Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 705 My father asked you to protect me


Ye Yang didn't expect that he could scare these bodyguards like this with just a little effort.

He really raised a bunch of cowards.

As for Bu Yaolian, he couldn't believe that Ye Yang dared to do it!

After all, he was a young man with some status!

He just mocked a woman a little, and he didn't even mock him, but he attacked her directly? This is too domineering!

And Han Ruxiu was also a little worried.

He hit someone, especially someone with some status, and it was not light. I'm afraid it's not easy to deal with...

But she knew that Ye Yang attacked directly because of the last sentence involving her.

Thinking of this, her heart was also warm.

She has always been the only one protecting her dream.

She has to be a strong woman.

A girl who likes Hanfu, in fact, is still a gentle woman.

"He seems to be really different from everyone I have ever met..."

She looked at the man in front of her with bright eyes.

"Damn it!"

Bu Yaolian was completely furious: "When Brother Hu comes, you have to kneel immediately! Do you think you are awesome!? Brother Hu has learned karate hard qigong for more than ten years! One punch can break ten bricks!!! One kick can knock down a wall!"

"Haha, look who knows me so well! Too modest!"

A loud voice came.

The bodyguards who were so scared that they dared not move seemed to have found their backbone in an instant. Their backs straightened and they looked at Ye Yang repeatedly: "You are finished!"

Ye Yang looked at this so-called karate master with interest.

He has beaten the world champion of karate, what confidence does this guy have?

He has a tiger head and a tiger head gold chain around his neck, a gold belt around his waist, and bulging muscles. He really looks like a martial artist.

"Oh! Damn! How did you get beaten into this state, Mr. Lian?"

When Brother Hu saw Bu Yaolian's appearance, he was also shocked.

He was invited by Bu Yaolian's father and paid a lot of money.

He is the leader of the gangsters in this area.

He gave so much money but didn't protect him. Instead, he got beaten up. I guess his bonus for this month is gone.

"Looking at the injury, the other party is also a martial artist! Hey, didn't you tell the other party my name, Black-faced Tiger?"

Brother Tiger asked Bu Yaolian.

"I didn't have time to say it! He suddenly slapped me in the face when I was halfway through my words! I was slapped away! How could I have time to say it!"

Bu Yaolian wanted to cry but had no tears.

Brother Tiger looked at him angrily when he heard it: "Which bastard ruined my bonus... No, my son was injured!"

"It's me."

Ye Yang said lightly.

Han Ruxiu also knew the name of Black-faced Tiger, and came over and said: "Why don't we call the police! He is really different from those ordinary thugs."

"No need."

Ye Yang waved his hand lightly.

Xiao Qingxuan was nearby, and with a gesture from him, these people had to kneel.

There's no need to bother the police uncle to come over. After all, if that happens, beating up these idiots won't be enough.

"Hey? Hey hey hey! Hey, shit! Isn't this Ye Zhanshen!"

After seeing Ye Yang's face clearly, Brother Hu's black face turned pale instantly.


"Beijing Opera face-changing!?"

"Is this the second form activated!?"


All the bodyguards were stunned.

What the hell is this?

Black face turning white face? Magic? !

This is too amazing?

"Do you know him!?"

Bu Yaolian frowned and asked.

"You... you fucking messed with Ye Zhanshen?"

The black-faced tiger widened his eyes.

The group of young masters from Haituo Mountain also looked for him, but he had diarrhea that day and went a little late.

He saw with his own eyes the scene of countless helicopters, tanks, and armored vehicles crushing everything and catching all those young masters in one fell swoop!

He was so scared that he pulled his pants pockets on the spot.

His legs were weak.

Later, I read online that Mr. Ye, who was surrounded by the group of young masters that day, was a major general in the military!

Fortunately, he was saved by diarrhea, otherwise the consequences...

Just think about it, it would be so terrifying!

This is much more awesome than those jokes circulating on the Internet, such as "The God of War returns and sees his daughter living in a doghouse. In anger, 100,000 soldiers return to build a doghouse for him as well"!

So, these days, Ye Yang has a nickname in the Beijing underworld.

Called Ye Zhanshen.

Basically, all the underworld bosses with some reputation have received this news.

That fucking God of War!

Major general level in the army!

Later, the rumors became more and more outrageous, until there was a rumor that...

This Ye Zhanshen has a bad temper. If he disagrees with someone, he will find a few tank regiments to blow people into slag!

Those young masters may have been taken to a certain place and shot to death.

Thinking of this, fear took over him again, and he knelt down on the spot: "Fuck! I really didn't know it was you, Ye Zhanshen! Please don't bother with me! I don't know anything! I'm just a hardworking craftsman who came to Beijing to perform! Do some hard work, I have old people and children to take care of, Ye Zhanshen! Wuuwuwu... Please don't find someone to shoot me! Then I will die!"


This scene made everyone confused.

What the hell! ?

Isn't it Black-faced Tiger?

Doesn't he break ten layers of bricks with one punch and knock down a wall with one kick! ?

Why is he crying for his parents before the fight even starts, kneeling down as if he saw his ancestors?

He was even scared to tears! ?

How scared is he! ?

This young man has such influence in the underworld! ?

This is incredible!

"Damn, Brother Hu, what are you doing!?"

The other bodyguards were also scared by Brother Hu's emotions. The underworld boss was scared like this, what else could they do?

When they get out to make a living, the most important thing is definitely their face.

If he kneels down and begs for mercy without caring about his face, then this person must be very powerful!

So, they followed suit and knelt down and begged for mercy.

"We are all good people!"

"Yes, yes!"

Ye Yang was stunned for a while. First, he didn't expect that Brother Hu was a fellow villager from Northeast China, and second, he didn't understand for a while when he became a god of war? !

Who gave him this name?

It's too second-year...

However, Brother Hu obviously misunderstood the meaning of Ye Yang's stunned state.

I was so scared that my heart was about to jump out...

In TV dramas, if the boss doesn't speak, it means he is angry!

No, I have to do something to make him calm down!!!

His mind raced, he stood up, turned around and pulled Bu Yaolian down from the hood of the car, threw him to the ground, rode on him, and slapped him left and right.

"I told you not to mess with Ye Zhanshen! You almost killed me!"

The black-faced tiger was really angry!

He was angry and afraid, so he didn't care how hard he hit.

"What are you doing...ah! What! Ah!!! My dad...ah! Please...ah! You are here...ah ah ah!!! Protect me!!!"

(Second update)

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