Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 718 I, Black-faced Tiger, act bravely to help others

The woman kept shouting, and the demonic sound piercing her ears made the people nearby cover their ears. It was so scary!

I really don’t know how her husband can bear to live with such a thing.

Ye Yang and Han Ruxiu sat back in the car and turned on the air conditioner. The Tesla had been smashed, and the old lady couldn't sit back even if she wanted to.

Seeing Ye Yang sitting back in the car and enjoying themselves, they were so angry that they hurried to the car, ready to say harsh words.

Han Ruxiu raised the car window while waving her hand.

Ye Yang looked at the old lady's limbs and limbs moving around by the car window, her mouth kept moving but was muted, which was inexplicably funny.

After a while, a Land Rover drove over.

On the Land Rover, three or four people got out.

They all looked fierce.


Ye Yang looked in the rearview mirror and raised his eyebrows. The strong man in the head looked very familiar.

"what happened!?"

The strong man at the front shouted angrily and said with great confidence.

"They crashed my car and didn't pay me compensation!"

Aunt Zhenghuangqi was furious. She finally saw her backer and became extremely arrogant.

The strong man looked at the collision between the two cars and immediately saw the whole story. As long as you were not blind, you could basically tell that it was a rear-end collision.

When people nearby saw that the old aunt really called so many murderers on the phone, they were also worried for Ye Yang.

"Why haven't the police arrived yet! I don't want to see this stupid old aunt taking advantage!"

"That's right, that would be so unfair!"


They are all unhappy.

The strong man touched his head, it was difficult to handle!

If this old lady can't see this Volkswagen Phaeton, why can't he? ?

To be able to buy this kind of out-of-print King of the People, it is estimated that it cost one hundred or hundreds of thousands. He is obviously a person of status.

This matter is still in the other party’s hands, and it’s not easy to handle anyway!

However, he is the one who does the job of settling things. If it is not easy to settle things, he must be settled!

"What are you looking at! Why don't you give that kid a good beating to relieve your anger!"

The old aunt jumped up angrily: "Can you do it?"

"Don't worry, I promise to resolve this matter before the police arrive!"

The strong man patted his chest. Seeing the arrogance of the old aunt, he wanted to give her a slap in the face, but after all, he was entrusted with something and had to do things.

Thinking about it, I took my younger brother to the front of the Volkswagen Phaeton and knocked on the window.

The car window rolled down.

When I saw a beautiful woman, my eyes were dazzled.

"My day, so beautiful!"

The strong man trembled in his heart and swallowed all the rude words in his stomach. He felt more and more that this matter was not simple.

Based on his intuition developed from his experience in settling things, this scenario is very troublesome!

Is the car a luxury car, or is the driver a super beauty...

He carefully looked inside, and sure enough, there was a young man.

When he saw the young man's face clearly, he was immediately frightened and froze on the spot, his lips were trembling and he didn't know what to say.

Ye Yang smiled slightly and waved at him.

The strong man thought Ye Yang was reaching out to hit him, so his legs gave out and he knelt on the ground.

"I feel so miserable!!! Why did I meet this God of War again!"

The strong man was none other than the black-faced tiger who beat up his employer Bu Yaolian that day and was rewarded by the Bu family instead!

"Damn it! Brother, why are you kneeling down!"


Several younger brothers came up and saw Ye Yang, so they knelt down out of habit.

Just like that, several menacing gangster figures knelt on the ground with cheers.

It seemed like he had come all the way to meet the big boss.


"What's going on!?"

"have no idea!"

"Damn it, this guy driving a Volkswagen doesn't have a great status, does he!?"

"I also know about Brother Hu. All the big brothers in the capital have entered Haituo Mountain a few days ago. Among the remaining bosses, he is considered the first-line boss. How can he immediately kneel down!?"

"Fuck! It shocked my father for a thousand years!"

"The poles are reversed!"

"Haha, this old woman's face has turned pale!"

"Are you stupid!? Stinky idiot!"


The masses love to hear and see, and evil people still need to be punished by evil people!

Old Aunt Tesla was dumbfounded and screamed: "What are you doing! I asked you to deal with him, not to be dealt with by him!!!"

However, the black-faced tiger completely ignored the old aunt's remarks.

He just said: "It turns out to be Ye Zhanshen!"

"Long time no see, no need to pay such a big courtesy."

Ye Yang sat in the car and raised his hand lightly.


After confirming that Ye Yang really didn't mean anything else, the black-faced tiger dared to ask his brothers to stand up and smiled charmingly: "Ye Shenhao, your power as the God of War can be felt from several kilometers away! I just said that I feel your power! I quickly brought my brothers over to see you!”


Ye Yang's mouth twitched. Is it so embarrassing for this uneducated person to lick other people? ?


But he didn't wait for his reply.

The black-faced tiger even said: "I saw from a distance that your car seemed to have been rear-ended! This old woman seems to be very unreasonable! Can you bear this!? I, the black-faced tiger, am the first one who can't bear it! Ye Zhanshen! Don’t worry, I’ll take care of this matter for you today! It’s not worth your little effort!”

The black-faced tiger was still flattering towards Ye Yang, but turned his head with a fierce look in his eyes.

He looked at the old aunt fiercely.

"What are you doing! Have you forgotten what my husband does!? You...ah!!!"

Under the instructions of the black-faced tiger, several of the younger brothers pushed the old woman to the ground directly, and also hit her with a few dirty hands.

No scars could be seen, but the old woman screamed in pain.

After these boys returned home, they also heard the black-faced tiger talk about Ye Yang's deeds. They were so frightened that they couldn't sleep for three days and three nights. This woman actually almost sent them to prison again! ?

If you don't give me a good beating, how can I vent my anger? ?

"I will destroy you humanely!"

The black-faced tiger was so angry that his nose was crooked, and he kicked the old woman's butt several times. Last time, he had a hard time passing by this King of Hell. You can drag me back to the hell gate and shut you down!

Soon, the police arrived.

"what happened!?"

The police captain at the head frowned at the messy scene in front of him and asked.

"Ahem, uncle policeman, this old bitch hit and run! Our brothers acted bravely in the name of justice!"

"Yes, yes, act bravely! Seeing that she was about to run away, I quickly held her down. I leave it to you now!"

Several younger brothers also followed suit.


Seeing a big muscular man calling himself policeman uncle, the captain felt goosebumps all over the floor. He looked at the onlookers to collect evidence: "Is that so!?"

"Yes, yes! That's it!"

"That's right!"

"I saw it with my own eyes!"

"She rear-ended someone's car and wanted to run away as soon as she got out of the car! If it weren't for these good brothers who are brave enough to do justice, she would have run away!"

The old aunt just made people too angry. At this time, the people were reluctant to seek justice.

"No, no! Don't listen to their nonsense..."

The old aunt wanted to say something, but was drowned out by the crowd's voice...

ah! ! !

I finally felt how miserable it was to be confused and ignored the facts, woo woo...

(First update)

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