Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 688 Take down the satellite? Can he really do it?

"Silly girl."

Ye Yang scratched Ling Shishi's nose and smiled.

Now that he has a superhero physique, even if he is really hit by a bullet, his skin will be broken at most, and there will be no need for anyone to block the bullet for him.

In Prince Gong's palace, Ye Yang and Ling Shishi looked at the colorful neon clothes of the Tang Dynasty in front of them.

“Is this the craftsmanship and beauty of more than a thousand years ago?”

Ling Shishi covered her mouth, deeply shocked by the beauty in front of her.

"It's of no use if I keep it. If you want to study it, you can do it in the palace."

Ye Yang smiled and said, "If you want to go home, take it back and study it."

"How can that be done!"

Ling Shishi was flattered: "This is an antique worth more than 100 million yuan. If it is stolen, it will be ruined. Let's stay here and watch! After all, it is the palace of the prince, so it must be more reliable than my family."


Ye Yang had no objection to this: "Come anytime you want to see the baby."


Ling Shishi reads the driving book every day, and her mind is a little twisted.

Obviously he had some bad intentions.

But I was still very happy when I thought that I could find an excuse to come see Ye Yang at any time in the future.

Ye Yang casually looked at the other antiques. Except for the last three treasures, the total of these antiques was less than 2 billion, which was not attractive to him.

He didn't feel much about the antique itself, but he was a little emotional about the years it carried.

After playing around for a while.

He took Ling Shishi to visit Prince Gong's Mansion.

"Brother Ye's palace is too big! Shishi's feet are sore from walking, wuwu~"

Ling Shishi pouted and rubbed her feet.

"Haha, I'm really big, please bear with me."

Ye Yang smiled and waved.

"Well, it's indeed really big!"

Ling Shishi nodded and confirmed seriously.

"Looks like the rest can only leave tomorrow."

Ye Yang said.

Prince Gong's Mansion is too big to visit in one night.

After that, he took Ling Shishi back.

While chatting and laughing, I received the news.

"An unidentified person infiltrated the palace. After analysis, the probability is over 70% that it is 007. He went straight to the lobby and probably came only to steal paintings."

Ye Yang glanced at the information and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

The current monitoring system of Prince Gong's Mansion was made by a black technology company. It does not use modern technology. Modern technology surveillance cameras, at night, in dimly lit areas, are almost like a blind person, and the effect is very poor.

The infrared intelligent spectrum analysis imaging made by Black Technology Company.

Even in absolute darkness, as long as the creature in the palace has body temperature, its physical characteristics and even what it looks like can be restored in reverse.

He looked at the video sent below.

A little thief in night clothes was carefully preparing to break into the palace.

However, what she didn't know was that she was marked as a suspicious person a few hundred meters outside the palace, and all the tracks and appearances after infiltrating were under the control of the black technology company.

"Does an arrest need to be made?"

The other side sent another message.

The secret post outside the palace is the core military guard of Hurricane, loaded with live ammunition and rich in combat experience.

The Ming Gang outside the palace is a security company arranged by China for him as a major general. It is well-trained and can respond to emergencies at any time.

Within the palace, there are also AI guards developed by black technology. Although the relevant black technology chains have not been unlocked, they can only be developed by themselves based on current technology. However, each AI guard is not comparable to ordinary special forces. Not to mention that he has a body of steel. Even if he is a one-on-one warrior king, he is afraid that he will be defeated.

It can be said that the entire Prince Gong's Mansion is like a dragnet and an iron barrel.

As long as a nuclear bomb is not dropped, even if a division comes over, Ye Yang cannot be hurt at all if he doesn't want to.

Not to mention that Ye Yang still has the launch handle of the photon weapon in his hand.

Faced with such power, Ye Yang looked at the dark figure moving through the night and couldn't help but sympathize with him.

If the other party doesn't want to steal something, then he does look like a lone hero.

"There is no need to arrest him, just let him in all the way and catch the turtle in the urn in the exhibition hall."

There are European and American influences behind this operation.

The other party's satellite must be closely tracking Fuchun Shanju's whereabouts, so it's normal to know where it is.

Low-Earth satellites can even zoom in to see what a human face looks like on the ground, and it is easy to capture which temple the painting was transported to.

"Check the specific coordinates of the satellite monitoring Prince Gong's Mansion."

The little thief is nothing to be afraid of. He is just a little bug caught in a dragnet. No matter how he manipulates the opponent, it is extremely easy.

But being watched is like a thorn in the back, which is very unpleasant.

"Roger that, boss!"

The Black Technology Company, the Hurricane Military Platform, and the Chinese Intelligence Office launched a three-pronged attack. Within an hour, three aerial coordinates were sent over.

"Boss, the protection level of Meili Satellite is very high. It is still very difficult to get rid of it. However, it is not impossible to spend a huge price..."

After thinking for a while, the hurricane reported.

"Major General Ye, on behalf of the Chinese military, we can communicate with the United States to put pressure on them to stop monitoring you."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, this was too slow.

He is a person who must avenge himself and doesn't want to wait at all.

"No need, I have my own solution."

After he finished speaking, he put down the communication tool.

Hurricane Headquarters.

The four hurricane commanders who were looking down at them all looked confused.

"The boss seems to say he has a way..."

"How is that possible! Even if we want to hack this satellite, it will be extremely difficult. We may have to sacrifice a lot of manpower and material resources to make it possible."

"That is the most powerful overlord in the world!"

"Why is it as easy as blowing a whistle to take down the overlord's satellite?"

"How can this be!!"

"Is it possible that we are not the boss's biggest military trump card?"

"Oh my God, that boss is too mysterious and powerful to guess, right?"

"I don't know, let's see how it goes."

The four major military leaders of Hurricane are sitting in the satellite monitoring room, all looking forward to the final result...

Chinese military.

Lieutenant General Chang Siwei, who had just received the news, rushed to the military headquarters in a hurry. After listening to Ye Yang's words, he fell into deep silence.

Ye Yang is the brightest rising star in China.

China has always attached great importance to it, and the Fuchun Mountain Residence Map is of great significance. The two things combined have even attracted the attention of the supreme leader.

Late at night, several lieutenant generals were dispatched to make emergency preparations.

Before they could figure it out, Ye Yang actually said that he could solve this problem alone! ?

Several lieutenant generals looked at each other in disbelief, their eyes full of disbelief and doubt...

Can he really do it? ?

(First update)


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