"This, Sassy Girl!?"

"This kick was really hard! It seemed that the kick was right there. I guess this gangster leader will never be able to stand up again for the rest of his life."

"Ha ha……"

After a few breaths, everyone slowly accepted the scene before them and began to discuss

""What are you waiting for? Hurry up and shoot! This plot tonight is more exciting than the movie! If it doesn't go viral, it will be unforgivable!"

Someone shouted, and everyone clicked the record button, ready to record the whole thing.


Zhou Yan covered his lower abdomen, twitching in pain, his eyes full of ferocity:"What are you waiting for! Kill these bastards for me!"

The black-clad thugs nearby were obviously frightened, and were shocked back to their senses by Zhou Yan's roar. They took the wooden sticks in their hands and swung them towards Xiao Qingxuan.

"Don't bother me, sister. I've been annoyed with these rubbish for a long time. Let me vent my anger!"

Xiao Qingxuan persuaded Xiao Xiaozhu.

As a sister, she had to refrain from action. If she did, the consequences would not be as simple as breaking her third leg.


Five hooligans rushed up relying on their numbers.


Xiao Qingxuan shook her head. When she was on an international mission, she had to protect her employer and break out of the siege against hundreds of fully armed mercenaries.

She really didn't take these little minions seriously.

"Not knowing how high the sky is and how deep the earth is……"

With a light body, she jumped up to a height more than half a person's height and kicked the two thugs who were rushing towards her waving sticks in the face one by one!


Broken teeth and blood instantly exploded in the mouths of the two hooligans and flew out.

Their bodies also flew out horizontally and they fainted.


The three people behind were all shocked. During this moment of shock,

Xiao Qingxuan landed and kicked the two people nearby. He stood up and stepped on the two people who fell to the ground. Every time he kicked, one of the gangsters' chest and ribs were crushed.


"Those are high heels. They must have pierced my ribs.……"

The people around were trembling with fear.

"……I...I was wrong!"

The last thug threw the stick aside and turned to run away.

However, Xiao Qingxuan kicked him in the back and he fell to the ground.

His jaw was broken.


"Oh shit!"

"Holy crap!!"


A peerless beauty, in just a few breaths, killed five big men with sticks!?

This visual impact is simply amazing.

"If I hadn't seen the previous story, I would have thought they were filming a kung fu movie.……"

"Gulu..., I didn't expect this beauty to be so terrifying!"

"These two flying kicks are so cool!"

"Awesome! I have a feeling my vibrato is going to explode! This video is going to be a hit!"

The college students' eyes sparkled.

The vendors nearby were waving and cheering. Zhou Yan was usually arrogant and domineering, basically robbing them of their money.

Today he finally got what he deserved!


Xiao Qingxuan casually walked in front of Zhou Yan, who had endless fear in his eyes.

"Who are you guys? Let me tell you, there are so many cameras around! If you beat me to death, you won't survive! My second uncle is from the hospital!"

Zhou Yan was also stunned. He has been in the business for more than 20 years, and it is rare to see such a fierce guy. The few times he encountered such a tough guy who could fight ten alone, they were all super bodyguards around the big bosses.

"Hey! What are you guys still standing there for? Hurry up and take pictures! Take pictures!"

He watched Xiao Qingxuan approach step by step and yelled at the onlookers nearby.

"Eh? Didn't you just tell us not to take pictures?"

"Whoever takes the photo will be beaten together?"

"Where is that arrogance just now!"

The college students were originally disgusted with Zhou Yan's rogue behavior, and now they all mocked him.

"You guys!!!"

Zhou Yan almost spat out another mouthful of blood. How could I know that the other party was such a powerful and ruthless person!

However, how could a college kid...

Before he could figure it out,

Xiao Qingxuan kicked him in the face, crushing several of his teeth with her high heels.


Seeing the inexplicable excitement in Xiao Qingxuan's eyes, Ye Yang felt cold all over.

"Please let my brother go! I will never dare to have any idea about your husband again... We were wrong……"

The short and fat girl knelt down in front of Xiao Qingxuan and begged for mercy.


Although Xiao Qingxuan hadn't had enough fun yet, she still looked at Ye Yang sensibly.

"Ahem, that's enough. If it gets any more serious, I'm afraid Fang Han won't be able to sue.……"

Ye Yang wiped the sweat off his forehead. Although he knew Xiao Qingxuan was very skilled in Kung Fu, he didn't expect her to be so good.

She defeated five big men in the blink of an eye.

And she did it with her bare hands.……


Xiao Qingxuan shrugged and took the high heels off Zhou Yan's face:"You are lucky. If you dare to be blind and provoke others again, I will step on your head and blow it up."


Zhou Yan's mouth was full of blood, his eyes were full of happiness for his life, and he silently swore in his heart that he would never dare to run out and embarrass himself again.

The moment his teeth were crushed, he could really feel that the beautiful thigh had a huge force that could crush his head.

It was a breath of death.……

"It's great to be alive……"

He was breathing heavily and coughing violently.

"Brother, are you okay? It's all my fault for not being sensible.……"

The little girl cried and helped Zhou Yan back to the Toyota Prado.

"As for the medical expenses, it depends on how capable your lawyers are."

Ye Yang sneered and added, which was also the original words.

"Let's go."

Now we have almost finished eating.���, Ye Yang casually pressed the car key.

The Rolls-Royce Phantom was like a sleeping beast, waking up with a bang!

The moment Zhou Yan saw the beast in the dark, his thoughts of extorting a large amount of medical expenses were instantly shaken away...

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