Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 695 A big scene? Then give him a big scene

"It's so hateful."

"Who gave him the courage? He's just an actor, but he dared to touch you, Brother Li!"

"A newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger. He just got angry and swelled up. Do you think he is invincible?!"

"Kill him!"

The young masters were directly indignant.

After all, they all bully men and women, and they don't think there is anything wrong with doing such things.

They even think it's natural.

If others stop them, it's their fault. They are too arrogant. They dare to stop them!

But they are not arrogant to the extreme. They know the real big bosses in Beijing by heart. They know who can offend and who can't offend.

They remember the family tree of the big bosses better than the names of their own parents.

It is precisely this familiarity that hurt them this time.

After all, Ye Yang is not in this relationship map.

Since they had a preconceived notion of Ye Yang as a celebrity, and they were familiar with the bigwigs in Beijing, they would not investigate further.

"That's right, kill him!"

Li Zhixiang angrily slapped the table: "This time, I just want to gather enough momentum. Although I can call a lot of people, it's not shocking enough. I want you brothers to help me and scare him. It's best to scare him to death on the spot. Then we record a video of him kneeling on the ground begging for mercy, with shit and urine flowing, and send it to Han Jingjing for her to see, haha."

"Brothers are in trouble, and all sides must help!"

"I'll stick my neck out for you!"

"That's right! Brother Li, don't worry, this time I will do my best to do this for you, and I must kill him!"

"Haha! My people are all over the capital. With a wave of my hand, there will be thousands of people!"

"I will definitely gather enough momentum for you! Scare that kid silly!!!!"

"That's right!!!"

All the rich second-generations said again and again.

"Just do it, check where this guy is now!"

"I'll go get someone!"

"Let's coordinate!"

The young masters obviously have no talent for doing serious things, but they are gifted in finding trouble and committing suicide, and have strong organizational and mobilization capabilities.

Soon, they mobilized their respective teams. According to their boasting, they can bring together a spectacular team of tens of thousands of people! ! !

However, when they gathered, they found that there were only 1,800 people together.

Ten large trucks and more than a hundred luxury cars of various types.

It was a black mass, although it was far from the tens of thousands of people they boasted, but it was also spectacular.

"Today my little brother was browsing Weibo and saw someone encounter him and his girlfriend walking around Haituo Mountain in the suburbs. Let's go there to chase him!"

"Haha, that's right, being a celebrity is easy to find! It also saves the effort of investigation."

"Let's do a big one and make a name for ourselves?"

"I think it's okay. Anyway, our father is cleaning up the mess. Let's accompany Brother Li to make a scene today!"

"Let's do it!!!"

A group of young and rich second-generations got into their luxury cars.

A convoy of nearly 200 luxury cars and large trucks, all of which were fierce thugs. This momentum made the people who saw it along the way talk about it.

"Hiss, what's going on!?"

"I don't know, this is too big!?"

"Since the policy of cracking down on gangs and eliminating evil began to be implemented, this kind of big battle has rarely been seen."

"Indeed, but before, this kind of scene was not uncommon."

"Back to the old days!"


The people were pointing and commenting.

Many people who like to watch the fun even drove their cars and followed from a distance.

Many Internet celebrities who are willing to sacrifice their lives for money and traffic also hurriedly took a taxi to follow this famous scene.

Maybe, it will become popular!

This is so shocking!

The convoy of 200 cars has expanded to 500 or 600 cars when it arrives at Haituo Mountain.

The road is full.

The police stations along the way have received reports long ago.

The police are all excited.

This is a performance that is delivered to the door!

If there is no fight, it is empty joy. If there is a fight, it is a major black case!

They all gathered urgently and prepared to take the medals of honor that were delivered to the door.

The Anti-Black Department has a lot of authorization power. Even if the young men in the cars really have a big background, they will not be too afraid. They will just wait for the order from above, and they will rush up and arrest all these guys.

Haituo Mountain.

Ye Yang had just finished chatting with Yu Momo in the camping tent in the morning landscape.

After all, it was just a morning exercise, so of course it was just a little bit.

After Yu Momo helped Ye Yang put on his clothes, the two walked out of the high-tech camping tent.

The tent automatically closed and was put away by two maids on the side.

Ye Yang kneaded Yu Momo's hips, enjoying the wonderful touch, while looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him, feeling so good.

"Wasn't it very lively just now? Why is it so quiet all of a sudden?"

Ye Yang looked around and felt something was wrong.

"A group of cars sealed off Haituo Mountain, and the tourists were scared away."

Yu Momo's work ability is very strong. Even though he had just consumed a lot of physical energy and his legs were still trembling, he quickly found the reason.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, looked at the so-called big scene on the screen, smiled and shook his head: "What the hell."

"They are here for you, boss."

Yu Momo pointed to the big red banner on the screen.

It says Ye Yang come down and apologize, don't be a coward.


Ye Yang laughed out loud, these little bastards, why should they be so childish?

Chuunibyou has broken out! ?


Xiao Qingxuan took out a machete directly from his pocket: "I can deal with them by myself."

" do you fit such a big machete into your pocket?"

Ye Yang's face was covered with black lines.

"I think it's better to call the hurricane bodyguards over. There are indeed a lot of people on the other side."

Yu Momo suggested.

"It's just a bunch of rabble. It's not enough for me to fight with one hand."

Xiao Qingxuan curled her lips.

"This kind of thing doesn't need to be called a hurricane."

Ye Yang shook his head: "Call the hurricane, it's just a fight between the underworld, it's really low-level. Since these brats want to compare the scene and shock, then let them see what is real. The scene, what a real shock! "

"To deal with this level of brainless little characters, we must crush them, whether it is frontal or legal afterwards, and make them fall into a place of no return."

Yu Momo instantly understood Ye Yang's intention. Fighting black against black not only seemed inadequate, but also unreasonable afterwards. But if another identity was used to solve the matter, it would be completely different... After thinking about it, , she directly dialed another number...

(Second update)


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