Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 719: The No. 1 Japanese Restaurant in Beijing


The police captain said that he couldn’t believe it.

As a gangster, Black-faced Tiger naturally had a lot of dealings with the police, and he would be summoned or detained for no reason.

He could be said to be a familiar customer of the police station.

He had been familiar with him for a long time.

Therefore, the police captain also knew what he did.

He, a gangster, was brave and righteous! ?

Why did he think it was wrong! ?

At this time, the deputy captain Wu Jingshu confronted him.

“What’s the matter?”

He looked over in the direction of Wu Jingshu’s eyes, and his eyes were also shocked.

The man in the car was Ye Yang!

“Well, I think the eyes of the masses are sharp! Let’s go, follow me to the police station to make a record!”

The captain said immediately.

“No!!! How could this happen!?”

The old lady shouted in despair.

Ye Yang smiled and also signaled Han Ruxiu to start the car and follow the police car. In this kind of thing, the parties involved must make a record.

He didn’t want to break this rule at will.

After all, with his current status, he also has the responsibility to maintain the dignity of national order.

The matter involves the existence of Ye Yang's status, so the speed of handling is very fast.

The green light all the way, the first foot into the police station, the result is the next foot.

Driving accident, threatening after the incident, serious circumstances, revoked the driver's license, fined and detained.

With the efforts of the judge, the longest detention period within the scope of the law was obtained for the old lady.

It can be said that the care is extremely gentle, meticulous and considerate.

"Let's go, the police station is not far from where we eat."

Han Ruxiu smiled.


Ye Yang nodded slightly, and after making a goodbye gesture to Wu Jingshu, he left.

In the police station.

The female police officers all surrounded Wu Jingshu with a smile.

"You actually know Ye Shenhao!"

"Hand over his WeChat quickly, and we will treat you to a year's worth of meals!"

"That's right!"


Wu Jingshu pouted: "No! The male god's WeChat is sacred! I refuse to trade with you! Humph!"


Kyoto Kaiseki Flower Den Minoyoshi is the most expensive Japanese food restaurant in Beijing.

Even if ordinary people go in, the average consumption per person is 8,000 to 16,000.

If you want to eat the best food in it, it will cost at least tens of thousands per person.

If you pursue the ultimate enjoyment, it is very common to spend hundreds of thousands for a meal.

The signature selling point of Kyoto Kaiseki Flower Den Minoyoshi is that everything is authentic from Japan.

The decoration inside was created by Japanese masters, and even the kitchen dishwashing water and all the ingredients were airlifted from Japan.

So the ingredients are very expensive.

However, since the Japanese Sea became a wastewater sea, they have been in a dilemma. They have to ensure that all water is unpolluted mountain spring water from Japan, and that the ingredients are high-end protected ingredients, not radiation ingredients, in order to continue to maintain the popularity.


The Volkswagen Phaeton stopped at the parking lot of Pangu Hotel.

Ye Yang looked at this hotel that was awarded to him but he had never visited, and a sense of pride arose spontaneously.

This is one of the very few seven-star hotels in China.

It is extremely large and looks majestic.

Even the Japanese restaurant known as the No. 1 Japanese restaurant in Beijing and the one with the highest per capita consumption: Kyoto Kaiseki Flower Den Minoyoshi, is just an ordinary restaurant on the 21st floor of this majestic hotel.


Han Ruxiu also exclaimed: "This hotel is really magnificent! To be able to build such a large and magnificent hotel next to the Water Cube, the owner of this hotel must be an extremely high-ranking and extremely extraordinary existence!"

Ye Yang was stunned. Wow, wherever he went, he could hear himself being praised in various ways.

Although Han Ruxiu didn't know that Pangu Hotel was hers.

After entering the hotel and showing the reservation board.

The two of them got on the elevator.

"Really good!"

After entering, you can really feel the size of your hotel.

It deserves to be named after Pangu!

These staff members don't know the appearance of the boss behind such a huge super hotel, and very few know his name.

All the way to the 21st floor, soon arrived at the store of Kyoto Kaiseki Flower Chuan Minoyoshi.

As soon as I came in.

It was the Japanese beauties: Meiko, Reiko, Hanako, Fujiko and others who welcomed me skillfully.

The meals and seats were all reserved in advance, and Ye Yang and Han Ruxiu sat in the box.

Kyoto Kaiseki Flower Chuan Minoyoshi is most famous for cod rice.

Han Ruxiu obviously also invested a lot of money, ordering the best dishes in the store and booking the best box.

Elegance hides luxury.

This meal is estimated to start at least 100,000.

But for Ye Yang, who was used to the ups and downs, this was just an ordinary meal.

The two talked and laughed, and had a great time eating.

In the corridor.

The lobby manager followed a man with a mustache humbly.

The lobby manager smiled very flatteringly and said: "Mr. Yamada, coming to my place is like returning to your own home. I will definitely let you eat the best and purest Japanese food!"

"Well! I have been on a business trip to China for more than a month. I have missed the taste of my hometown mama-san for a long time."

Yamada Daye nodded: "However, it seems that these boxes are already occupied."

"My place is very popular every day! Chinese people, even if there is no delicious food, like to come here to eat!"

The lobby manager Okada Hayabusa laughed.


Yamada Daye knew that Okada Hayabusa was talking nonsense, but still proudly gave a thumbs up.

"However, how can we get a private room to use!"

"Small problem! One table just came. I told them that the system was wrong and put them in the front of the queue. They should have been at the table at the back. Just let them wait until we finish eating before coming in to eat."

Okada Hayabusa waved his hand and said confidently.

"Can this work?!"

Yamada Daye raised his eyebrows.

"Haha, Chinese people are often cowardly, especially those who come here. Many of them come here to punch in and show off without money. I am the manager of this high-end restaurant! As long as I say a few words and bow, they will be moved and will give us a table. I have seen too many cases!"

Okada Hayabusa laughed and said confidently. "Oh! That's a great job!"

Yamada Daiye gave a thumbs up.

(Second update)

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