Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 713: We have people and money

"This is so pretty!"

“Why didn’t I know there was a company in China that could make such amazing Chinese-style clothes!?”

"So beautiful!"

The audience was amazed, but after seeing the price, most people were sweating...

Really can't afford it.

However, Ye Yang put these things on the shelves just to stop the mouths of the trolls, and did not intend to bring goods.

After all, Tang Han Zhihui is targeting the high-end market, and many styles are handmade and unique.

The raw materials alone cost about 100,000 yuan per piece. Adding design and labor, the cost of a piece of clothing alone reaches 20,000 to 300,000 yuan. Naturally, the price cannot be lower than 40,000 to 500,000 yuan.

Among them, the high-end silk models that can be mass-produced cost 30,000 to 50,000 yuan, and are priced at more than 70,000 to 80,000 yuan.

This price exceeds the price of headwear from most luxury brands!

"Hey, I've learned a lot!"

“If it’s this kind of design and quality, I think it’s really exciting!”

"Just these models, if I had money, I would definitely buy them!"


All the fans’ eyes were shining. Even if they didn’t have the emotional bonus of wanting to slap GD in the face, they would still say this. After all, the strength of these clothes is there!

It simply integrates the soul of ancient style and Chinese style into the modern clothing system.

It is in line with modern people's sense of style, without losing the soul of Chinese style, and combines beauty and practicality.

It looks like I really want to buy it!

"It's so strong."


When fans were in awe.

The public magistrates and traitors were full of bad ideas again, and they thought of other excuses and kept saying them.

"Haha, you sell it so expensive! Even if the quality is good! Who will buy it!? None of the big foreign brands sell it so expensive!"

"That's right! You're definitely going to hit the street! Stop dreaming! You're going up against a world-renowned luxury brand! Are you worthy of it?"

"Haha, ambitions are good! But their culture is completely different from ours, so they won't be popular! If this Tang Han Zhihui can become an internationally renowned luxury brand in the future, I will stand on my head and shit and then eat the shit!"


"Good guy, he produces and sells his own products! Awesome!"

"What are those things above! I'm afraid they are half a million people walking!?"

"What's the meaning of half a million walking!?"

"There are some foreign-funded traitors who specialize in sabotaging China's Internet. If you report them to the Internet police and succeed, you will get a reward of 500,000 yuan!"

"It's true! Damn it! I have to report everyone who said those things just now. Maybe we can achieve financial freedom!"

"Ha ha……"

Once they saw that their identity was exposed, the traitors who took the money did not dare to say anything and hid themselves.

There was only a group of country-hating people who were led by them and couldn't stand their country's good deeds, and they were yelling stupidly.

"Don't worry, everyone, I will definitely let the world see our clothing brand."

Ye Yang stood up with bright eyes: "This day is not too far away."

"Ye Shenhao, yyds!!!"

“Looking forward to that day!!!”

"Ye Shenhao has brought Chinese games and movies to the world. These are cultural soft power. If we can also bring clothing to the world stage, it will be cultural hard power! That would be too strong!"

"Ye Shenhao is awesome!!!"

After the broadcast, Ye Yang discovered that the two billion he had sent out seemed to have been rewarded by fans, and there seemed to be a lot more...

"Ah this!"

He couldn't laugh or cry.

I’m really not short of money! ! !

It really doesn’t have to be like this! ! !

Just after the broadcast, he casually took a look at the reservation and order information in the background. It had exceeded 30,000 pieces. If he hadn't downloaded it too quickly, I'm afraid the number would have increased a lot.

"Good guy, there are quite a few rich fans among my fans."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. The most expensive model of seven to eight hundred thousand yuan was the most ordered.

Sure enough, rich people don't care about the price, they only care about whether it's good or not.

Two words, willful!

Soon, he received a call from Tang Han Zhihui.

"Boss! You are so good at bringing goods! I will never receive so many orders in a hundred years!"

Han Ruxiu didn't know whether she should be happy or cry.

Although selling so many goods at once was unprecedentedly brilliant for Tang Han Zhihui.

However, she had just spent money to buy a production line, and it would take some time to produce so many clothes.

After all, only a few hundred pieces of clothing were sold in the previous year.

There are tens of thousands of orders at once...

"It doesn't take a long time for customized luxury goods to arrive. Just ensure the quality. Time is not a problem."

Ye Yang said indifferently.

"Okay boss!"

Han Ruxiu also breathed a sigh of relief. With these words from her boss, she felt more confident!

"By the way, boss, we are going to shoot an international promotional video and put it on the Internet. We are thinking whether to find a foreigner to act in it, or us Chinese to act in it ourselves. I have found many international advertising companies, and they all said, If a white person is not used to star in this commercial, then it is not an international commercial and there is no way it will be popular!

They also said that no one would associate luxury goods with China or anything like that, and their attitude was extremely arrogant. They also said that if white people were not hired as models for the shoot, the advertising effect would be very poor internationally. Their company may not accept orders for reputation reasons. "

Han Ruxiu continued.


Ye Yang frowned: "What do you think?"

"Our own brand, of course we have to have our own image!"

Han Xiuru gritted her teeth and said: "To be honest, I have been very angry these days because of this conversation."


Ye Yang smiled with relief: "Use Chinese people as models. If you believe me, I can do this myself. For female models, I also have several candidates. For advertising companies, I also have the largest A-Ding in China, so you don't have to worry. If you have confidence, let A-Ding's reputation also go international this time!"

"Really? That's great!"

Han Xiuru felt the joy of being supported!

Before, she didn't even dare to think about these things!

With their previous size, no matter what they did, it was difficult and difficult. Any small difficulty could kill the entire company!

But now that they have been acquired by Ye Yang.

If you need people, you have money. There are also countless channel resources directly thrown to you!

This feeling is too good! ! !

(Second update)

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