Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 716 Enjoy one-stop service

"Since we want to create international-level advertising, of course we must first erase the inherent image foreigners have of Chinese people."

Main pipeline.

Under foreign cultural conspiracies, the external image of Chinese men is that of being short and feminine. As for women, they have extremely small eyes, thick lips, wide faces, and yellow and black skin, which is an inherently ugly image.

A few days ago, a certain professor from a top university catered to the stereotyped foreign image and specially sent a bunch of women with similar aesthetics to participate in foreign competitions.

"So, boys must look for someone who is masculine and handsome. Boss, you are a very famous star internationally. If you are used as the leading actor, it will definitely be the best choice."

The supervisors kept saying.

Ye Yang nodded slightly.

"As for the heroine, today's female stars lack charm. I think Tang Han Zhihui's boss is a very Chinese-style woman. If it is her, she will definitely be able to do it."

The supervisor kept saying.


Ye Yang also sent a few photos to his supervisor: "I have a few more candidates, what do you think?"


Just by looking at it, the supervisor took a deep breath.

He specializes in advertising and has been looking for photogenic actresses for half his life, but he has never met a girl with such a natural temperament.

As a result, the boss randomly gave out a few, and they were all beautiful and fragrant, and they were the types that truly best represented the temperament of Chinese girls!

The boss not only has a lot of money, but also has the best love luck in the world, no one can beat him!

"It's so strong!"

He said excitedly: "If there are these female protagonists, there will be several advertising versions that we can try shooting."

See what the supervisors say.

Ye Yang also smiled lightly.

Ling Shishi is cute and playful, Xiao Qingxuan is an ancient heroine, Zhu Zhuzhu is beautiful and fragrant, Mo Zhengzheng is a lady, and Han Xiuru is a natural. No matter who they are, they are indeed rare characters.

And the styles vary.

When placed in an advertisement, it is absolutely stunning.

Representing the most beautiful image of Chinese girls, it is definitely very suitable!


After polishing the script.

Several girls also came to the shooting location at Ye Yang's invitation.

Han Xiuru also didn't expect that one day she would be the spokesperson for her own brand, and she was looking forward to the filming.

Not to mention the other girls, it would be a good thing to stay with Ye Yang for a while.

Not to mention filming together with intimate interaction.

That’s a great thing!

Han Xiuru also took out the plan she selected and said:

"People now have a misunderstanding about Chinese style, that is, Chinese style is only suitable for ancient life. Wearing Chinese style in modern life is either a fancy dress or inconvenient for life."

"However, Tang Han Zhihui's design concept itself is to give the soul of China to modern clothing!"

"Let everyone see such dazzling, high-end clothes, and the comfortable experience displayed in various high-end occasions. This is the best publicity for these clothes."

“Only when people look forward to this scene will they buy it.”

Han Xiuru explained a wave of reasons why she chose these options.

“The design concept is very strong.”

Several supervisors nodded. The last sentence also captured the essence of modern traffic.

When the scene you present creates expectations in everyone and generates thoughts such as ‘It would be great if the person inside was me’, you will have succeeded.

In these plans, there are various high-end occasions and beautiful scenery.

Wearing either grand or beautiful high-end national style clothing, scenes of negotiation, home, and sports.

It will definitely attract anyone who can afford to buy this piece of clothing.

The shooting process is very simple.

Ye Yang himself is versatile in acting. When giving guidance to others, he is countless times more professional than the director on the scene.

Xiao Qingxuan also learned some essence during the last filming of a movie, and he can also help guide it at this time.

The acting directors on the scene were crying and felt that they were going to lose their jobs.

Because they had to admit that Ye Yang did teach better than them! They even have to learn from Ye Yang in many places...

"It's so strong!"

"What an almighty God!"

“What else can’t the boss do?”


A group of supervisors watched from the side. They were so shocked that they were sweating all over. They were beyond words! ! !

Boss, awesome! ! !

Under the leadership of Ye Yang, the filming was quickly completed.

After the platform is set up in a few days, you can start promoting it.

Publicity also needs content. This advertisement is their first content for the international market! ! !

After the filming was completed, Ye Yang returned to Prince Gong's Mansion: "You performed well today, and I will reward you tonight."

Ye Yang patted Zhu Zhuzhu's little head.

"It's all what Zhuzhu should do."

Zhu Zhuzhu smiled and gave Ye Yang a full body massage while sitting down.


Zhu Zhuzhu's technique is obviously not an ordinary technique. It should be a royal technique spread in the palace. When pinched, it is a real way to relax the muscles and activate blood circulation, which makes people want to stop.

As soon as the blood energy rises, all the energy in the body becomes active.

Between silk, bamboo and elegant music, a friendship between Guan Bao and Guan Bao will begin.

"Bad master, you said you would be rewarded in the evening, why are you so impatient."

Zhu Zhuzhu's fair arms were around Ye Yang, and her beautiful face was full of shyness and charm, which made people unable to refuse.

"It's all because of your good cooking skills!"

Ye Yang smirked: "Why don't we leave it until the evening?"


Zhu Zhuzhu laughed and stuck to him directly...

"Huh... Or you can change your name to Zhu Daji."

Ye Yang smiled smirk and lifted Zhu Zhuzhu's fair chin.

"Then... Please tell me what to do~ Master~"

Zhu Zhuzhu smiled softly and turned around.



In the blink of an eye, the world has changed.

The next day, Ye Yang woke up from happiness and picked up his phone. He saw that Han Ruxiu had sent him a message last night and he hadn't read it yet.

As expected, he wanted to invite him to dinner.


Brother is so damn handsome.

Not only are there full dinner parties every day!

And they are all with beautiful women. Do you think you are angry! ?


Ye Yang replied.

"I've already chosen the place! My car will be here soon, and I guarantee that Boss Ye will enjoy one-stop service!"

Han Xiuru sent a voice message, and her tone was much more relaxed than a few days ago.

It may be that she is familiar with Ye Yang, or it may be that the pressure on her shoulders is not that great.

Although the industry is bigger now.

But 30,000 orders are enough for her to be busy for a while, and she doesn't have to shoulder the responsibility of revitalizing Tang Han Zhihui's business by herself.

The boss looks as reliable as he can be!


Ye Yang smiled: "Okay, then I'm ready to fully enjoy your service today."

(First update)

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