said, "Handsome guy, can you add me on WeChat?"

Ye Yang has always been very friendly to smart and beautiful girls. He just checked WeChat and added friends.


Ye Yang embarked on the journey back with his bodyguards and Ling Shishi.

in the car.

Ye Yang made a few phone calls to roughly lay out the plan. As for the detailed plan, the think tank of the AI ​​Staff Department of the Black Technology Company and the experienced veteran of the Hurricane Group will definitely make it very beautiful, and there is no need for him to worry too much.

He looked at the system.

The auction just now was so exciting.

He didn't pay attention to the system's reward prompts.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

Today Ye Yang has no interest in money.

He has long been the richest person in the world. Even the second richest person is still many times behind him.

The only ones who can compare with him are those hidden super conglomerate families in the world. The accumulation of hundreds of years and more than ten generations of capitalists cannot be underestimated.

The most famous Rothschild family in China is said to control immeasurable wealth.

Even if you compare with yourself, I'm afraid you won't give in too much.

Maybe even better.

Apart from these terrifying families, only the country is richer than Ye Yang.

Moreover, there are not many such countries.

In at least half of the countries in the world, the money in the national treasury is not as much as Ye Yang's personal assets.

For example, Poland's GDP is less than one trillion US dollars.

The entire country's capital combined is less than half of Ye Yang's assets.

In terms of personal wealth alone, Ye Yang is already invincible in the world and as lonely as snow.

No matter how much money you give, it will only surpass the treasury funds of those super families, super consortiums, and even superpowers.

Money is just a number in his eyes now.

"This reward is not bad!"

Ye Yang looked at the three major rewards and felt quite happy.

The first thing is the skill voucher, which can be redeemed for any skill included in the voucher.

This is very satisfying for Ye Yang.

"I'm good at art, I'm good at singing, I'm good at handicrafts..."

After casually taking a look at the various skills included in this skill ticket, Ye Yang pondered for a moment and clicked on an option that he was very interested in: "Hacker is omnipotent!"

Skill introduction: "Master all programming and network attack and defense related knowledge within one hour. After mastering it, your level will be the world's strongest hacker level, and you can hack into any network!"

Nowadays, computers and the Internet are the strongest tools to dominate the world.

Mastering the strongest hacker skills is equivalent to becoming a god from another dimension. There are more things you can do!

This is very attractive to Ye Yang.

When he was in college, he studied software, but software engineering and hacking are two different systems. Now he has become the world's number one hacker, which is really cool! ! !


Hacker skills, learn! ! !

Instantly, an explosive amount of knowledge appeared in his mind.

Countless knowledge about hackers was derived in his mind, such as hacking into the Pentagon network, which are relatively low-end technologies among these technologies.

"Really good."

Ye Yang nodded, very satisfied with this reward.

"Now let's take a look at the second reward."

Ye Yang clicked on the second reward page.

"A random black technology card! Introduction: You can unlock a random black technology chain through your own black technology company."

Ye Yang looked at the definition of the black technology chain.

Instantly felt the horror of this reward.

The black technology chain is not just a one, but a whole technology development route!

For example, handheld game console - mobile phone - console - VR - somatosensory clothing - xxx - future game equipment.

This is a technology chain for game carriers.

And now, he can unlock another, complete black technology chain!

(First update)


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