Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 722 Whose territory is this now?


Takeda Kuimoto looked at the young man walking out slowly, and seemed to feel something in his heart, and suddenly had a bad premonition...

he! ! !

It's him! ! !

A bad premonition just appeared in his heart.

The hundreds of senior managers were full of energy. They immediately stood up straight, raised their chests and raised their heads, and shouted in unison: "Welcome boss to come and guide our work!!!"

Hundreds of people said hello energetically.

The sound shook the entire 21st floor.

All the hotel employees outside who came to join in the fun were confused.

What did they see! ?

What did they hear! ?

Hundreds of Pangu Hotel's strongest managers actually shouted "Boss" in unison!

Not only these employees, but also the customers of the Kyoto Kaiseki Den Minokichi restaurant, Takeda Kuimoto, Han Ruxiu, etc., were all sluggish.

"The person they came to meet is indeed the legendary new boss of Pangu Hotel!!!"

Everyone looked intently.

There were more or less rumors about Pangu Hotel changing its owner a few days ago.

Some say it was obtained by top retired military bosses.

It is also said that it was obtained by a retired super boss from the previous political circle in Zhonghai...

There are rumors that the new boss has a net worth of several trillions. It is also said that this boss has connections with all walks of life and is a legend at the top of China.

Various rumors have mythologized the new boss.

The image of the new owner of Pangu Hotel has become extremely mysterious and noble in everyone's minds.

But, now...

He showed up.

Everyone looked at the new owner of Pangu Hotel in stunned silence.

All in disbelief.

This is just a young man who looks to be in his early twenties!


The scene fell into silence for a while.

No one dared to be noisy and talkative in such an oppressive scene.

Until Ye Yang nodded slightly and waved his hand: "No need to be formal."

Among the hotel's top brass, the most senior assistant store owners came out and said repeatedly: "Boss, you are here unexpectedly and the hotel is not well prepared. Don't be surprised!"

"Boss, are you satisfied with the operation of this hotel?"


I saw several deputy store managers who could not find anyone in their office looking for connections on weekdays, and looked at Ye Yang indifferently.

Takeda Kuimoto felt very bad.


That is to say...

He just wanted to kick out the entire big boss of Pangu Hotel!

This... is like a dung beetle entering the toilet in the middle of the night - holding a lantern and looking for death (shit)!


Han Ruxiu on the side covered her mouth and looked at Ye Yang, Boss, you are too strong!

How many identities are you hiding behind this?

Ye Yang glanced at the deputy directors indifferently and said coldly: "How was the experience? The experience was very bad!"

Several deputy directors were immediately frightened by these words.

The boss’s words are not serious!

Ye Yang and the others have heard about it and have a very high status.

But how high exactly, they don't know.

However, they know very well how terrifying it is to be the owner of Pangu Hotel!

The one who can succeed him and get the ownership of Pangu Hotel will at least have the same status!

How dare they disobey!

However, they did not dare to ask what was wrong with Ye Yang, so they had to vent their anger on their subordinates, turned around, and said angrily: "What's wrong with you! Didn't you hear Director Ye say that he felt bad? Check it out for me! Put this Call me the shitty Japanese restaurant video! I want to see how they offended Director Ye! Are you so brave?"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

There was no need for anyone else to take action. Several executives who usually didn't even bother to accept gifts from Takeda Kuimoto took it upon themselves to call up the video.

Takeda Kuimoto on the side knew that something was not going well, so he wanted to retreat into the crowd and run away.

However, the surrounding roads were blocked by guards.

Before he could escape, he was blocked and pushed back.


No one had seen him until he ran away. At this moment, the deputy directors all said angrily: "Is this the owner of this store? Drag me here!"

Several guards immediately escorted Takeda Kuimoto over.

"Show it for yourself! What's going on in this video!"

When several deputy directors saw the video and briefly understood the situation with the guests at the scene, they immediately became furious!

Half surprised, half angry!

As for Okada Hayabusa, who caused the trouble at the beginning, she was so frightened that she couldn't stand up straight. She was pulled to lie down at the door of the restaurant and couldn't stand up at all.

He finally knew how much trouble he had caused.

What he said about telling the restaurant to get out of the building was not a threat at all, but an opportunity given to him by pity!

Seeing Okada Hayabusa, Takeda Kuimoto became energetic and said repeatedly: "Ye Sang! I'll fire him! He's just a bastard! I'll fire him immediately!"


Several deputy directors sneered: "You have offended your boss and you want to end it so easily!? Get out of Pangu Hotel before tonight. If you can't do it before eight o'clock, we will help you do it!"

" can't do this!"

Takeda Kuimoto's lips trembled.

Isn't this just a matter of hurrying up and rescuing supplies before eight o'clock?

You can take as much as you can before eight o'clock, otherwise the store will be destroyed!

"Keep pushing and I will blow up your store right now!"

A vice director with a hot temper yelled angrily.

They are all angry!

These days they are thinking about how to welcome the new chairman.

The grand ceremony and program were almost rehearsed!

But it was ruined by a small Japanese restaurant owner! ! !

Damn it, I must find a few guys to secretly remove his legs! I can't let him roll back to Japan intact!

Several vice directors were secretly planning.

Doing such a bloody thing openly would definitely damage the reputation of Pangu Hotel, but they didn't mention it.

They didn't tell each other, so they didn't know each other's plans. It is estimated that when Takeda gets on the ship back to his country, his limbs will be in trouble...

"Now, let's talk about it, whose territory is this? Hmm?"

Ye Yang sneered and looked at Okada Hayabusa, and asked lightly.

"I, I, I..."

Okada Hayabusa trembled, and was so scared that she didn't respond immediately.


A slap.

"Whose territory is this!?"

"Woo woo woo..."


Another slap!

"Pah pah pah..."

Just because he was slow to react at first, Ye Yang's first slap broke his teeth, and he couldn't respond at all.

After more than a dozen slaps, he was half dead.

He fainted from a concussion...


"The boss is so cruel!"

Several vice directors were trembling inwardly.

I thought their plan was cruel enough, but they didn't expect the boss to be even more cruel and start fighting in public!

"Tear down the store now! I'll take responsibility if there's any problem."

Ye Yang stood up, said coldly, and walked out of the crowd with Han Ruxiu...

"Ah... yes!"

Several vice directors were stunned for a moment before they came to their senses and promised fiercely!

(First update)

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