Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 721: Supervisors line up, Pangu Hotel shakes

Okada Hayabusa kept looking back, and the arrogance on her face immediately subsided, turning into respect and caution. She bowed to the visitor again and again, and shouted: "Takeda-san!"


Takeda Keimoto nodded: "What's going on! Why is the store so messy!?"


Under Takeda's gaze, Okada Hayabusa could only whisper to Takeda Keimoto.

"Hmph! It's all your fault!"

Takeda Kuimoto glared at Okada Hayabusa, but he didn't seem to blame her too much. He just bowed to Ye Yang and said, "Sir, Okada did make a mistake, but this guest is very important to our Kyoto Kaiseki Flower Chuan Minoyoshi. I hope you can give up this seat."

"If you give up this seat, we will add two special dishes for you at the next table for free. If you don't accept this offer, we can also refund you, and you can choose to dine at other restaurants."


The audience frowned. This sounded polite, but the content was not very pleasant to hear. There was always a subtext of "I have given you a way out, don't be shameless."

Han Ruxiu was also very angry.

The meaning of this sentence was obviously that if you still want to eat here, go out and wait for the next table. If you don't want to eat here, go out and find another restaurant. Anyway, we have to book this table now.

Adding two dishes to you is a face-saving thing for you, don't be shameless.

This kind of seemingly humble feeling, but looking down on you in the bones, is the most disgusting.

Ye Yang narrowed his eyes, and his voice became completely cold: "It seems that you don't intend to abide by the choice I just proposed."

"What did he say just now?"

Takeda Keimoto asked Okada Hayabusa.

"He said that either you fire me and let me go, or our Kyoto Kaiseki Flower Chuan Minokichi will get out of Pangu Building."

Okada Hayako rolled her eyes and almost laughed out loud: "This Chinese is just dreaming!"

"Haha, sir, it seems that I was too polite to you just now."

Takeda Kuimoto sneered and said angrily: "I know you may have some ability, but if you want to touch our Kyoto Kaiseki Flower Chuan Minokichi, I'm afraid it's too wishful thinking. This is my territory as a Japanese. You only have the opportunity to make the choice I give you. I give you ten seconds to make your choice!"


Ye Yang sneered: "What a Kyoto Kaiseki Flower Chuan Minokichi!"

Give you a chance, but you are useless!

The other party has made his own choice, and he is too lazy to say more.

He made a phone call directly.

The next moment.

The entire Pangu Building's high-rise was instantly shaken!

All the executives above the senior manager level on each floor of Pangu Building were all startled by a notice and rushed out of the meeting room or office floor at a high speed!

All the employees of Pangu Building were staring at this scene in a daze.

These big men who usually hold high positions and are hard to find, why did they all run out in a hurry!

They looked as if they were afraid of being late.

They were all panicked!

"What's going on?!"

"I don't know, let's go and see!?"

"This is a big deal!"

"We are also..."


The employees all felt that it seemed that all the senior executives of Pangu Building were out!

You know, Pangu Hotel is very large, with many floors, and it is a super seven-star hotel in Beijing.

Hundreds of senior management!

At this moment, they are all rushing to the 21st floor!

This scene is really big!

"Brothers on the 21st floor, tell us what happened? What country's super boss is here? It actually shocked all the senior managers! Even if the Queen of the Netherlands came to visit last time, it wouldn't cause such a commotion!"

"... We are also confused. We are following the bosses now. We will send you a message if we find anything."

"Thanks for the first-hand information from the front line!"


Very quickly!

Many bosses rushed to the 21st floor Kyoto Kaiseki Flower Den Minoyoshi restaurant at high speed.

Looking at the hundreds of Pangu Hotel executives coming aggressively.

The staff of Kyoto Kaiseki Flower Den Minoyoshi turned pale with fear. This aggressive look is like they are going to trample Kyoto Kaiseki Flower Den Minoyoshi!

"It's terrible."

"What's going on?!"

"I only know a few, but they seem to be the supervisors of Pangu Hotel!"

No one who can be a supervisor at Pangu Hotel has a simple identity.

Any one of them would not be lower than the boss of a branch of Kyoto Kaiseki Flower Chuan Minoyoshi, and would only be better.

"Quick, tell Boss Takeda!"

The waiters were frightened by the scene, and went inside to inform the top management of Kyoto Kaiseki Flower Chuan Minoyoshi.

Inside, Takeda Kuimoto, who was about to take tough action against Ye Yang, was stunned when he heard the report.


He glared: "Bagana! (Impossible)"

Although he thought it was impossible, he hurriedly led people to the outside of the restaurant.

All the supervisors of Pangu, one by one, were big guys, he couldn't afford to offend them, and he opened a restaurant on someone else's territory, and he had to bow his head under the eaves!

"This? What's going on?"

Han Ruxiu was also a little stunned when she saw this scene.

"Let's go."

Ye Yang naturally took the white hand of the somewhat dazed Yu Jie and smiled at her.


Han Ruxiu nodded.

The other spectators were also very curious. Curiosity is human nature. At this time, they all followed Ye Yang and the others out.

At the door, the Pangu Hotel guards brought by the executives directly blocked all roads and traffic.

The hundreds of executives lined up in front of the Minoyoshi Gate of Kyoto Kaiseki Flower Festival.

With solemn brows, they seemed to be waiting for someone to appear.

Takeda Kuimoto came up to greet him as soon as he came out, and was ready to chat with a smile: "Oh, Wu San! Li San! Why are you all here..."

But halfway through, he found that no supervisor paid attention to him at all, and he was disappointed.

He also knew in his heart that these people could not have come to see him.

He had to sigh in resignation and stood by, confused, with his heart in turmoil.

He couldn't figure out what happened.

"What happened?"

In the internal employee chat group, Pangu's employees asked repeatedly.

"I don't know! The supervisors led people to surround Kyoto Kaiseki Flower Chuan Minoyoshi. It's hard to see clearly, but these supervisors are standing in a straight line at the door, as if waiting for someone..."

"Oh!? So many senior supervisors, with such impressive status, are actually standing in a line waiting for someone..."

"Then what about this person's identity..."

While discussing it.

The figure of the young man finally stepped out slowly from the door...

(Second update)

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