Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 696: On the other side of the sky, there is an armed helicopter

Haituo Mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, clouds of luxury cars surrounded the entire entrance and exit of the mountain.

The tourists quickly went down the mountain.

Many reporters and internet celebrities were following and filming from a distance.

There are still many police posts, and they just wait for these young men and women to take action, and then directly start the anti-gang operation.

For a time, the place was bustling with activity.

On the mountain, Ye Yang was leisurely and contented, casually watching the people coming and going down the mountain, holding the beauty in his arms, enjoying the cool vacation life.

Yu Mo Mo had finished the phone call and smiled at Ye Yang.

"Okay, it's time to go down the mountain and teach these kids how to behave."

With Ye Yang's current status, it is naturally impossible to really regard these little rubbish below as real opponents.

The way they look at them is unconsciously looking down and the sense of ridicule that arises in the hearts of the seniors when they see the arrogance of the juniors.


Yu Momo also smiled slightly, and walked down the mountain road with Ye Yang.

The main exit at the foot of the mountain.

On a Land Rover.

"Brother Zhixiang, didn't he run away on the trail?"

"That's right, when I saw our formation, I was so frightened that I didn't even dare to go down the mountain!"


All the young and old were laughing and making noises.

"Well, it's possible!"

Li Zhixiang nodded: "By the way, let's go straight to a game of catching turtles in a jar! Search the mountain for me!"

The words fell.

"Brother Zhixiang, it seems like someone is coming down from the mountain."

The younger brothers were all surprised.

"Have you finally come down?"

Li Zhixiang raised his eyebrows: "How many people are there?"

"There are only five people. Besides Ye Yang, there are four women."

"Haha, it seems that I didn't go out with my bodyguard today!"

"It's just five people. I'm laughing so hard!"

"With such strength, he dares to offend our brother Zhixiang. He is simply reckless!"

"That's right, that's right!!!"

All the rich second generation boasted.

Li Zhixiang raised the corner of his mouth: "Let's go!"

As he said that, he led a group of boys forward, ready to show off first, and then beat the boy once he was satisfied with his words.

Let him know what it means to not mess with a big brother! ! !

Thinking about it, they walked up to Ye Yang and blocked the way forward.

"Is something wrong?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Haha, do you still recognize me!?"

Li Zhixiang stood out from the crowd and looked at Ye Yang with a sneer.

Ye Yang looked at Li Zhixiang indifferently and thought for a long time. He raised his eyebrows when he saw the unusually dark circles under his eyes: "Oh~ I remembered, you were the young man with kidney deficiency who wanted to drug Han Jingjing that night and had evil intentions. .Oh it's you."

He only saw a group of wealthy second generation people gathering on the mountain.

Only now do we know that the initiator of this is this boy.

It seems that the beating that night was not severe!

"Haha, it seems you still remember me. I told you not to mess with me, otherwise, the consequences would be serious. Now, have you seen the consequences!?"

He waved back.

Thousands of young men behind him were honking their horns, and for a moment, the entire Haituo Mountain fell into a commotion.

Ye Yang waved his hand in disgust: "Are you playing the silent flute for you?"


Several maids were so amused by these words that they couldn't help laughing.

They are the maids of the palace, and their vision is naturally beyond the reach of ordinary people. A dog in front of the prime minister's door is better than a seventh-rank county official.

They know very well that no matter how much these second-generation young rich people fool around, they will never be able to shake a hair out of their boss's legs.

So, I feel very relaxed.

Seeing that Ye Yang's maid dared to laugh at him, Li Zhixiang was so angry that his face turned red and his neck thickened, and he shouted angrily: "Don't be too arrogant! If you pretend to be so natural, don't blame me for being ruthless when you get beaten later!"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and shouted: "How dare you, a criminal who has attempted a crime, gossip here! If Han Jingjing hadn't wanted to seek justice on her own, you would have been in jail now."

"Haha, what a loud tone! Do you know who my father is!? You even sent me to prison to dream!"

Ye Yang chuckled: "How about you tell me your father's name and I'll send you both in?"

"Ha ha!!!"

Li Zhixiang burst out laughing as if he had heard some incredible joke: "Did everyone hear what he said! A bullshit celebrity and Internet celebrity wants to touch our house!?"

"Hahaha, this is so funny, isn't it?"

"You are really a frog in the well and don't know awe!"

"If you offend Brother Zhixiang, you are finished!"

Several other young men and young men kept talking.

They are obviously the same type of people as Li Zhixiang.

I'm used to bullying men and dominating women.

I don’t think Li Zhixiang did anything wrong at all. If Ye Yang stopped Li Zhixiang, he would also stop them when he encounters them in the future.

So, this is their common enemy!

We share the same hatred!

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Kneel down and beg for mercy now, confess the crimes you have committed, repent, and turn yourself in. It's not too late."


Li Zhixiang was dumbfounded: "You're going to steal my lines!"

All the young men were stunned, and then burst into laughter.

"Haha, did you hear what this person said!?"

"Tell Young Master Li to kneel down and beg for mercy!"

"I gotta laugh to death!"

"He confessed and was lenient. It made me laugh to death. Who does he think he is!? A super boss!"


Li Zhixiang was about to speak.

Ye Yang turned his eyes away from him and stopped paying attention to him. He said calmly, "You don't have much time left."

"You are a psychopath!"

Li Zhixiang felt like he punched cotton. He was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood. It was his turn to show off.

But the other person stood there, and his aura and temperament directly suppressed them.

He failed to show off, but made the other person look like a super boss who was not afraid of danger...

Thinking of this, Li Zhixiang was furious: "Damn it, come on! Beat this pretender to death!!!"

Before he finished speaking.

He heard vibrations and roars from the horizon.

The whole earth began to tremble!!!


"What's going on!?"

"Is there an earthquake!?"

The younger brothers looked around in panic.

The noisy discussions of the people in the distance also stopped abruptly, and they were all trembling.

Finally, someone discovered the group of figures on the horizon.

"Yes, it's a plane!!!"


"Armed helicopter!"

"So many armed helicopters!!!!"

After seeing clearly what the group of black shadows approaching at high speed were, everyone was stunned.

The whole sky, in all directions, dense armed helicopters drove over in black! ! !

There was a vibration under my feet.

Endless smoke and dust were raised in the distance of the mountain.

"What, what is that!?"


Some people looked carefully, and when they saw what those things that raised the smoke and dust were, they were paralyzed.

"Those are armored vehicles and tanks!!!"

The police on standby at the back were all stunned.


When did the army come to compete with the police for performance! ?

This internal competition is too serious! ?

(First update)

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