"It's actually a Rolls-Royce Phantom!"

Zhou Yan stared with his eyes wide open and his mouth open. He

's so young and can afford a super luxury car worth tens of millions. That kind of status is probably something that ordinary people like them who rely on their professional conveniences can never reach!

Such an existence, even if they really beat you up in the street.

The lawsuit can drag you down, not to mention compensation.

And they turn around and blackmail others! ?

Not to mention that what he originally did was walking in the gray area of the law, and he couldn't even avoid the lawsuit.

Once what he did tonight was exposed by the public opinion, I'm afraid the money he made would be over. He might even be charged with extortion.


He shivered, and only then did he realize how much trouble he had gotten himself into. He had originally been thinking about blackmailing someone, but now he was just praying that the other party would not sue him...

Otherwise, he would be completely finished!

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Why are you shaking all the time? This time, I must let my second uncle teach that kid a lesson. I won't stop until he pays me one million!" The short and fat girl said indignantly.


Zhou Yan slapped the short guy on the face.

"Brother... you actually hit me! ?"

The little girl was arrogant and domineering, and Zhou Yan had spoiled her. He rarely scolded her, let alone beat her.

This made her stand there in a daze, completely confused.

"Woo woo woo……"

His teeth were broken, and even if he wanted to scold his sister, Zhou Yan couldn't say anything, and could only make a whining sound.


"Aunt Zhang, a lot of the tables and chairs are broken, I will compensate you accordingly."

Ye Yang looked at the mess around him and said a little embarrassedly.

"No, no, no... I'm glad you're okay. Aunt Zhang was scared to death just now!"

Aunt Zhang patted her chest and still felt a little scared.

"Haha, don't worry, Aunt Zhang. If they come to trouble you again, just ask them to call me and tell them that Ye Yang will accompany them to the end! You have my phone number, right?"

Ye Yang didn't say anything and transferred 3,000 yuan to Aunt Zhang to compensate for the consumption of the broken items.

"Ding! It was detected that the host had made a special purchase, special critical hit reward: ownership of Magic City Disneyland"


Ye Yang's hand trembled slightly as he took back his phone.

Special consumption... This consumption was probably not normal consumption, it was rather peculiar. But this special critical hit reward was a bit outrageous.

Ownership of Shanghai Disneyland!?

You know, Shanghai Disneyland is estimated to be worth nearly 200 billion!

Without further ado, it became his...

You know, he only spent 3,000!!!

Critical hit, 100 million times!!!

Bloody profit!


Ye Yang shouted in his heart.

In a good mood, he said goodbye to Aunt Zhang, got on the Rolls-Royce, and drove away with the beautiful bodyguards.……


The college students around them were reluctant to leave.

For a long time to come, the snack street will have the legend of Ye Yang, which will be passed on by word of mouth and will not fade away.

"Hurry up and post the video! Haha, let's become famous for once!"

Someone urged.

As a college student, who doesn't want to shoot some popular videos?

"You guys are too slow! I've already posted it! Oh my god... my vibrato is going off! It's only been a minute, right? Thousands of views already……"

"Oh my god, it's still growing! It's growing like crazy!!!" the man exclaimed. After all, most people work hard to make a video, and if they don't spend money to promote it, it's good to have a few thousand views in a few days.

This one has thousands of views right after it was released, it's obvious that it's going to be popular!

"Hurry, hurry, hurry, what are you standing there for! Go, go, go while the heat is on!"

The group of people who had just recorded the incident posted videos with shocking captions.

"Shocking! A beautiful woman in Shanghai beat up six gangsters with her bare hands! The scene was as exciting as a martial arts movie! Absolutely real!"

"At the night market in the west district of Shanghai University Town, a little girl robbed a handsome guy, but she didn't know that the handsome guy was actually a super rich man! She was slapped in the face by the super rich man's personal beautiful bodyguard!"

"I was shocked tonight! I witnessed something in public that was even stranger than the plot of a novel!"

"Realistic magical realism! The passionate collision between the super rich and the underworld!"


All kinds of weird titles quickly grabbed the entire Douyin night traffic at lightning speed.

The number of views and likes soared.

In an instant, tonight, it directly topped the hot search list!

Even a big star who just came to Douyin to sell goods, and a young actor who cut his hand while filming but insisted on filming, these super hot topics could not stop the momentum of this tonight.

It dominated the list!

The popularity was several times that of the second place, reaching an astonishing 6689.8w!!!

The comment area was also completely high!

"Holy shit! Isn’t this too fucking cool? A great man who punishes evil and encourages good!"

"Is this a movie? A woman jumps more than one meter in the air? It looks so fake! Chinese Kung Fu is just fancy moves, it is impossible to use it in a fight! Not to mention a woman defeating six big men! It's fake, it's all fake!"

"Although this rich young man only has a side profile, I can vaguely recognize that this is my long-lost father!"


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