Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 707 Is it okay to drive yourself crazy?

"Our movie, just an hour ago, officially exceeded the global box office of 20 billion, surpassing "Avatar" and "Avengers", and became the top box office in the world's film history!"

Yu Momo took a deep breath and spoke word by word.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, although he was not too surprised.

However, this speed is really fast!

The two previously world-famous super IPs were released for several months, or even half a year, before they reached the top spot in the world!

And "Ye Wen" has not been released for two months since it was aired.

He immediately reached the top of the world! ?

He turned on his phone.

I found that everywhere I looked, many posts were promoting this.

After all, this is so rare!

Previously, none of the Chinese films ranked among the top ten in the world at the box office.

As for "Ye Wen", it overcame all obstacles and set records one after another. In the end, it even won the title of No. 1 in the global box office! ! !

This is simply a myth!

"In addition to online articles, our cultural output finally has a strong pillar!"

""Ye Wen", the eternal god!"

"Ye Shenhao is also an eternal god!!!"

"too strong!"


Online, the audience's enthusiasm was palpable.

This is so infuriating! ! !

After so many years, China finally has a movie that has truly gone global! ! !

This news once again ignited the enthusiasm of netizens on the Internet.

Although many of you have already finished three or four times.

But he still organized a spontaneous trip to the cinema and watched it again.

If not for anything else, just for the world's best reputation, it is extremely worthwhile to watch it again!

In foreign countries, many film studios are confused.

They didn't expect it anyway.

The number one box office spot in world film history will be taken away by a Chinese! ,

"Is this data fraud!?"

"Probably not. We have been watching this movie for a long time, and there are indeed so many people watching it."

"Damn, this is outrageous! This is impossible!"

"Didn't those movie theaters refuse Chinese films to enter the European and American markets before? Why did they help them make the film this time, and it eventually made them the number one box office in global film history! Damn it! Transgender people didn't change so quickly!"

"Can those movie theaters still make money without making money!?"

"Yes, as long as the quality of the movie is high and people can watch it, those movie theaters are simply rushing to make money!"

"no way!"

All the major studios are extremely aggrieved.

In their view, it would be a shame for Chinese films to top the world's film and television box office!

Something that is simply impossible to happen!

"It seems that China is really different!"

"That's right... this country is indeed terrifying and almost omnipotent. Once it rises, there will be many talented people in every aspect. I can't imagine what the future world will look like in a few decades. !”


Although many studios feel the pressure is overwhelming and incomprehensible, the facts are there and no one can say anything.

I had no choice but to shut up.

They even wanted to post a message to congratulate Huabo and congratulate him on adding a well-deserved gem in the history of world cinema!

ICU ward of a hospital.

Na An Mi, who had just gotten better and was able to dress and eat by himself, was browsing the web on his mobile phone.

The next moment, her phone was snatched away.

"what are you doing!?"

Then An Mi frowned and looked at his assistant: "Are you embarrassed? You dared to steal my phone!?"

" to my explanation!"

The assistant kept saying.

"Explain!? Okay, explain it to me!"

Na An Mi frowned and asked coldly.

"That's it... that's right, you must not watch it anyway! If you watch it, someone will die!"

The assistant's face was full of anxiety and he tried his best to persuade.


Na An Mi shouted angrily: "What a mess, give it to me quickly!"

"I really can't watch it!"

The assistant almost cried.

However, after all, she is just an assistant, and she still has to listen to the overbearing traffic queen Na An Mi.

The phone was snatched away.

Na An Mi quickly became aware of the fact that "Ye Wen" won the box office championship.


She was immediately stunned.

"Miss, are you okay?"

the assistant asked again and again.

"No! This is impossible!'s all fake! Why! No, no, no, it must be all fake! It's a lie, haha!"

Na An Mi suddenly let out a strange and penetrating laugh.

The assistant was shocked: "Are you okay, Miss!? Don't scare me!"

Because I live in a single room.

She and Na An Mi were the only two people in the house. Na An Mi suddenly laughed crazily. In this room after sunset, it was indeed very scary!

"Tell me! This isn't true!!!"

Na An Mi suddenly became violent and grabbed the assistant.


The assistant was so frightened that he fell to the ground. Seeing An Mi grabbing her with disheveled hair, he was so frightened that he screamed and urinated, and rushed out of the medical room: "Doctor! Doctor!!! Something happened!"


That night, the assistant stood in front of Na An Mi's bed. At this time, Na An Mi had been subdued.

She was just tied to the bed, making unclear laughter and occasionally shouting. This is impossible! Absolutely impossible!

"Doctor, what happened!?"

The assistant asked uncertainly.

"She was stimulated many times in a short period of time, which caused frequent nerve damage. She is now mentally ill. It's useless to stay in the ICU. Find a mental hospital. I can recommend a good one for you."

The doctor shook his head: "If you want to cure her, I'm afraid it will take some effort. It is very likely that she will be crazy for the rest of her life."

The queen of poisonous chicken soup, the traffic superstar followed by countless brain-dead fans, An Mi, turned out to be like this.

It took only one or two months.

It's really sad.

Out of his duty to treat the disease, the doctor still hopes to cure her.

But after taking off this doctor's uniform, he wanted to open a bottle of wine to celebrate and turn on the music to dance when he went home at night. There was no dog selling poisonous chicken soup in the world. I don't know how many ignorant boys and girls will be saved!

That's really a great deed!

An Mi's ending was reported in the newspapers soon.

Capital is merciless. You are a traffic queen, and you are about to be useless. Why not let them consume you before you are completely useless and create some hot spots for them to make some money?

Ye Yang also saw this video.

Although he sympathized with the woman's final experience, he couldn't help laughing...

"Good guy, you are so angry that you are mad, is it okay?"

(Second update)

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