Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 691 Do you like me a little bit?


007 blinked in surprise: "What are you talking about!?"

"If you don't believe it, you can try shooting."

Ye Yang said calmly: "If there are bullets in your gun, it means I lost, and you will win this coin. If there are no bullets in the gun, it means you lost, and your entire being is mine." . And I never show mercy to people who shoot at me.”


007 was stunned by Ye Yang. However, she was still very confident in her agent attributes. After a brief doubt, she sneered: "No need to play psychological games with me, I got perfect marks in this course." "

"Oh? Haha, I've been seen through!"

Ye Yang spread his hands indifferently.

It seems that it is still difficult to apply things in TV series to reality. If ordinary people directly try to use the routines in TV series to show off, they will definitely die miserably.

Fortunately, he is Ye Yang.

"Don't go any further! Otherwise, I will shoot you!"

007 shouted.

"Oh? Do you dare?"

Ye Yang spread his hands and continued to walk forward: "You know you won't survive if you kill me. From the conversation just now, I already know that you are not a person who will sacrifice his life easily. A person who cherishes his life so much will not Give up my only hope of survival? "

"you're right."

007 suddenly turned his gun and pointed it at Ye Yang's thigh: "But I don't mind letting you feel the pain first!"

"Then you can try."

Ye Yang continued.


007 knew that if she wanted to get away, she couldn't do it without shocking Ye Yang. She thought about it and turned the gun to Ye Yang's arm. She stopped talking nonsense and said, "touch!!!"

The imagined feeling of blood collapsing and bullets entering flesh did not appear.

She was stunned.

Looking at the scene in front of me, my mouth opened so wide it seemed like I could eat a turtle! ! !

I saw the young man in front of me holding his hands in the air.

He slowly opened his palm, and a bullet was firmly grasped in his palm. Except that the palm was a little red and a little warm, there was no blood at all! ! !

"This! This is impossible!!!!"

she exclaimed.

"Well, it's really good."

Ye Yang played with the warhead: "It's just a little hot to touch. After that, he casually threw the warhead at 007's feet...

This scene was also seen by Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu who were watching from outside.

The reaction of the two sisters was basically the same as that of 007. It would be no problem to put a wine bottle in it!

"Holy crap! Is the boss still a human? He's so awesome!"

Xiao Qingxuan was stunned.

"It's no surprise that any miracle happened to him. Even if he said he was Superman, I would believe it."

Xiao Xiaozhu's reaction was lighter.

"There are gunshots inside! Should we rush in!"

The military forces behind him were very nervous, their muscles tense, and they were ready to rush in at any time.

Ling Shishi was also very worried.

"No need, just wait until the boss comes out."

Xiao Qingxuan now understood why the boss went in.

"Oh. Is that so?"

A group of military forces forcibly restrained themselves.

In the lobby.

Ye Yang slowly walked forward.

“Bang bang bang!!!”

The Browning pistol fires extremely quickly.

Ye Yang's hands were like phantoms, picking them all off.

Soon the Browning pistol was empty.

However, she desperately discovered that all these bullets had been caught by Ye Yang.

Ye Yang waved his hand casually, and the bullets fell to the ground with a tinkling sound.

Several of them rolled to 007's feet.

Now 007's mentality has exploded, and the whole person is on the verge of collapse.

The touch of these bullets was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Knocking her down with a bang.

The whole person collapsed on the ground.

His whole body was shaking, and he looked at Ye Yang with infinite horror and fear in his eyes.

"This, this is impossible! You are not a human! You are a devil!!!"

she screamed in disbelief.

"Now, you lose."

Ye Yang smiled lightly and squatted down, casually taking off 007's mask.


The face under the mask is stunning.

It has the depth of Europe and America and the softness of Asia.

Cuteness and beauty coexist in one face, much like the beautiful reporter in "Who Am I" starring Jackie Chan.

He brushed 007's smooth brown short, face-length hair: "What's your name?"

"Juni, you can call me Xiaoni."

007 sighed and accepted his fate.

"Mixed race?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.

"I thought you would be eager to ask me questions about intelligence."

Junie pursed her lips.

"That's my people's job."

Ye Yang smiled lightly.


Junie's eyes trembled slightly: "I am of mixed American and Japanese descent."


Ye Yang nodded slightly and helped Juni up.

Until now, her legs were still weak and she couldn't stand up at all.

Out the hall door.

Everyone gathered around.

Ye Yang threw Juni to Xiao Qingxuan and looked at Juni with a faint smile: "If you confess, you will be lenient. If you resist, you will be strict. Tell the truth and be a new person."


For some reason, Ye Yang didn't see any fear in Juni's eyes, but instead there was a hint of expectation.

"I know what the CIA is all about. Don't pretend to be strong here."

Xiao Qingxuan curled her lips: "I don't know how many CIA agents have been pried open. I know you, and you are no exception."

"Oh~ Then sister must be more severe~"

Zhu Ni looked at Xiao Qingxuan with charming eyes.

Then, she was taken away.

Ye Yang shrugged and walked into the lobby again with Ling Shishi.


As soon as Ling Shishi opened her mouth, she felt a little at a loss for words.

The experience tonight was too shocking for her.

The man in front of her was so strong that she felt suffocated by the height of the mountain.

Ye Yang obviously felt this, and he patted Ling Shishi's head: "Just call me Brother Ye."


Ling Shishi nodded repeatedly: "Brother Ye."

"I was really scared today."

Ling Shishi sighed: "But I didn't expect that Brother Ye, you are so awesome! Even better than the male protagonists of the urban anime I watch!!!"


Ye Yang laughed.

"Brother Ye..."

After looking at the colorful clothes for a while, Ling Shishi suddenly said.

"Hmm? Just say it if you have something to say."

Ye Yang looked over seriously.

"Do you like me a little bit...?"

Ling Shishi blushed.


Ye Yang looked at her with interest: "Why do you ask this suddenly?"

"Because, Shishi has been looking for a perfect prince charming since she was a child, and now, I think I have found it!"

She plucked up her courage and said seriously.

(Second update \u003c\u003e)


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