
Ye Yang attaches great importance to black technology companies.

After all, after seeing photon weapons, he realized that the black technology of black technology companies can be called a dimensionality reduction blow to modern society!

However, unlocking black technology is not a matter of urgency.

Thinking about it, he set his sights on the last reward.

"The third reward: absolute control of Hilton Hotel Group, plus 80% of the shares of Pangu Seven Star Hotel in Beijing."

"Hilton Hotels Group absolutely controls?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. Hilton Hotels is a multinational hotel management company with more than a thousand hotels under its name, distributed in more than 100 countries around the world.

It is one of the largest hotel chain groups in the world.

Not to mention the value of its inherent real estate, its business capacity alone is estimated to be worth hundreds of billions of dollars!

However, these are not the rewards that attract Ye Yang. In the end, the Pangu Seven Star Hotel is the most attractive to him.

This hotel is right next to the Water Cube.

It is the first among the top ten seven-star hotels in China.

There is only one eight-star hotel in the world, in the United Arab Emirates.

Pangu Seven-Star Hotel is one of the best hotels in the world, apart from the only eight-star hotel.

Open next to the Water Cube.

It occupies such a large area of ​​land in the capital city.

The energy and status represented behind it are self-evident.

This is much higher than its surface value of tens of billions of Chinese coins.

It is said that the most expensive Kaitian Suite in Pangu Hotel costs 990,000 Chinese coins for one night!

Ye Yang curled his lips, he could go take a look if he had time.

Even if it's 990,000 per night, it's probably many times worse than Prince Gong's Mansion.

But Ye Yang just likes to experience life and feel the life of those poor people who think they are rich.

Then he shook his head and fell into the memories of remembering the bitterness and sweetness.

"These three rewards are all very good."

Ye Yang was very satisfied.

However, it seems that this kind of awesome reward will only appear if you spend hundreds of billions of funds.

"The crazy system has an increasingly low explosion rate."

Ye Yang shook his head: "How can it be so easy to find hundreds of billions of dollars in spending... It seems that if you want to get good things that money can't buy in the future, you will have to look for opportunities to spend money all over the world. It's really hard!!!" "

That must be very troublesome!

Is complaining.

The car slowly stopped.

It looked like two cars had collided on the road ahead, blocking the road.

Xiao Qingxuan frowned, looked at the two drivers arguing in front, and subconsciously felt something was wrong: "Boss, their eyes are not right, something is probably going to happen."

In an instant, the killer instincts returned to them.

Since coming to China, their intuition has rarely appeared.

After all, China is too safe.

Although I still retain the habit of exploding explosives, I will eventually relax a lot.

"I also feel there are some problems."

Xiao Xiaozhu also frowned and said.

"But this is a straight road, you can't turn around and change roads."

Xiao Qingxuan stopped the car.

among the crowd of onlookers.

Several people with thick eyebrows and big eyes looked at the license plate.


"This is the one!"

They are all very high-level agents.

A traitor, a Japanese, and an American.

The code numbers are 005, 006, and 008 respectively.

With China's security inspection and information collection capabilities, it is impossible for ordinary people to sneak in and carry out such a difficult task as an assassination.

These few basically came here with the intention of dying.

"That's right!"

"The man named Ye drove this car."

"Haha, what are you doing wrong? Go and provoke European and American dads. If you die this time, you can't blame us!"

They were all preparing to pull out homemade pistols from their sleeves.

"That's right! It's too ungrateful! He's just a businessman. Even if he has some money, he can't be so arrogant! Money is nothing. It's not a human body. You can jump to death with one shot. If you die, there will be nothing. !"

Several people communicated with each other using special codes.

"Come on!?"



The moment 005, 006, and 008 were about to draw their guns and attack.

They just fell down...

Behind the three of them, someone supported them and prevented them from falling.

"Haha, you still want to assassinate the boss. You really don't want to live anymore."

The man behind 005 showed a bright smile, and at first glance, he turned out to be a delivery boy!

Even if 005 is a top agent, he will not be wary of a passerby delivery boy. He is plotted in an instant.

The other guys exchanged glances with each other, then without leaving any trace, they quietly dragged all the agents away from the crowd.

The two people in front, 004 and 009, who were helping out with assists, felt more and more something was wrong the more they started arguing.

"Why don't you take action..."

"I won't run away in the face of battle. I'll run away in fear of death!"


They both panicked.

He glanced at the crowd and saw that the three agents were indeed gone.

“What a fucking idiot!!!”

"Three cowards! They don't even want their family anymore! If they don't carry out this task, the senior management of Meili..."

The two agents cursed angrily.

However, before they could think of a countermeasure, the police car arrived.

The police were dispatched at the speed of light and taken away where they were.


The Chinese police were in place so quickly! ?

I feel like you are waiting for us here! ?

004 and 009 were stunned when they looked at the police in front of them...

"Become rich, I will become rich~"

Ye Yang's cell phone rang.

"Boss, we got the exact news. A total of six agents came, but one code-named 007 is the highest-level core agent. The confidentiality level in the United States is extremely high. Even if we want to find out his specific identity, It also takes two days, so in order not to alert others, we chose this method to deal with the first five agents.”

"The other one is likely to choose other means to assassinate. We will protect the boss's safety throughout the process."

Hurricane people report the situation in detail.

"Yeah, well done."

Ye Yang nodded. There was really no need to make a big fuss before catching the last one out.

When the core agent is caught, we can start to follow the clues and start a big wave.

However, the so-called 007 did not appear until Prince Gong's Mansion.

"I'll take that Tang Dynasty colorful dress later, and I'll arrange for someone to take you home."

Ye Yang looked at Ling Shishi who looked confused and didn't know what was going on, and said calmly.

"No, just study it in the palace! It will make you feel better!"

Ling Shishi bared her teeth and smiled.

Although she didn't know what happened, with her cleverness, she could guess that she didn't want to leave Ye Yang now.

Nothing can happen to this handsome guy!

"There may be danger."

Ye Yang said half-jokingly.

"It doesn't matter. Maybe I can take a bullet for you. In this way, the debt can be repaid!"

Ling Shishi pouted.

(Second update)


The author has something to say:

I got diarrhea while traveling. I'm in a bad mental state, so I'm taking a day off. Updates will resume tomorrow on the 20th.

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