Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 717: Being rear-ended? Arrogant aunt

"Good afternoon, boss~"

After Han Xiuru got familiar with Ye Yang, she was no longer so reserved.

Although the boss was very powerful, he didn't put on airs like a big shot.

Instead, he felt very gentle, approachable, versatile, and handsome!


Ye Yang glanced at Han Xiuru's car: "Wow, Volkswagen Phaeton..."

This car is a very low-key and luxurious model among Volkswagen.

Volkswagen Phaeton, priced at hundreds of thousands.

It is considered the king among Volkswagen.

"Boss, you are not used to sitting in luxury cars worth tens of millions, and you are not used to sitting in small broken cars worth millions, right?"

Han Xiuru pouted and said coquettishly.

"Haha, nothing, I'm just a little surprised to see this so-called Volkswagen king for the first time."

After that, he also smiled and sat in the Volkswagen Phaeton.

He didn't have any requirements for the car.

It doesn't matter if he occasionally rides in Wuling Hongguang to recall the past.

Anyway, he is not driving himself, and it is wonderful to have a beautiful driver to accompany him this time.

Soon, the two were on the road.

Prince Gong's Mansion is on the second ring road.

But not many restaurants can open here.

After all, the land price here is not astronomical.

Even if you can afford it, it doesn't matter if you can buy it.

After all, the core circle of China is inside.

On the way, Han Ruxiu and Ye Yang kept chatting.

With Ye Yang's knowledge and experience, any of them can attract girls.

Boys want to attract girls, either they can brag or they are really awesome.

The bragging will be broken sooner or later, and Ye Yang's bragging will still be awesome after thousands of years.

"Really! What happened to Zhuge Zhu later?"

Han Ruxiu was aroused by Ye Yang's story and asked repeatedly.

"He was beaten up by his father again and kicked out of the house."

Ye Yang shrugged.

"Puff! Too miserable! Haha..."

Han Ruxiu laughed out loud...

Just when she was happy, the car body suddenly shook.

Han Ruxiu quickly looked at the rear-end mirror and saw that it was a rear-end collision...

It was indeed a luxury car worth more than one million yuan. The front of the car behind was smashed, and the rear of the Volkswagen Phaeton was just slightly deflated, and the feeling inside the car was just a little weightless.

Ye Yang and Han Ruxiu got out of the car.

At first glance, wow, isn't this a Tesla!

Could it be that the brakes failed again! ?

"Who is it! You don't have eyes when driving! Can't you see that I am overtaking! Hurry up and make way for me!"

A big hair came out of the left door of the Tesla. Her hair was dyed red and she was wearing high heels. She looked like she was in her forties, but she was wearing a pink princess dress and looked arrogant.

Maybe she was a 40-year-old runaway princess from Disney.

"Hey! I'm talking to you! You were hit by my car like this! Tell me! How are you going to compensate!?"

The woman grinned angrily.

"It's obviously you who drove too aggressively and hit me at high speed. I haven't even taken care of your losses, but you're asking us for compensation? I'm afraid that's a bit unreasonable."

Han Ruxiu has a queen temperament, and she's also the boss of the company, so her temperament is not comparable to that of this old lady.

She was stunned for a moment.

However, after she reacted, the old lady started to get worse: "What did you say! Are you deaf! Or blind!? I just said it! You should have gotten out of the way when you saw me speeding up, so I could overtake you! What's wrong with you! I'm giving you face! You dare to confront your Zhenghuangqi sister! Do you have a sky-high pattern on your forehead!"


"Good guy, the wrinkles have crawled to the back of your forehead, and you're still a sister. I think you're too old to call me aunt."

Ye Yang said with disdainful venom.

"I'm so angry!!! You little brat! You're too arrogant!"

Zhenghuangqi Tesla aunt was extremely angry.

"Haha, there's no way to reason with a retard like you who has a brain puncture, cerebellar atrophy, heart failure, and half-paralysis."

Ye Yang shrugged and took out his phone: "Call the police and it will be solved."

"You dare!!!"

Tesla's aunt roared: "Don't call the police!"

Although she was unreasonable, she knew a little about traffic rules. The reason she was yelling was just habitually making trouble and habitually giving up.

"You dare to call the police!!!"

She screamed.

She knew that she was in the wrong today, and the police would definitely ask her to pay.

She had never been wronged like this, and any mistakes should benefit her!

She should be spoiled by others!


This ear-piercing devilish sound directly made many onlookers cover their ears.

"What is this old woman yelling about here!?"

"It seems that she hit the car in front of her, and now she is asking others to pay for it. They refused to pay, and she wanted to call the police, but she refused to let her call the police. Now, she is calling me husband!"

"Fuck! She is simply the worst in the world!"

"Haha, I don't know how many such unreasonable trash I have seen. I am used to it."

"Haha... Brother, you have a story!"


More and more people gathered around.

"It's terrible!"

"Whoever gets involved with this kind of woman will be unlucky!"


After yelling for a long time, she realized that her husband didn't come out with her today.

Old Aunt Tesla chuckled: "You are very unlucky! My husband is not here now, so I can only use my connections to deal with this matter!"


Ye Yang looked at the arrogant old aunt's confident and greasy face and almost vomited with laughter.

It's so terrible.

Who gave her the confidence! ?

"Don't laugh! In front of me, two trash people who are trying to break the public are worthy of laughing! My Tesla is invincible!"

The old aunt said angrily.

"Oh? So invincible, my face was smashed, nothing happened to my butt?"

Han Ruxiu pointed to the location of the impact and mocked lightly.

She already knew Ye Yang's identity.

I don’t think that a Tesla driver can have anything to do with threatening the boss...

After all, he was an all-powerful boss with unlimited courage who casually invested 5 billion in a factory on the verge of bankruptcy!

"Haha, you are just quibbling! Even if my Tesla explodes, he will be number one in the world! I will definitely make you regret it! Don't call the police if you can! You will soon know how to ridicule your aunt Huangqi... Ah no, eldest sister The consequences!”

The old lady sneered and dialed a number.

Her husband said that if you encounter this kind of thing outside, just call this number and the person on the other side will be able to sort it out. It's very cool!

Her husband is a man of status!

People say that this person is awesome, so he will definitely be able to vent his anger on his behalf after he is found!

Ye Yang watched with interest. It seemed like a good feeling to watch people acting like monkeys. Anyway, it would take a while to wait for the police to come.

"Just wait! You're done!"

Aunt Tesla hung up the phone arrogantly.

(Second update)

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