Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 692 The core person, Mr. Ye is righteous


Faced with Ling Shishi’s confession, Ye Yang hesitated for a moment.

Seeing Ye Yang hesitate, Ling Shishi also said repeatedly: “I know that there are many excellent sisters around Brother Ye, but I don’t mind, as long as you are willing to accept me!”

Ling Shishi said seriously.

She wants such a perfect man.

Now that he appears, he must be the one!

Everything else can be ignored.


Ye Yang touched Ling Shishi’s little face: “If you really don’t mind, then I promise to protect you for a lifetime and enjoy all the prosperity and beauty in the world.”

This is like an ignorant oath between young lovers.

But, Ye Yang said this differently.

He does have this ability.

He never says wishes beyond his ability, because he will be responsible for every word he says.


Ling Shishi nodded repeatedly, and then, she carefully came up, and her sweet and gentle lips touched Ye Yang.

At this very close distance, Ling Shishi's soft eyes and sweet and playful face are slender and visible.

Ye Yang held her waist, closed his eyes, and enjoyed this moment.

Ancient texts say that when the golden wind and jade dew meet, they are better than countless people in the world.

Ling Shishi is a typical ancient style two-dimensional beautiful girl, and her body fragrance also has a unique warmth.

Loosen the belt and meet frankly.

Jade face flushed, high mountains and flowing water.

Everything is beautiful like poetry and painting.

On the chair of the Han Dynasty, on the sandalwood bed of the Tang Dynasty, in front of the bright window of the Qing Dynasty...

The innocent two people, in a room, walked through the veins of history, spanning two thousand years, before they finished.

"Brother Ye... you are so awesome..."

Ling Shishi's tongue was hanging out, and after the final relaxation, she fell into a deep sleep.


Ye Yang smiled helplessly. With his ability, it is indeed difficult for ordinary girls to keep up with the pace now.

It seems that the speed of making physical upgrading potions should be accelerated, so that after the girls drink it, they will not only be in better health, but also have a better experience with each other.

I looked at the sky outside and it was already bright.

I stretched my body.

I walked around the palace garden for a few laps. Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu went to interrogate and torture 007 Annie.

But I heard that Annie was surprisingly hard-mouthed and would not reveal any information no matter how hard she tried.

She was even shouting and begging Xiao Qingxuan to hit her harder.

"Boss, someone is coming from Zhonghai!"

The maid knelt down to report to him.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Please invite him to the tea room for tea."


The maid knelt down again and left.

Tea room.

The top-grade Royal Longjing tea, which cost 600,000 Chinese yuan per pound, was brewed and boiling.

Three big guys sat here to taste tea.

"This tea tastes really good."

"Yeah... This should be the best tea you can see on the market."

In China, many things cannot be bought with money.

For example, the tea from the mother tree of Dahongpao in Wuyi Mountain.

It produces less than six kilograms every year.

After picking these six kilograms, they are sent to Zhonghai overnight. Only the top few bigwigs in China are qualified to taste them.


Ye Yang stepped in.

Chang Siwei immediately stood up and said respectfully to the two people around him: "General Dong, Wang Guowei, this is Mr. Ye."


General Dong and Wang Guowei both stood up and took the initiative to shake hands with Ye Yang.

Ye Yang was also kind to receive the guests. After the greetings, he sat down.

The general is the highest-ranking existence in the Chinese military.

There are only a dozen of them in the whole of China.

There are less than ten people like the national committee in the political world!

This is the most prominent existence in China!

"Mr. Ye, we brought you some Da Hong Pao from the mother tree of Wuyi Mountain this time."

The two of them took out a kilogram of the most precious tea that China cannot buy with money.

If it cannot be bought with money, it cannot be measured by money.

It can be called a priceless treasure.

Ye Yang accepted it casually and said with a smile: "Mr. Dong and Mr. Wang came here for the Fuchun Mountain Dwelling Picture last night, right?"

"Yes! Mr. Ye is really a straightforward person!"

General Dong nodded with great appreciation and smiled.

"Well. This painting is of great significance to China. The Chinese government is willing to exchange this Fuchun Mountain Dwelling Picture with Mr. Ye for 100 billion plus many policy benefits. Mr. Ye will definitely not lose money."

Wang Guowei said repeatedly: "We have heard that you invested 500 billion last night to compete with Europe and the United States. It really boosted the morale of China! The country will not let patriotic people suffer losses."

"No need."

Ye Yang waved his hand.


General Dong and Wang Guowei looked at each other, both of them were a little surprised.

They came together, the face was big enough, and the policy was very good, why didn't they even want to talk to them?

"Oh, I mean, this Fuchun Mountain Residence Picture, there is no point in keeping it with me. I have enough treasures, and I don't need one more. It has immeasurable significance to China. In this case, it is better to give it to you directly and let its value show."

Ye Yang spread his hands.

In fact, he only spent two yuan on this painting last night.

Five hundred billion was spent on the first two magical medicines.

Although it was expensive because of Fuchun Villa, he didn't care. Not to mention that it was worth buying this medicine for 500 billion, the system also gave a large set of huge benefits.

He has already made a lot of money, and he is tired of making money.

He doesn't want to make any more money at all, just do charity and accumulate virtue to maintain his life.


General Dong and Wang Guowei were stunned by Ye Yang's magnificent atmosphere.

That is a preferential policy that countless top Chinese rich people can't get even if they are crazy about it!

And 100 billion in cash!

Just don't take any of it, and give the painting to the country for free? !

After they confirmed Ye Yang's meaning again and again.

They all stood up in awe and said, "I've heard that Mr. Ye cares about his country. Today, I see that his words are as good as gold! On behalf of China, I thank Mr. Ye!"

"Haha, you two are too polite."

Ye Yang sighed in his heart. As a Chinese, he also hopes that one day the country will be unified. This affection should be regarded as a payment for his feelings.

I used to have no ability to help with this matter.

Now that I have the ability, of course I have to do my best.

"Mr. Ye is a noble man. He should be a role model for China's current business community. The relevant positions and honors must be yours!"

Wang Guowei said repeatedly.

"I'll be disrespectful to refuse this."

Ye Yang laughed and had dinner with several big guys. They said goodbye and left.

During the meal, the two big guys also said that there were a few core positions recently, and Ye Yang was welcome to sign up for the election.

But Ye Yang didn't care much about these.

It's not his character to work hard every day.

"Boss, Annie has spoken."

The maid came in and bowed.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. It seems that the Xiao sisters are really powerful!

Such a stubborn agent, and his mouth was pried open.

(First update)


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