Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 701 Forced to donate? Let’s first see what kind of people they are.

"In addition, Johnson \u0026 Johnson Medical, under my name, will donate urgently needed medicines worth 5 billion yuan to the disaster areas free of charge, and send corresponding medical teams and professionals to the disaster areas."

Ye Yang said in a deep voice.

Everyone swallowed their saliva!

Big deal!

Absolutely super generous!

In the face of disaster, money is the least valuable thing.

After all, many local facilities in the disaster area have been destroyed, and even if you have money, you can't buy anything. The most lacking thing in the disaster area is supplies. And the most lacking thing is manpower!

A professional medical team is stationed, plus large quantities of pharmaceutical assistance.

This level of support is simply not comparable to any previous so-called assistance in the field.

In fact, this alone is more useful to the disaster area than the previous donations from these people.

"In addition, we will send no less than 20,000 trucks, no less than 2,000 helicopters, and more than 20,000 professional disaster relief teams into the disaster area."

Ye Yang talked one by one.

The whole place was immediately silenced.

Everyone is confused!

this is too scary! ! !

It's not on the same level as their assistance at all!

Thinking of their ignorance when they mocked Ye Yang before, these people all wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

What a shame!

They are the real bosses, they are really doing charity, and they are much better than them.

They actually mock people indiscriminately!

Damn it!

So sloppy!

After finishing the support list, Ye Yang spread his hands and said, "I know some of you really care about the disaster area, but if you are able, I call on you to donate more supplies and other things, and then send them over after purchasing."

After saying that, this was his end.

The audience burst into thunderous applause.

Such generous charity is really inspiring! ! !

This is what Chinese entrepreneurs should do! ! !

The party also ended in this shock.

The materials and teams arranged by Ye Yang also arrived at the location as scheduled.

The next day, after Ye Yang read the rescue report.

Just clicked into Lin Xueer's live broadcast room.

I found that Lin Xueer's live broadcast room was already in chaos.

The atmosphere in Lin Xueer's live broadcast room has always been good.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out that a group of people were discussing the disaster.

Many people are setting the pace.

It is said that Lin Xueer takes so much money on weekdays but does not donate at all. How much money others have donated has already become a hot search.

As a result, there was no sound at all from Lin Xueer.

There must be no donation!

It’s so rubbish!

"This anchor looks sweet, but why is he so indifferent inside?"

"Hurry up and donate, or someone will report you!"

"That's right! You must donate to me! Why don't you donate 10 million!?"

"Haha, isn't she related to that Ye Shenhao!? That Ye Shenhao usually makes himself as rich as he is, but when it's time for him to donate, he doesn't give up even a dime!"

"Do you know if my Ye Shenhao has donated money?"

“I just know that if it’s not even trending, it means I haven’t donated!”

"What is that hot search thing? Is it your father? Are you so superstitious about that thing!?"

"How can you talk! I am xxxxx! You are the dog raised by this anchor, right!? You come out and bark every day! Is it wrong for me to ask her to donate!? She makes so much money!"

"Grass mud horse..."

"Nima coins!"


As he talked, the entire live broadcast room became a battlefield full of grass and mud horses flying around.

Ye Yang frowned.

Seeing Lin Xueer who was a little embarrassed, she asked in a private message: "What's going on?"

"I don't know where the rhythm came from, forcing me to donate... But I have already donated tens of millions, but I don't want to make it public. How can I say that I am a good person to do charity."

Lin Xueer sighed and replied.


Ye Yang pondered for a moment and replied: "I will help you calm down this rhythm. You don't have to worry. I will solve it for you within an hour."

After that, he asked for Lin Xueer's donation certificate.

It started airing.

"Hey! Isn't this Ye Shenhao!"

"Long time no see, hubby!"


Fans rushed into the live broadcast room crazily.

"Ye Shenhao is so rich, why doesn't he donate? I just finished squirting on your little girlfriend, and he still dares to start broadcasting!"

"That's right, donate quickly! You immoral person!"

The scumbags who had just vented in Lin Xueer's live broadcast room came in.

"How do you know that our Ye Shenhao didn't donate!"

"That's right! They're all bullshit! Do we think that our more than 80 million Ye Shenhao fans are nothing!?"

"Get out of here! If you see me in real life, I will beat you to death!"


The fighting power of Ye Yang's fans is not comparable to that of Lin Xueer's live broadcast. Many of them are real bosses who come to pay homage to Ye Yang, a big boss.

However, the black fans obviously have some problems in their brains, and they don’t care at all. They just think about themselves:

"You were forced to donate by us. You didn't really mean it at all. Without our supervision, you wouldn't have been able to donate!"

"That's right, your donation is also our credit, haha! That's all our donation!"


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, let these people talk, and made a phone call casually.

About half an hour later.

A list came out.

Ye Yang posted the list directly in the live broadcast room: "Tsk, since you idiots are not afraid of losing face, I will show you guys and let everyone see what kind of people you are!"

Everyone looked over.

On the top, it was obviously the ones who were scolded just now.

At the back, it was their donation amount and identity.

For most of them, the donation amount was written as zero...

There was no record of normal identities, but it was obvious that many of them were spies planted by foreign countries, who received hundreds of thousands of spy money and were bad elements who specially led the rhythm in various comment areas.

"These traitors who received money."

Ye Yang raised a smile at the corner of his mouth: "It's too late for you to run. Your list has been handed over to the police before I posted it. Now they should be ready to arrest you at your door."

"As for the others, they didn't donate a penny, but came out to say something ugly. They are worse than pigs and dogs. They are missing a father or a mother. No one taught you to be polite when speaking!"

Ye Yang sneered.

After these people were exposed, their faces instantly turned purple.

The live broadcast room was full of laughter.

"I don't object to my fans asking me to donate to the disaster area. Because public figures enjoy the country's environment and the public's love, they have income. After enjoying so much, when the country and the people are in distress, they should give back! Fans also have the responsibility to urge the Internet celebrities or stars and companies they follow to donate."

Ye Yang said lightly: "But people like you who maliciously lead the rhythm, use bad words, and morally blackmail will not help those who only want to make trouble. You know what kind of people you are!"

(Second update.

For this disaster, Joyoung himself also donated. Although it was not much, it was still a kind gesture. In addition, Joyoung has basically bought clothes from Hongxing Erke in recent years, which can be regarded as indirect help (manual dog head))

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