Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 697: Three armies arrive together, two-level reversal


The armed helicopter is far away in the horizon, but it is right in front of you in an instant.

The dusty tanks, carrying the dust, came crushing the sports cars.

All pedestrians retreated.

They all expressed shock and numbness.

It's absolutely terrible!

The eldest young master and the younger brothers were also trembling, not daring to act rashly.

"What's happening here!?"

"I don't know, I haven't heard of any military exercises here today!"

"This is too sudden. How many troops are there!"

"At least two groups have arrived, right!?"

"That's outrageous!"

The majesty and momentum of aircraft, tanks and armored vehicles are not something that ordinary people can resist.

Everyone felt the terror and their hearts were trembling.


The plane flew overhead, and many people's legs were shaking.

This is the majesty of the army! ! !

Righteousness and powerful crushing!

As for armored vehicles and tanks, it's even more outrageous. The torrent of steel and the behemoth turrets are crushing them past, and nothing seems to be able to stop their progress.

Those sports cars were crushed instantly.

These young and old have not had time to feel sorry for themselves.

The gunship hovered over them.

The infrared sniper rifle took aim and was instantly pointed at the heads of the leading young men.

Almost instantly, the legs of these evil-faced young men weakened and they collapsed directly on the ground.

This is a large-caliber sniper rifle!

One shot can blow your head right off! ! !

If you are pointed at by such a terrifying weapon, you will lose your life at any time.

This kind of fear is not something that ordinary people can resist.

If you are mentally weak, you may faint immediately if a gun is pointed at you...

"You have seriously endangered national security and intend to harm our senior generals. Put down your weapons immediately and hold your head in your hands. If you act rashly, we have the right to shoot and kill you at any time."

On the helicopter, a loud warning sounded.

"Damn it, where is this from?"

"Why don't I just find a few boys to drive out and block people, and show off at the same time!? How can I endanger national security!? Damn it!"

"A senior general!? Where did the senior general come from!?"

All the young men and women felt that they had been wronged and they kept shouting that they were wronged.

"Chi chi chi..."

From the helicopter, the rope hung down.

Groups of soldiers landed in an orderly manner from above.

A set of clean and neat moves, loaded with ammunition, and quickly controlled the entire audience.

How could one of the thousand people present and involved in the siege dare to take action?

Facing this kind of terrifying army that was really going to fight on the battlefield, they were a ragtag group of people who had long been paralyzed with fear.

The place smelled like urine.

Apparently scared to death.

He fell to the ground, not even daring to fart.

In the distance, the onlookers were all mute.

Looking at this scene, everyone was stunned.

Shocked, puzzled, outrageous, all kinds of emotions filled their moods. Even the most promiscuous internet celebrity at the scene was frightened by the situation and couldn't say a word.

"Okay, let's get going. We're destined to have nothing to do today."

The policemen all gave a wry smile.

They were no less shocked than ordinary people.

The closer you are within the system, the clearer you become to how terrifying it is to be able to mobilize this level of military power in an instant! ! !

But no matter what, today's great achievement is not theirs.

"That's outrageous. It seems that the person these people bet on in the mountains has an extremely high status!"

"Haha, I'm laughing so hard. A group of young men, thinking they are awesome, went to round up a military boss. If you really think about it, the death penalty for the leader and life imprisonment for the accomplices is considered light."

"I just don't know which boss is being surrounded."

They were too far away to see which big boss was surrounded by the crowd.

Those in the front row of the crowd could vaguely see Ye Yang written on the banner.

"I'll go, isn't that the big star Ye Yang!?"

"Can celebrities mobilize such an awesome army now!?"

"Are you crazy! How is that possible! There is only one possibility! This Mr. Ye is a big boss in the military himself!"

"I'll go, if that's the case, are these young men filled with shit? Are they going to round up Mr. Ye!?"

"Haha, who knows!?"


After a long time, the crowd eased their shock and started talking about it.

Li Zhixiang was stunned. He knelt on the ground in dissatisfaction and was held up by a gun.

"Why am I threatening national security! There are no senior generals. You must have made a mistake! I am the eldest son of the Li family in the west of Beijing! You can't arrest me easily! You have to give my father some face!"

"We don't know your father. The order we received is to ensure the personal safety of Major General Ye at all costs. You have essentially threatened Major General Ye's safety!"

The leader of the armored regiment had cold eyes, looking at Li Zhixiang as if he were looking at a dead person.

"Major General!? Then you must have made a mistake! Where did the Major General come from here!"

As Li Zhixiang spoke, he suddenly realized in his heart, Major General Ye... Ye Yang...

This Ye Yang is a major general! ?

Holy shit! ! !

The moment he reacted, his heart went cold.

"The Ye Yang standing in front of you is the youngest major general in China. The supreme leader personally awarded him the title of general, and he is called General Xinghua! According to the law, the maximum penalty for harming a senior general of our country is the death penalty!"

The tank regiment leader said coldly.

"This!? This, this, is this possible...?"

Li Zhixiang groaned, really frightened.

My brain went black for a while.

The youngest major general in China!

What a terrifying definition this is!

He actually provoked such a big shot! ?

No wonder he always felt that the other person was looking down at him...

That is a person from heaven!

He suddenly remembered that Ye Yang had asked him to kneel down and beg for mercy. How could that be pretentious! It was clearly an opportunity given to him by an extremely kind person!

You damn fool, you didn't seize this only chance of survival!

It’s over!

Although he is a playboy, he also knows how serious a crime it is to threaten a senior general...

Don't talk about his father.

Even his father's immediate boss's immediate boss may not be able to resolve this matter...

Thinking of this, he felt that his life was about to come to an abrupt end.

He immediately rolled into pieces at Ye Yang's feet, bursting into tears, and kowtowed madly to apologize.

"Mr. Ye, I am not a human being! I am a scumbag! That night, I was obsessed with lust and wanted to do evil to Han Jingjing..."

I was so anxious that I told him everything that happened before.

"Is there any unexpected gain?"

The three captains looked at each other and it seemed that this boy was dead.

Ye Yang, on the other hand, had enough time to record an evidence collection video next to him...

(Second update)

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