Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 708 Confident Man Qin Shou

"This poisonous chicken soup queen has finally cooled off. My child has made her suffer. She stole my family's savings to buy her gifts. It's really rubbish!"

"That's right! Give her a cool song directly, haha!"

"My child has been driven crazy by her! Such a child, what are you talking about every day! What's selfish, what parents should spend money on themselves, should do anything for their idols! It's simply Cult!"

"That's right! Her outlook on life has exploded! Why did she become a psychopath? Choking her to death with a mouthful of cold water is the retribution she deserves!"

"You trash! You are not allowed to insult our queen! She is our spiritual leader! You will never understand our pain! A bunch of old people!"

"Go home and drink milk! How can you be so retarded!"


Netizens have found an outlet now.

When An Mi was still angry, if someone scolded her, someone would directly help her to criticize her. Whether it was a positive comment or a negative comment, they all paid for it.

Now Na An Mi has been abandoned by capital.

Her fans instantly knew her powerlessness...

In fact, she doesn’t have many fans at all!

It claims to have 200 million fans, but in fact, 2 million is enough.

And when she was scolded, there wouldn't be so many people helping to criticize her...

For the first time, these little fans felt what reality is!

Without capital to back them up, do you really think your brother or your queen is a national idol?

It's just a trick to deceive you, just because you are the only people in the world who are stupid enough to pay for such a fake traffic star.

On this day, all the little fans cried.

They couldn't believe that their spiritual leader was actually so vulnerable.

Netizens were happy with the scolding and dispersed.

That An Mi's ending was just a joke after all.

It became popular on the Internet for a while, and after being treated as a joke, there was no trace of it again.

To put it bluntly, it is just a puppet promoted by capital. It will not have any far-reaching influence at all. Once the popularity is over, it will be bullshit.

It has no value anymore.

Huabo has just held two rounds of celebration banquets to celebrate breaking 10 billion and celebrating the top three box office in global film history.

The third round of celebration banquets for the global box office champions are about to begin.

It can be said that I am extremely busy.

However, although I am busy, I have an endless sense of accomplishment in my heart!

This is the first in the world!

The number one in the world belongs to China! It's made by their company in China!

This kind of honor, no matter where you go, is something worth bragging about!

At the banquet.

Ye Yang was of course the one who received the most toasts.

However, it is Ye Yang's decision to drink or not. Others don't care whether Ye Yang drinks or not. Since they are here to toast, they all drink.

In the middle of the banquet, Ye Yang had just relieved himself from the toilet.

I saw a female employee standing at the door with a very unhappy expression, and opposite her, stood a man.

He recognized this female employee because she looked pretty good, worked very hard on the set, and was a girl with a fighting spirit.

Therefore, he also noticed it.

When the "Ye Wen" movie is taken off the shelves and the box office dividends are distributed, he is also planning to reward this little girl with an outstanding employee award of hundreds of thousands.

"Qingqing! You haven't been having a good time lately!"

The man looked Qingqing up and down: "I have been invited as a famous guest in the film industry to attend the celebration banquet of the world's number one film! Why are you still a small employee?!"

Du Qingqing looked at him coldly: "We haven't seen each other for many years. How I am doing is none of your business!"

"Haha, aren't you here just to see our class beauty? I have been pursuing you for so long and you ignored me. Now, I'm going to show you what it means to be too high!"

The man waved his hand in a very disgusting manner: "See! This outfit is all famous brands! It's Gucci!!! It's worth hundreds of thousands! And this car key, you don't recognize it, do you? This is a Mercedes-Maybach S!" More than five million!"

"What on earth are you going to say?"

Du Qingqing asked with a frown.

"I still have some thoughts about you, do you understand? I will give you a chance now, if you..."

The confident man showed off his entry-level Omega watch worth 40,000 to 50,000 yuan.

"I don't understand! Stop being so wishful thinking!"

Du Qingqing frowned: "Qin Shou! When you were in school, what I hated the most was that you were a villain and had no knowledge and skills. It still is the same now! I will still become a great person in the future with my own efforts. . The status and wealth you obtained through bad means will not last long! "

After that, he was ready to turn around and leave.

The confident man Qin Shou was so embarrassed that he became angry.

He was a little gangster when he was in school. He used his tricks to make money and now clings to the lap of a rich woman, finally gaining some face.

The car belongs to the rich woman, and the watch belongs to the rich woman.

In fact, I don't have much money, but at this party, I saw the class beauty that I had been pursuing so hard but had not yet pursued, and I wanted to show off my superiority to see if this class beauty would give in to me.

However, obviously he was wrong!

"You can leave if you want!?"

He stepped forward with great anger and banged the wall.

"What are you going to do! Qin Shou, you are a beast! If you don't let go, I will call someone! After all, I am an employee of Huabo, and this is Huabo's home court!"

Du Qingqing said angrily.

"Haha, my status is very high now, who dares to control me!?"

As he said this, Qin Shou, who had drunk a lot of wine and was already drunk, wanted to do something beastly.


He suddenly felt that someone had grabbed the back of his neck.

He turned around angrily, and before he could say anything, the huge force came surging and threw him out directly.


Qin Shou was smashed directly against the tile wall behind him, breaking all the tiles.


Qin Shou's chest was stuffy, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding: "Who the hell are you..."

He was stunned when he saw it.

The man in front of him stood under the light, with an extremely handsome appearance and a halo, just like a god who can't be looked at directly!

He instantly felt inferior.

But he still recognized the man in front of him.

The leading actor of "Ye Wen", Ye Yang!

He only knew that Ye Yang was an actor, not his status. He was just a person brought in by a rich woman to see the world.

The celebration of the No. 1 box office in the history of "Ye Wen" was too grand.

Almost all the big names in the Chinese film and television industry and the entertainment industry came.

He couldn't even get a seat, and he didn't even get into the main venue.

He was only qualified to drink and play in circles outside.

Then he met the class beauty he had been longing for in the toilet. His inferiority and arrogance played a role, and he wanted to go up and bully her.

Unfortunately, he was met by Ye Yang.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to have some kung fu. I thought you were just a stand-in!"

Qin Shou collapsed on the ground, his mouth was still hard: "I tell you, you are in big trouble! You are just an actor! What reason do you have to hit me?! How dare you!?"

(First update)

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