Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 694 Controlled nuclear fusion! Li Zhixiang is unwilling to accept the result


Black cards transform and rotate.

Finally, the natural science nuclear energy energy supply technology chain appeared!


Ye Yang's heart moved and he was very excited.

Things related to nuclear are the most precious and highest-level things in the world today!

As a weapon, photon weapons are enough. Even if he comes up with some kind of nuclear weapons production process, he will have nothing to be happy about.

But this is an energy supply!

You know, the evolution of human civilization is the change in the form of energy supply!

Because of the use of fire, primitive people moved from ignorance to tribal civilization.

Because of the use of coal, human civilization went a step further and became an ancient civilization.

Oil and electricity propelled the world into modern history.

The generation of nuclear energy has truly brought human civilization into the modern era.

Nuclear energy energy supply, according to high-end scientific predictions, will be the new energy source that will replace oil/coal in the future.

There are two major stages in the energy supply of nuclear energy.

The first stage is nuclear fission.

This energy supply method is similar to the principle of the atomic bomb.

The pollution is high, the radiation is high, and the energy utilization rate is low, but it is stable and can be controlled by the current level of human technology. Unless there is a major disaster such as a tsunami or earthquake that destroys the nuclear power plant, there will be no big problem.

Today, human beings are still in the middle of the first stage.

Even the energy provided by nuclear fission, utilization and stability have not reached a foolproof level.

As for the second stage, it is nuclear fusion.

This is similar to the principle of a hydrogen bomb.

There is almost zero pollution, no radiation, and the energy emitted is several orders of magnitude higher than that of nuclear fission!

It is simply the most ideal, advanced and powerful energy supply method that human civilization can reach in the world today.

It can be said that whoever masters controllable nuclear fusion first will truly master the future world! ! ! !

Nowadays, all the top countries in the world want to master controllable nuclear fusion like crazy. Unfortunately, even the most powerful countries such as China and the United States can only make the artificial sun produced by nuclear fusion last for tens of seconds on average.

It is so difficult to stabilize it, let alone use it to generate electricity or provide energy.

This is the first time in the history of human science that a project has encountered so many difficulties in its initial stages.

Ye Yang was very excited.

According to the description of the technology chain, nuclear fusion is only the second stage, and there is a final third stage. However, without the facilities for the second stage, the third stage cannot be achieved.

It seems that for now, nuclear fusion technology still needs to be promoted in the world.

Ye Yang pondered for a moment, this is an extremely serious matter.

After all, this kind of energy upgrade is a matter of civilization and has gone beyond the concept of the country.

If it is not handled well, it may lead to a world war.

He first provided the technology to the black technology company and asked them to build a controllable nuclear fusion device first.

As for the back, we have to slowly lay out the layout.

Given the current level of civilization in the world, it would probably take a long time to build such a device.

Ye Yang was not in a hurry.

After handing over the Fuchun Mountain Residence Map to the official people.

He once again had several more national titles.

But there were too many titles, and he didn't bother to remember them.

The chairman of the National People's Congress of China's business community, the country's highest contribution merit medal, etc. are all medals and titles with extremely high honors and high status, but do not require any practical work.

I think the officials still know themselves very well.

In the days that followed, Hurricane, together with the Chinese military and police, cleared up all the CIA's routes to China provided by Juni.

Many big bosses in the United States were so angry that they chewed their teeth, and the CIA was extremely heartbroken. None of them expected that Juni, who performed first-rate in training, would explain everything in just one day.

There was no time to even send the informant back to the United States.

This is a route they have laid out and worked hard for decades!


Overnight, it was all gone! ! !

After dealing with these major matters, the Fuchun Mountain Residence incident came to an end.

Ye Yang returned to his previous life rhythm. When he had nothing to do, he would play happy games with the maid in the hot spring and enjoy the traditional atmosphere of the capital. When he had nothing to do, he would stroll around the palace and play with the little bitch.

The days returned to happiness and comfort.

He would go and see the teacher when he had nothing to do. It was said that the teacher was recovering from his illness and would be discharged from the hospital in a few days. He also promised to pick the teacher up from the hospital in a few days.

At this time, in the Jingfu Tea House in the capital. A group of gentlemen are drinking tea.

One of them had a weak foundation and heavy dark circles under his eyes. He was clearly the young man with kidney deficiency who drugged Han Jingjing that night at Hua Bo's celebration banquet.

Li Zhixiang slammed the table angrily: "Damn, what a mistake! Han Jingjing's best friend who conspired with me has been sent to prison by this woman and sentenced to ten years. How cruel! Hua Bo doesn't know what he committed. Mental illness, my family put pressure on them not to help Han Jingjing with the lawsuit, but they didn’t take my family’s warning as a warning at all!

"What!? How dare you not give your face to Brother Zhixiang!?"

"How audacious! Who is Huabo? It's just a small film and television company with assets of less than 30 billion!"

"Haha, haven't they made "Yip Wen" now, which has become popular all over the world and created a box office miracle in film history? I feel like I am different!"

"Indeed, their status and market value in China have been skyrocketing recently, and their valuation has exceeded 100 billion!"

"Have you seen that movie?"

"Why should I watch that thing! I'd rather pick up girls! I'm a rich second-generation, I can show off myself, why do I have to go to the cinema to watch other men show off on the screen!? I'm a master of time management!"

"Haha, great minds think alike!!!"

Several rich second-generation young men clinked their glasses and laughed.

"By the way, let's talk about that bitch Han Jingjing!"

Li Zhixiang said angrily: "I was about to get her that night, but someone came to my rescue and stole my love. I was scared to death. Thinking about it now, I still feel ashamed and angry!!!"

"Is there anyone who doesn't know how powerful my brother Zhixiang is?!"

"This man deserves to die!"


The rich second-generations are all speaking up for Li Zhixiang.

Li Zhixiang snorted coldly: "Fortunately, my family background is strong, and I can't get into trouble at all. This woman is still chasing me and wants to put me in jail. Dream on!"

"That's right! What's Zhixiang's family background!?"

"Haha, just a little star, too naive!"

The other young masters said in support.

"I asked you to come here today because I want to deal with this person."

Li Zhixiang slammed the photo in his hand on the table: "I checked, the one who beat us that night was the male lead of Huabo's "Ye Wen", named Ye Yang!"

(First update)


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