Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 712 This is a Chinese brand, I will do it

"Two big guys know two different identities, so doesn't it mean that Ye Shenhao probably doesn't have only these two identities!?"

Several big guys from other platforms opened their eyes wide, feeling that the young man in the live broadcast room in front of them was becoming more and more unfathomable and difficult to predict!

This Ye Shenhao is truly the king of experiencing life!

They were all extremely envious when they thought about it.

Maybe they are all rich, but they are still very busy.

There is absolutely no way he can be like Ye Yang. He is so rich that he is extremely lonely. All that is left is to experience the joy of life.

In the live broadcast room.

After scattering the red envelopes.

Ye Yang is ready to broadcast.

However, a piece of news caught his attention.

In the live broadcast room, someone was spreading news about a foreign luxury brand.

Many people were quite angry and lamented.

Ye Yang was also quite confused and searched online. It turned out that the GD brand had released a video saying that it had recently released Chinese-style luxury goods.

In the video, the Chinese style is eccentric and the style is extremely anti-human, and then it rises to the level of Chinese cultural weird behavior.

Many netizens were very angry and asked their company for an explanation.

As a result, the designer was rude and had an extremely arrogant attitude, completely ignoring the anger of Chinese consumers.

Ye Yang frowned and looked at the hot search list.

Even with recent major events happening frequently, this matter has been on the hot search list. It seems that this matter has indeed made Chinese consumers angry!

GD is originally a luxury brand.

Its market share in China is not small.

How dare you do this kind of thing, make money from others, and pretend to be a master! ?

"So drunk!"

"Don't we, Huaxia Style, have a company from Huaxia to do it!?"

"Our image should be defined by others!!!"

"I'm so angry!"

"Never buy anything from him again!"

Under related topics, some are discussing how to counter this company that disrespects China, while others lament that China has its own style but does not have its own brand to do it.

"This also reflects foreign countries' prejudice against us! I think we should have our own corporate brand and promote our image positively in the world!"

"It's so easy to say, haha, if you want to launch a luxury brand, you also need to have an international influence! That will cost money! Are you here to get the money!?"


Indeed, everyone soon realized.

It is difficult to export one's true image internationally.

Originally, European and American countries were afraid of China's rise. China's positive advertisements were difficult to promote. To achieve the same effect, more money was often spent!

If you spend this huge amount of money, you may not be able to make it happen!

There is no boss in China with such courage who dares to do this!

Everyone sighed sadly.

Just when everyone was feeling a little sad and helpless.

A message was quickly ranked first on the home page!

"What's going on!?"

All the massive netizens who paid attention to this matter all watched it.

When they saw that sentence, they felt a surge of excitement and disbelief in their hearts, but when they saw the name of the comment ID, they all became excited and excited! ! !

"This is a national-style enterprise that belongs to China, and I will do it."

ID: Ye Shenhao.



"Is Ye Shenhao going to take action!?"

"This is something no one in the Chinese clothing industry dares to do!"

"Yeah, I think the most you can do before is to make some civilian brands, directly targeting the Chinese style of the high-end market, which is likely to lose money!"

"How much money does Ye Shenhao have!?"


Many netizens are very excited. After all, Ye Yang has created too many miracles.

The miracle of becoming the number one box-office player in the world’s film history was created just a few days ago!

The shock for all of them has not faded yet!

"Who is this Ye Shenhao!? He is so loud!?"

"The average quality of people in our country can be seen just by looking at the comment section. Isn't it too easy to be led by others!? People can do what they say!?"

"That's right, I also said I wanted to be number one in the world, haha, who doesn't know how to brag!?"


"Which village are you from!? Just connected to the Internet?! Ye Shenhao doesn't know!?"

"I don't know...are you very rich?"

"If someone gives out red envelopes during a live broadcast, they will give out 2 billion!"

"Fuck! That's awesome! I was disrespectful just now, I'm an idiot!!!"

There are also many people below who don't know Ye Yang's financial strength and suspect that Ye Yang can't do it at all. However, Ye Yang’s fans went up to do some ‘popular science’ and immediately shut these people up!

In Ye Yang's live broadcast room, countless fans came to watch in an instant.

The number of online viewers in the live broadcast room directly exceeded 10 million! ! !

"Ye Shenhao, are you serious!?"

“Do we really want to create our own brand!?”

"What are the chances of winning this time!?"


Fans are obviously very concerned about this matter. After all, they have just encountered a foreign luxury brand insulting Chinese culture. They are holding their breath and want to see China's own local companies use their own style to slap them in the face like crazy!


Ye Yang nodded slightly.

"Ye Shenhao always keeps his word when he speaks!"

"It's so strong! I hope to see that day soon!"

"That's right!"


Fans are extremely excited.

However, many people are not living well and do not want to see others living well. There are also many public intellectuals and dogs who receive foreign money to come to China to troll people on the Internet. They are jealous.

Seeing the momentum of Chinese people uniting and sharing the same hatred in the live broadcast room, they wanted to cause harm.

At this time, he repeatedly said sarcastically: "Haha, clothing companies, that is cultural export! Is it so easy to do!?"

"Exactly! Without accumulated technology over many years, just throw out the money if you want? Is it possible?"

"European and American culture is much more advanced and mature than ours! They have a rich heritage and culture! That's why they have been able to make these luxury brands for so many years, but we can't do it at all!"

"This guy surnamed Ye is really bragging! Is clothing culture something you just do!? We can't learn from others, let alone make our own things! That's the international market, think It’s impossible to do domestic play!”

"Haha, this guy surnamed Ye is here to take your money! Spend two billion, consume a wave of feelings, and then take out billions from your pockets, and make a lot of money!"

"That's right!"


These rotten fish and shrimps came in and started talking nonsense. People who didn't know the truth were led into the rhythm and started talking nonsense. The scene was a bit chaotic for a while.

Ye Yang said: "Actually, there are many companies that are already producing Chinese style. I have a company that has been developing this aspect. I originally planned to make results before announcing them, but since there are so many live broadcast rooms You guys with bad intentions, I don’t mind giving you a slap in the face!”

After all, all the pictures of Tang Han Zhihui's clothing styles were posted on the live broadcast browsing page.

In an instant, the entire audience was stunned! ! !

This is so beautiful! ?

(First update)

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