Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 698 I complain about myself?

"Well, the evidence is conclusive."

Ye Yang put away his phone and immediately sent the video to Han Jingjing.

Since she wants to have her own relationship, he should be the provider of evidence.


Li Zhixiang is not too aggrieved now.

Before coming, he boasted so much that he made Ye Yang cry and beg for mercy.

Now he is crying at Ye Yang's feet, kneeling down to beg for mercy...

"Okay, if you have anything else to say, let's go to court and say it!"

Several regiment leaders gave a cold shout, and the surrounding soldiers directly dragged the younger brothers present onto armored vehicles, tanks, and helicopters.

These boys seemed to have no bones, they were so scared that they were as weak as mud.

Fortunately, the soldiers were very strong. They dragged these young men directly into the car like dragging chickens and escorted them back to the nearby military camp.

What awaits them will be a high-end and strict trial.


"Then, Major General Ye, I'll leave first!"


Ye Yang looked at the three group leaders and nodded slightly.

"It's so shocking!"

In the distance, until the planes and tanks all drove away.

The crowd of onlookers cried out in amazement.



"I have never seen such a big scene in my life!"

"It's like making a movie."


The crowd was discussing enthusiastically.

Can't believe it all.

"Mr. Ye actually has a strong military background!"

"too strong!"

"The media who used to smear the family are probably trembling now. They are directly arrested for smearing the image of the country's senior generals. It's enough for them to drink!"

"That's right! Those people, when they see patriotic people, get jealous and scold them. How did they criticize Ye Wen for making a patriotic movie like this? They also took the opportunity to smear Mr. Ye. Just thinking about it makes you angry! "

"I guess these people won't be able to sleep well after this hot search went up today."

"Ha ha……"

While discussing, everyone left.

After all, no one dared to block Ye Yang's way.

If tanks and planes come back, it would be uncomfortable to take them away too!

Subsequently, several blurry videos were posted online.

After all, they are aircraft, artillery, tanks and armored vehicles. Who dares to get too close?

All far away.

So, naturally, I couldn’t take a picture of anything.

However, it is a super big scene after all.

It quickly became popular online.

"Haha, do you use the army to fight gangs and evil now!?"

"Isn't this too spectacular!?"

"They all say that these bullies are here to trouble Ye Yang, but they don't know whether it's true or not."

"Ye Shenhao!? Although he is rich and a star, does he still have such influence in the military!?"

"I don't know, maybe he is a big boss in the military."

"Holy crap, is this so outrageous!"

"Rich, famous, and a military boss!?"

"Perfect! So perfect!"

"There is such an awesome person in China!"

"I'm the frog in the well."


Netizens were extremely enthusiastic and put Ye Yang on the hot search list one after another.

However, after all, this matter did not receive any official certification or evidence, but Ye Yang did not issue any response, so everyone regarded him as acquiescing.

Suddenly, Ye Shenhao became popular again.

Many military fans keep following Ye Yang's Douyin account.

After all, this is a living military boss!

Where would a normal person have the opportunity to follow someone else’s account? !

Ye Yang took advantage of the trend and sent out hundreds of millions of red envelopes, becoming popular again.

He didn't notice how much the bottom hair was, so he pressed a few extra zeros.

It's estimated to be over a billion.

Just finished giving out red envelopes.

Han Jingjing sent a message of thanks.

"Sigh... The power behind Li Zhixiang is really too great. I have collected evidence for a long time, but it is of no use. They want to spend millions to settle this matter, and they also threaten my personal safety!"

When Han Jingjing saw this video evidence, she was almost moved to tears.

My heart is very warm.

Although I said I had to rely on myself that day, in the end it was still too difficult to rely on an artist to fight against a big family.

Recently, she felt powerless.

This is under the background that Huabo Film and Television Group is fully supporting her. Without Huabo's support, I am afraid that she will not be able to go far at all under such terrible pressure...

"I must thank you in person when I have time!"

Han Jingjing said repeatedly.

"Haha, we are already very close, why are you so polite?"

Ye Yang teased.

Han Jingjing's face turned red, and she felt ashamed when she recalled the experience, process, and details of Ye Yang helping her that night to help her dissipate the power of the medicine.

"Okay! I will repay you well when I have time!"

After Han Jingjing finished replying, she shyly closed WeChat.

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head, and then saw a few unread messages.


He raised his eyebrows in confusion. It turned out to be the beautiful police officer Wu Jingshu.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Yang looked at the photos she sent.

The photo shows the scene this morning of young men and women surrounding the mountain, with planes and tanks coming over to crush them.

"I'm telling you! Today is really unlucky!"

Wu Jingshu said repeatedly: "Have you heard about the Haituo Mountain incident? Our squadron received the news to deal with the emergency, but we saw so many troops halfway! Alas! Our mission was cancelled again! It's too difficult!"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Haha!"

"You are still laughing! Alas! It's just catching some gangsters. The special police don't even need to be dispatched. It's OK to send us. The army actually showed up to catch them. I'm really afraid that one day we will be unemployed..."

Wu Jingshu complained.

"That's right, it's too unnecessary! Who is making such a fuss! Calling the army to deal with a few gangsters!"

Ye Yang typed indignantly.

After sending it out, I found that it seemed that this person was me...

Oh, so embarrassing!

"It's not a big deal! According to internal information, the one who was surrounded today was a major general of our army!"

Wu Jingshu said repeatedly: "Don't tell anyone about this. We are just spreading gossip among ourselves!"


Ye Yang was at a loss whether to laugh or cry: "Okay, I promise not to tell anyone."

Good guy, he is the major general himself! How can he spread it?! ?

Just when Ye Yang and Wu Jingshu were chatting and joking.

All the major families in Beijing were shocked!

Li Family.

Grandpa Li almost had a heart attack: "To intercept a major general? This is a provocation to the country! Provoking the military!!! Oh my God! How could my Li family have such an ungrateful evildoer!?"

"Grandpa, what should we do?!"

Others were also panicked and asked repeatedly.

"Spread it immediately. This Li Zhixiang was actually picked up from the trash can outside! He has nothing to do with the Li family. The Li family and the Haituoshan incident have nothing to do with each other!!!"

(First update)

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