Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 711 What do you mean by two billion? That's called experiencing life.

Thinking about it.

Ye Yang directly sent out a red envelope of 2 billion yuan.

After all, there were quite a lot of fans coming in today.


"I'm stunned by the amount of this red envelope!"

"2 billion!"

"Too strong! As expected of Ye Shenhao! Awesome!!!"

2 billion Chinese currency, that's a super big package of 20 billion Douyin coins.

Enough for nearly 10 million people to grab it in the live broadcast room.

"A live broadcast room with 10 million people, it's incredible!"

"After all, it's the first in film history! That's a glory for the whole of China! The popularity is extremely high, and Ye Shenhao himself is a rare super IP in the entire network. With these people, it's also worthy of the name, and it's worth it!"

The bosses of many platforms were attracted by this movement.

Nearly half of them already knew Ye Yang's identity, and they sneered at the discussion of other bosses.

Ye Shenhao's true identity is terrifying!

Although the live broadcast room with nearly 10 million people online is unique in the entire network, it is still ordinary compared to Ye Shenhao's identity.

At this time, Ye Yang started to send red envelopes.

When the big guys saw the amount of the red envelopes Ye Yang sent, they were dumbfounded.



"My eyes are blurry? I added a few more zeros!?"

"Fuck! This is 2 billion!!!"

"... My platform's net profit in a year is not that much..."

"I cried!!!"

2 billion net profit, the annual profit must be several billion, and the market value must be tens of billions or even hundreds of billions!

There are not many companies like this.

Especially in this industry!

Many big guys were all amazed and took a breath.

A group of bigwigs looked at the head of Douyin: "I say, is this 2 billion real or fake? He is so rich, why is he still a live streamer!?"

"That's right! These 2 billion are activity funds?! That's not right! Even if Douyin is awesome, it is impossible to give 2 billion to a live streamer as activity funds for a live broadcast! This is simply unbelievable and outrageous!"

"Yes, yes, what's going on!?"

A group of bigwigs looked at the head of Douyin.

The head smiled faintly and crossed his legs, smiling mysteriously: "These 2 billion are genuine! Mr. Ye spent it himself!"


"2 billion in real money!"

"This is more than all of us bosses have..."

A group of bigwigs were disappointed.

"This Mr. Ye just came here to experience life. His true identity is not what you can imagine."

The head of Douyin smiled faintly.

Doulong supervisor looked at Douyin supervisor in surprise: "Do you also know Mr. Ye's true identity!?"

"Of course I know!!"

Douyin supervisor looked at Doulong supervisor in surprise: "What's strange is that you also know it!?"

"Then of course I know it too!"

The two supervisors looked at each other, and the scene was very weird for a while.

The other big guys were confused, what's going on! ?

Douyin supervisor frowned and looked at Doulong supervisor...

He thought: Ye Shenhao is the boss of our Douyin, with a net worth of trillions! And he keeps it secret very well! Basically not many people know, he is just a Doulong supervisor! How can I have the opportunity to get in touch with Mr. Ye's true identity! ? If it weren't for the Douyin Carnival, I wouldn't know that the biggest boss of Douyin is actually Mr. Ye! You know! ?

Doulong supervisor also frowned and looked at Douyin supervisor...

He thought: My former brother-in-law Ling Shen offended Ye Yang, and I was almost kicked out by boss Mark King because of this! I had experienced life and death before I was lucky enough to know Mr. Ye's identity from Boss Mark King! He is the ultimate boss of the entire Tengxun Group! You are just a Douyin live broadcast supervisor, how can you know Mr. Ye's true identity! ?

After a test of eye contact, the two knew that it was useless to just test with eyes.

"What's going on!?"

"What is the identity of this Mr. Ye!?"

"Yes! Only you two big bosses here may know! Don't keep us in suspense! Let us small bosses learn more! We all want to know what the identity of this Mr. Ye is!"


All the bosses looked at the two big bosses present with big eyes and small eyes, looking confused.

Among the current live broadcast platforms, Douyin, Kuaishou, Doulong and Shark Tooth are the four most powerful ones.

The others are one level smaller.

Now the supervisors of the two live broadcast platforms, Douyin and Doulong, are fighting here, and everyone else is curious and wants to know the true identity of Mr. Ye who has spent 2 billion cash at once!

They don't believe that an ordinary rich businessman can take out 2 billion at once just for a live broadcast to give fans benefits!

That is definitely an existence that can scare them once the identity is exposed!

They are all looking forward to what this identity that makes them shudder is!

After a long time.

The Douyin live broadcast supervisor and the Doulong supervisor both sighed.

They said in unison.

"I won't keep you in suspense! This Mr. Ye is..."

"I won't keep you in suspense! This Mr. Ye is actually..."

"The real boss of our Zijie Jumping!"

"The ultimate boss of our Tengxun Group!"



The whole audience was silent.

"Did my ears break just now!?"

"It seems that these two bosses said the same thing!?"

"Uh, this..."

"This this this this!?"

The Douyin manager and Doulong manager were both shocked by each other's words. They stood up and asked in unison: "What did you say!?"

After a long time.

The two of them confirmed what they had just heard.

The whole audience burst into a wave of amazement.

It turned out that these two bosses didn't know all of Mr. Ye's identity!

They could only understand a small part of Mr. Ye's iceberg!

"Can you confirm that Mr. Ye is a boss of the word level!?"

Doulong couldn't believe it.

"Nonsense! I saw it with my own eyes! At the carnival, all the senior executives of Ziji bowed to him! Unless I'm blind! I have dog eyes!"

The Douyin manager said angrily: "What about you! How did you confirm it!?"

"I was called by Mark Jinma himself to tell me!? I was almost dismissed because a relative offended Mr. Ye, the news can't be false!"

The Doulong manager felt his back numb!

The ultimate boss identity of the double behemoth! ?


Isn't this a bit too scary! ! ?

Everyone present felt a deep shock! ! !

They looked at the real data of tens of millions of online people in the live broadcast room, and suddenly understood what the two managers said just now...

Compared with Mr. Ye's true identity, tens of millions of online people are nothing! ?

He is the ultimate boss of two super companies!

What two billion! ?

That's clearly called experiencing life! ! !

(Second update)

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