Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 700: Flood in Heluo, Charity Gala

After that, Ye Yang returned to his daily life.

He played games every day, played with women, and watched some favorite dramas. Occasionally, he would visit Lin Xueer's live broadcast room and give her some tips.

With his support, Lin Xueer is now the well-deserved number one on Douyin.

And because of her positive personality and values, she has always been very popular.

She never made any scandals or anything like that.

If someone deliberately led the rhythm to blacken her, it would soon be proved to be nonsense, and those who took advantage of the traffic would always be sanctioned by Douyin. Over time, no one dared to lead the rhythm of Lin Xueer.

After all, everyone knew that Lin Xueer seemed to have a very deep relationship with Ye Shenhao.

Ye Shenhao still had a great prestige on Douyin. Who dared not to give him face! ?

That was made popular by strength (money). Others came to Douyin to make money, and others came to Douyin to spend money. How could it be the same? !


"Oh, the life of rich people is really boring."

Ye Yang touched his chin and started to check the news on his mobile phone. Seeing that Tang San, who topped the list of the richest writers last year, had a royalty of 100 million, he smiled and shook his head: "It turns out that the most powerful author in China only makes this little money..."

He pondered for a while. Anyway, he was free, so it seemed good to write a novel to record his life.

He looked at the rankings, and there were many novels about the lives of the super rich: "Tsk, too weak."

He thought about it, and started to open Word and start typing.

"Now, I am lying in a mansion of more than 60,000 square meters in the second ring of Beijing, and I began to recall my life...Thinking back then...I had a blind date with a black potato..."

He planned to write an introduction first, save some manuscripts, and publish them after a while.

After writing for a while, he realized how difficult it is for an online writer to update four or five thousand words every day. This is too difficult! It's simply a model of labor!

He felt his hands were sore just after writing more than 2,000 words: "Forget it, let's just scroll through Douyin for a while."

As soon as he opened Douyin, he saw a Douyin account registered by an author, whose name was Yi Jiuyang. He was posting a video to show off his monthly royalties of tens of thousands.

Ye Yang raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "It's too low to show off this little money!"

But after thinking carefully, it seems that the screenwriter of the movie "Ye Wen" is also called Yi Jiuyang. He has also followed his B station account and other accounts, which seem to have the same avatar and the same name.

Feeling predestined, Ye Yang casually clicked to follow.

"Could it be the same person?"

He shook his head: "I can ask him to write my story...but it's more meaningful to write my own biography."

After coding the first chapter, he saved the manuscript.

Ye Yang continued to scroll through Douyin.

"Heluo suddenly had a heavy rain! The hourly precipitation reached 210mm!"

"Heluo Province suffered the heaviest rain in a thousand years!"


Ye Yang sat up and was shocked.

Natural disasters sometimes come so suddenly.

The phone rang suddenly.


The voice on the other end was quite low: "Boss, do you know about the flood in Heluo?"

It was Wang Silin.


Ye Yang nodded.

"Our Beijing business district is preparing to organize an emergency charity gala tonight to donate money to the disaster area. Boss, do you want to come!?"

Wang Silin asked.

"Of course."

Ye Yang said without hesitation.

When encountering natural disasters, China has always emphasized "one side is in trouble, all sides support".

Looking at the surging water and the people affected in the video, he couldn't bear it.


Ye Yang took Yu Momo to sit in the back seat.

Driver Xu Jiaojiao drove the Hongqi L90 worth 20 million yuan in the rainy night.

Many people along the way stopped to admire.

After all, although Hongqi's cars are not as expensive as many world-class sports cars, the most expensive ones are only 20 to 30 million.

But to buy this car, the relationship and energy required are simply beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Even Chinese tycoons who drive super luxury cars worth tens of millions will envy the super bosses who drive 20 million Hongqi.

Soon, the car drove to the venue.

Although it was raining.

But inside and outside the venue, there were a lot of people.

Obviously, this donation attracted a lot of people.

Various luxury cars came in an endless stream, and the boss walked into the charity gala under the cover of a black umbrella.

"Let's go."

Yu Momo also opened the black umbrella.

and walked into the building with Ye Yang.

The venue was already full of people.

The lights came down.

The host began his speech.

Ye Yang looked at the people from all walks of life present, and his eyes calmed down.

A small donation venue really saw all kinds of life. These rich people were either seeking fame and profit, or purely for the country and the people, and some just wanted to buy hot search marketing in the name of donation.

But after all, they were still people who wanted to donate.

In any case, they are all worthy of being called good people.

However, there are big and small good deeds.

The formal process started soon.

Each company came on stage and raised a sign to indicate how much they would donate.

The specific amount ranged from hundreds of thousands to hundreds of millions.

The big heads were in the back.

Everyone was waiting to see how much the most powerful companies or rich people in Beijing would donate.

Soon, a representative of a large chamber of commerce chose to donate a billion-level donation.

It caused thunderous applause from the audience.

Finally, many bigwigs focused their attention on Ye Yang.

Now, this legendary figure is in the capital, and he is very famous.

Almost half of the bigwigs in the Beijing business circle have now known Ye Yang.

They all want to see how much this Mr. Ye is, and how he can be respected by so many bigwigs...

Ye Yang walked to the front desk calmly, picked up the microphone, and said something shocking.

"I don't plan to donate."


There was a long silence.

"Why come here if you don't donate!?"

"That's right!"

"Too stingy! You're still a bigwig!"

"Where is this Ye's hometown from? Are people there so stingy?"


For a while, most people began to complain.

Some people who donated hundreds of thousands and then spent hundreds of thousands to buy hot searches with impure purposes were even more arrogant, and proudly began to criticize from the moral high ground.

Ye Yang sneered and scanned the area: "What the disaster area lacks now is not money, but supplies. Those who simply donate some money and buy hot searches to maliciously market themselves should shut up."

"Haha, so what! It's better than you being stingy!"

"That's right!"

This sentence directly hit the minds of some wealthy businessmen present, and they all shouted with red faces.

"Just this afternoon, Huaye Investment Group under my name urgently purchased the first batch of food supplies, water, tents, and instant foods worth 2 billion. Tonight, it will enter Heluo from the eight provinces around Heluo for disaster relief."

After Ye Yang said this.

All the doubters were silent...

However, Ye Yang's donation list has just begun.

(First update)

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