Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 704 Do you think you are the richest man in China?

"Well, let's go ahead and do it."

Ye Yang nodded.

We want to be a top brand, especially when other international giants have basically monopolized the luxury goods market.

It is impossible without huge financial support.

It’s not that Han Ruxiu doesn’t want to be a people-friendly brand. In fact, the production cost of these traditional Hanfu is ridiculously high. If it sells for three to five hundred, it is not enough to cover the high cost of high-end silk on the clothes.

Wandered around the factory.

From raw material production, clothing design, clothing manufacturing and other aspects, Ye Yang went through it all.

The quality of Tang Han Zhihui is really hard to say.

And the costumes are very nice.

If you like antique style, you will definitely like it.

Ye Yang thought for a while.

I took photos of women’s ancient costumes and sent them to Lin Xueer. Recently, Lin Xueer has also been doing live broadcasts to bring goods. She brings them both left and right. It’s better to bring her own products. Of course, there are probably no such products. A few people can afford it, and they mainly use it to increase their reputation and traffic.

As for personally bringing goods to Tang Han Zhihui, that would be the last resort and should be used during the most popular time period.

Now, it is still in the layout stage.

Later, he sent the pictures to Ling Shishi, Mo Zhengzheng, Zhu Zhuzhu and other girls who like ancient Hanfu.

These girls all like antique clothes, and they are not short of money. They may be able to encourage people around them to buy them too.

In the future, Tang Han Zhihui's main consumers will also be young ladies from these wealthy families.

"Wow! Brother Ye, where did you find such exquisite and beautiful Hanfu! I have searched all over China and never seen such beautiful and high-quality Hanfu!"

"It's really great! I'll buy dozens of sets first!"

"I found a treasure! Let me share it with my sisters first."


Several girls were very excited and placed orders directly.

And it's very generous.

Previously, Tang Han Zhihui's small family only had a backlog of more than a hundred sets of Hanfu, and most of them were sold directly.

Just when Ye Yang finished his inspection and was about to go out.

The buzz of a motorcade suddenly sounded outside the door.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

Outside the factory, five or six cars rushed in.

The first one among them is a high-end Ferrari, worth 18 million.

As for those following behind, they were all Land Rovers.

More than 20 people came down with a shout.

On the Ferrari, a young man wearing a white tie and a black suit walked down. He straightened his tie coquettishly, cleared his throat, and then walked up...

"Are you Tang Han Zhihui's new boss?"

The young man asked calmly.


Ye Yang nodded, looking at this confident young man, he also raised his eyebrows.

"Brother, Tang Han Zhihui has always been the fat one I've been eyeing. It's not good for you to come from behind and seize the food from the tiger's mouth!"

The young man frowned and said in a low voice.

"There seems to be something wrong with this man's brain. What's going on?"

Ye Yang turned around and asked Han Ruxiu.

"Well, boss, his name is Bu Yaolian, and his family also makes clothes. He has always wanted to buy our factory, but I rejected him."

Han Ruxiu said.

"How much does he pay?"

Ye Yang asked with interest.

"thirty million."

Han Ruxiu shrugged.

"Huh? It turns out he's a poor and stingy bitch, so why is he here again?"

Ye Yang suddenly said.

"Who knows? Maybe my mind is wrong~"

Han Ruxiu had long been disgusted with this young man. At this time, following Ye Yang to criticize others, she felt so happy.

"Are you two singing a double act here!? Don't think I can't tell!!!"

The young man was very angry. He mainly coveted Han Ruxiu's beauty and wanted to spend tens of millions to take over this factory and have access to this beautiful woman. That would be a huge profit!

It's a pity that his calculations were so loud that everyone could hear them, so no one paid attention to him.

"Well, you're not so stupid that you can't see that others are scolding you, so you can still save it."

Ye Yang nodded: "What do you think? Thirty million? Are you so poor that you can't afford to eat? Are you going to negotiate an acquisition with this little money?"


Bu Yaolian was so angry that his head was on fire: "You're speaking too loudly! How much money do you have to say that my 30 million is a steal? Do you think you are the richest man in China!? You have hundreds of billions of assets!? "

"What a coincidence, our boss is really like that."

Yu Mo sneered.

"You said so? I even said I was the richest man in the world! I also said I had trillions in cash!"

Bu Yaolian chuckled: "As you have seen, this factory is on the verge of bankruptcy. I also took a fancy to their factory facilities and the skills of their craftsmen, so I just took them into my home to make suits and go global together. Bigger and stronger!"

Of course, his biggest purpose was not revealed.

He just glanced at Han Ruxiu playfully, his mouth watering.

In his opinion, spending 30 million to buy this store would be a loss-making business. If the landlady hadn't been so good-looking, he wouldn't have bothered to bid.

"You have probably seen this factory now and know how bad it is now. I advise you to quickly sell the factory to me for 30 million yuan. Otherwise, in a few days, you will cry after losing money. Not to the north!”

Bu Yaolian said proudly: "My family has a lot of resources in the clothing market, so I dare to take over this mess and transform this factory into a modern, high-end place to make suits that foreigners like! Haha, look at what this factory is producing now! Who wears it! It took so much money to make it, but no one buys it!!!"

"Besides being brain-dead, he is also a dog who admires foreigners."

Ye Yang shook his head.

It is because of the serious Westernization that everything is produced according to the Western standards. It is difficult for domestic products to have their own characteristics and be led by the nose.

In the end, it is difficult to go global!

This is not an exception in this industry.

They have money and funds, but they only want to quickly imitate the West, get good reviews from foreigners, and spend money to buy two awards, as if their own brand is an international brand.

"Haha, you're talking as if you won't do that after you take over!? Are you still insisting on their ridiculous and childish so-called 'ideals'? Now what's the point of doing anything but making money!?"

Bu Yaolian sneered: "Also, you're talking as if you'll invest a lot of money! I feel like a philanthropist if I give you 30 million! To put it bluntly, aren't you just trying to get the beautiful boss?! I..."


Ye Yang waved his hand and said indifferently: "So noisy."

This yank directly pulled Bu Yaolian out more than five meters away and smashed him on his car window, his mouth full of blood and half of his face swollen.

"You actually dared to hit someone! You're done!!! Our Brother Tiger will be here soon!"

The dozen or so bodyguards looked at Ye Yang angrily, and for a moment no one dared to go up...

(First update)

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