Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 703 Fifty million? I'll invest five billion

"Come and see!"

"A handsome guy drove a luxury car to our factory!"

"Is this true?"

Tanghan Zhihui is just a small factory focusing on Hanfu. It's a big deal if a Mercedes-Benz or BMW comes. Now a super luxury car worth tens of millions of yuan, plus an international superstar, comes.

It's definitely big news that shocked the whole place!

In the weaving factory, most of the girls came out to see the handsome guy.

"Who is he!?"

"I heard he's a big star!"

"He looks like one!"

"And he's very rich!"

"Nonsense, how can you drive such a super luxury car if you don't have money?"

"Not just ordinary rich!"

"More than 10 million, it's the same to me. I can't tell the difference between 100 million and 1 billion... Anyway, it's enough to spend a lifetime."

"That's right..."


The girls all looked at Ye Yang with starry eyes.

"Hey? Isn't that the boss!?"

"She came out to see the handsome guy too!?"

"No, she ran pretty fast!"

"Huh!? What's going on?!"

All the girls looked over.

Han Ruxiu, the beautiful boss of Tang Han Zhihui, brought her management team and ran out when they heard that Ye Yang had arrived.

Han Ruxiu bowed to him: "Boss, you're here..."

The girls in the factory were all shocked.

"Wow! It turns out to be our new boss!"

There have been rumors in the factory that Tang Han Zhihui was taken over by a new boss.

The new boss has not appeared yet, but it is said that he was attracted by Han Ruxiu's beauty, so he took over.

Otherwise, who would spend so much money to take over a bankrupt company?

It can't be for sentiment, right! ?

The girls were all whispering.

"Our new boss is actually a super handsome guy!"


"What a bullshit! If we have to date, it should be our boss's wife who is dating him, and you won't get any benefit."

"It's a good thing to see this handsome guy occasionally!"

"Yes, it's also a blessing to see him!"


The girls were all excited.

However, at this time, a factory worker frowned, turned his head, and made a phone call secretly under the pretext of going to the toilet...


Ye Yang nodded: "Why did you file for bankruptcy with me? The situation is so serious?"

He had never paid attention to this small company before.

Now, it surprised him.

The quality of the factory girls here is obviously much higher than others, and each of them looks like a classical beauty.

The executive boss of Tang Han Zhihui is a rare beauty.

Her eyebrows are like black, her eyes are like the moon, and she looks like spring breeze with just a light makeup, and her skin is like jade.

She wears a red Hanfu full of Chinese style, which makes people unforgettable at first sight.

She looks about 28 or 29 years old, a bit mature.

However, according to the information, although she looks soft, she is a strong woman inside, and she has not found a boyfriend yet.

"The squeezed goods cannot be sold, but the machine is not running, and the loss is even greater, so we have to produce more. After production, we continue to squeeze, and Tang Han Zhihui's capital chain has been somewhat broken."

Han Ruxiu shook her head and bit her red lips with her pearly teeth. Although it was a strong move, it looked better than countless scenery.

Ye Yang nodded: "The problem of capital chain is easy to say. I can invest more. How much do you need to survive this round?"

Han Ruxiu clenched her jade hands, gathered enough courage, and finally stretched out five fingers.

"Five hundred million?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Ah no no no!"

Han Ruxiu was shocked and said repeatedly: "Fifty million is enough!"

They are just a factory on the verge of bankruptcy. According to the thinking of normal investors, it would be good if they don't withdraw their investment at this time.

And she even asked for 50 million investment with a straight face.

According to Han Ruxiu's strong woman character, she felt it was outrageous and shameless...

However, it was her dream to let Hanfu go to the world and create a luxury brand that belongs to the Chinese people.

For this idea, she was also very anxious.

"If you think it's too much, then one thousand..."

Han Ruxiu looked at Ye Yang's unbelievable expression, thinking that she had said too much, and changed her words repeatedly, preparing to ask for 10 million first to deal with the emergency.

"No, I'll give you 5 billion."

Ye Yang said directly.


Everyone was stunned on the spot.

"Five... 5 billion?"

"My ears are broken!?"

Han Ruxiu blinked her beautiful eyes and pinched her charming face: This is not a dream! ?

"Boss, are you kidding..."

Ye Yang shook his head: "It's 5 billion."

The whole audience was in an uproar!

The market value of the entire Tang Han Zhihui is only two or three hundred million.

The funds that can be taken out are only 20 to 30 million.

5 billion?

It's enough to buy 20 Tang Han Zhihui...

"Gulu...but boss...I'm such a failure, Tang Han Zhihui is going bankrupt, you..."

After confirming that Ye Yang was indeed going to inject another 5 billion yuan of capital flow, Han Ruxiu, who had been under so much pressure for so many days, finally relaxed. The sadness after exhaustion and anxiety, the self-blame of bankruptcy, the debt to her dream, and the gratitude to Ye Yang for saving her life, all complicated emotions rushed up.

She almost broke down.

Her voice was choked with sobs.

Ye Yang patted her shoulder gently: "Tang Han Zhihui is positioned as an international luxury brand, and its sales target is the richest people. I have seen that our factory's Hanfu is first-class from design to production."

"The materials, design concepts, and sophistication are all worthy of the price of these clothes."

"But you have overlooked the most important point."

"Luxury goods are just a face and an empty shell."

"People often buy not the quality, but the story and reputation behind the brand. Wearing clothes of this brand is equivalent to what kind of person you are."

"This is the core of luxury goods."

"You have made the most Good clothes have the best quality and Chinese style design, but the marketing is not in place. "

"I know you have also considered marketing, but you don't have enough money to create the momentum of international brands like Loewe, to create a story that the whole world believes in."

"And now, you have money."

"I only want your creativity, as long as your story, money is not a problem. As long as you dare to think, dare to say, and dare to do. I will do the subsequent international promotion for you."

Ye Yang said lightly: "If you want 50 billion, invest 50 billion, if you want 500 billion, invest 500 billion!"


This speech shocked everyone!

Han Ruxiu looked at Ye Yang deeply and bowed deeply: "Boss! If this fails, Ruxiu will die to apologize!"

The grace of knowing and meeting is like rebirth!

This feeling and gratitude are only known to her...

(Second update)

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