Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 689 Photon weapons show their power for the first time! All parties are shocked

United States, Satellite Division.

Several satellite screens used to monitor the capital.

Many American bosses and related figures are all listed.

"We must make him suffer a big loss this time!"

"They actually slapped us in the face in public!"

"It seems like this isn't the first time he's done this..."

"Do you still need to remind me?!"

"Haha, if this painting is stolen, those people in China will turn green!??"

"Is this operation reliable?"

"Of course it's reliable, why not! This is the core agent of our CIA, and his infiltration ability is extremely strong! There will never be any mistakes!!!"


Prince Gong’s Mansion in the capital of China.

Ye Yang took out a long-handled stick from his arms.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and his eyes looked coldly into the deep night sky...

This photon weapon has never been used since it was obtained.

Tonight, let’s use these American satellites as sacrifices to verify the actual effectiveness of photon weapons!

U.S. Satellite Division.

A group of American bosses enlarged the satellite image and saw Ye Yang.

This is achieved through satellite technology, spanning tens of thousands of kilometers.

These big guys all felt a chill.

"Why does it seem like he can see us?!"

"Psychological illusion, right?"

"This look is so murderous! Even I feel a little scary."

"Do normal people show this look in their daily lives? I think he may have discovered something!"

"Has 007's whereabouts been discovered?"

"It shouldn't be. The satellite images show that she is still infiltrating normally!"

"Should we withdraw 007?"

"For that painting, it doesn't matter if you take risks. It's just an agent. If you die, you will die."

"You don't think I'm worried about a dispensable agent, do you? What I'm worried about is that he will be captured alive! If the Chinese officials catch us, this matter will be troublesome!"

"There are satellites anyway. If it doesn't work, just find an opportunity to use your own people to kill 007. Don't worry about these things."


The top executives of the United States are talking.

Only to find that the screen suddenly went black...

"what happened!?"

“What does the technical department do for food!?”

“Isn’t the new satellite number good?”


Soon, they saw the technician stumbling over: "Tom, what's going on!?"

"Something bad happened! Our missing!!!!"

"Gone!? Why is it missing?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?! Is the signal lost?! Damn it, could it be that the Chinese official sent someone to hack our satellite?"

"Impossible! At least it can't be so fast..."


The bosses were extremely angry.

"No, it just disappeared..."

The technicians looked like they had seen a ghost: "Physical disappearance, the entire satellite disappeared in an instant..."


All the big guys were stunned and shouted in unison: "How is this possible!!!!?"

Just now, after Ye Yang set the numerical power, he pressed the photon weapon.

Countless photons were instantly ejected from the photon accelerator, forming a beam of light that rushed towards the location of the satellites at a speed of 300,000 kilometers per second.

Wherever the light hits, the steel on the satellite is instantly vaporized by the terrifying energy carried by the photons!

The three satellites all evaporated in less than half a second after Ye Yang pressed the button! ! !

It's like they never existed...


Ye Yang received the video from the planetarium under his own name in Magic City and saw this scene.

He had already asked Bai Xiaojing to prepare it in advance.

This should be the only instrument in the world that witnessed the attack process of photon weapons.

"It's really strong."

Ye Yang was also quite excited.

With one press of your finger, you can destroy the enemy thousands of miles away.

This feeling is more satisfying than those immortals killing people with flying swords in the novels about cultivating immortals.

at the same time.

Hurricane Headquarters.

The four military leaders listened to the reports of their subordinates, and their eyes widened in surprise: "What did you say!? Physically disappeared!? The three satellites, as if they were wiped from the world, disappeared in an instant!? Even Disappeared too fast, they were only confirmed after disappearing for a long time!

"Half a minute after the boss finished speaking, the three satellites of the United States disappeared. This..."

The eyes of the four military leaders all flashed with endless awe and trembling.

“But, how did you do this!!!”

"There are such methods in this world!? Is this a fairy!?"

"Not even gods are so awesome! Our really...indescribable!"

The four military leaders were all deeply shocked.

The boss's power has completely exceeded their imagination! ! !

Chinese military.

There was a moment of silence.

After a long time.

Chang Siwei then spoke slowly: "Are you sure that it disappeared suddenly without any warning, and there were no signs of being attacked or any possible wreckage?! It's not that our detection equipment failed?"

“We are beyond certain!”

Although the technicians are all staunch believers in materialism, the scene that happened before them was so weird that they could not help but feel chilled from the bottom of their hearts! ! !

"We used satellites to monitor the other party's satellites, and the satellite disappeared instantly! It was in the field of vision, just like that."

The technicians said repeatedly.

"According to you, is there such technology or means in the world that can achieve this effect?"

The other lieutenant generals asked repeatedly.

"No, it's impossible!!!"

Several scientists shook their heads firmly: "It's impossible!"

"This is strange."

Several lieutenant generals were unsure.

But, obviously, they also thought of one person at the same time.

That's Ye Yang!

But no matter how mysterious and awesome he is, there should be a limit, right?

This is considered a supernatural phenomenon.

Could he be a ghost?

They all frowned: "Okay, now that the satellite problem has been solved, the problem is not big. Just continue to follow up. Fully guarantee the safety of Major General Ye. In addition, hand over the videos and information recorded today to all the academies of science that can be found, especially the Institute of High Energy Physics. I have a hunch that the reason behind the disappearance of the American satellite is not simple."


The staff of the satellite institute said one after another.


Shock and shock from all sides.

Ye Yang naturally didn't bother to care. The attack of photon weapons was like a ghost. In the background of space, the brightness of a beam of light was almost impossible to capture if it was not at a special angle.

Even if it was captured, according to the current scientific level, it would be difficult to analyze that it was the reason for the disappearance of the satellite.

Let them guess!

"Now, it's time to deal with this little thief..."

(Second update)


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