Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 724: After being slapped in the face, give yourself another slap?


Han Ruxiu nodded vigorously.

It's time for the world stage to return to the East!

Paris Fashion Week is the most prestigious show in the international fashion industry today. Any brand is honored to be able to participate in Paris Fashion Week.

As long as you can shine at Paris Fashion Week, you can basically gain a foothold in the luxury industry.

"It's just that time is a bit rushed. Paris Fashion Week will start soon. I just got the ticket now, so I'm a bit hasty to prepare."

Han Ruxiu didn't want to miss this hard-won opportunity. After dinner, she hurried back to her company to prepare for related matters.

Ye Yang nodded.

The momentum is almost there.

It's really hot!

As long as there is traffic support, even cats and dogs can become stars, and even TV dramas that are as bad as shit will be sought after by people.

Not to mention this kind of quality things, it's hard not to be popular!

After returning to Prince Gong's Mansion, he was in a very happy mood. He opened a bottle of Romanee-Conti casually and turned on the live broadcast.

He remembered that when he was going to launch Tang Han Zhihui to slap GD in the face, there were a lot of rubbish talking behind his back.

Some said that Chinese products were not good, and some said that the products were too expensive and no one would buy them.

Some said that the clothes were ugly because they were blind.

Even though many foreign-funded online traitors were arrested, there were still many people who were kneeling and couldn't get up, and their thinking was still stuck in decades ago.

He had to teach these people a lesson.

What does it mean to keep up with the times!

What does it mean that the times have changed!

"Ye Shenhao is on the air again!"

"Ye Shenhao, what happened to those people who opened a restaurant?"

"Are you really the boss of Pangu Hotel?"

"The commercial you shot was so handsome!"

"Well-made! This is the first time I've watched an commercial back and forth for an hour!"


Enthusiastic fans poured in, and soon there were hundreds of thousands of people online in the live broadcast room.

Ye Yang didn't pay attention to how those people were doing, and he probably was being beaten up in a corner now.

"Tang Han Zhihui has become very popular overseas recently!"

"As expected of Ye Shenhao! He keeps his word!"

"That's right! A few days ago, Ye Shenhao just said that he would build a brand overseas, and he made this product popular directly!"

"Too powerful! He is simply the strongest person who keeps his word!"

"Ye Shenhao yyds!"


The fans are all very emotional.

It has not even been a week since Ye Yang said that he would build China's own luxury brand!

Tang Han Zhihui has become very popular overseas directly! ?

A set of clothes cost 300,000 euros, but it has been hyped up to more than 1 million!

It is enough to see how popular this brand is now overseas!

This is too scary!

What kind of strength is this!


Ye Yang looked at these comments and smiled slightly. That is, a publicity channel built with 500 billion cash, how can it not be awesome!

In just a few days, the original channel has not been built at all, and the influence of Jiading Company in the international publicity industry has already ranked among the top three in the daily traffic list.

Once it is built, forget about the top ten advertising companies.

Even the biggest IPs of European and American cultural exports like BBC are afraid that they can't compete with Huaxia Jiading.

After all, although the BBC has a lot of annual funding, it is nothing compared to 500 billion Chinese yuan in cash.

It's just that 500 billion in cash is too much. It will take a while to spend it all.

It's impossible to spend it in one day.

Ye Yang is also looking forward to it. When this complete and world's largest propaganda channel is built, what kind of influence will Jiading have in the world!

"Haha, what a bullshit influence! It must be bought with money!"

"That's right, foreign countries are all aristocrats, they value heritage and glory, unlike China, where they are all nouveau riche and have no heritage at all!"

"That's right! The things you bought with money are useless!"

"As a luxury brand, even the lowest-rate, third-rate fashion week can't be included? It's still too rubbish after all!"

"That's right, you can't even get into a second-rate fashion week, can't get an influence score, and you still dare to say you are a luxury brand, it really makes me laugh."

"Not to mention first-rate fashion weeks like Milan Fashion Week!"

"Tsk tsk, the above is right!"

"I guess if we spray him, he will spend money to buy tickets, and in a few days he will start broadcasting to announce that he got the tickets to a third-rate fashion show!"

"It's useless! Except for the world-class fashion shows that can't be bought with money, everything else is just bragging!"

The jealous dog and the orphan party surfaced again.

They started to be sour and smearing.

This kind of people are born and exist all the time. The meaning of their lives is to disgust others.

But it is not illegal to disgust others.

As long as his twisted heart does not want to admit it, no matter how well you do, he can find a way to criticize you.

As long as his twisted heart wants to lick it, even if someone shits in his mouth and asks him to eat it, he can kowtow and thank the other party for the reward.

This kind of brainless black is common in live broadcast rooms and book review areas.

But unfortunately, they are destined to be slapped in the face this time.

Ye Yang looked at the idiots below, with a faint smile on his face, and then quietly posted Tang Han Zhihui's invitation to Paris Fashion Week.


"Fuck! Paris Fashion Week invitation!"

"Come and explain what Paris Fashion Week is?"

"This is the most awesome fashion week in the fashion industry all over the world! Those stupid haters just said that they were all first-rate or second-rate fashion weeks. But Paris Fashion Week is the top one! The most awesome one!"

"France is the most famous country for fashion, and the most romantic place in France is its capital, Paris. Paris Fashion Week originated in 1910. In order to hold Paris Fashion Week, even the Louvre Carrousel Hall and the Tuileries Garden were opened as official show venues!

Different from the exclusive nature of other fashion weeks such as Milan , Paris Fashion Week is the most inclusive, inviting the hottest and most powerful newcomers from all over the world, designers and brands from all over the world to participate together! So it is also known as the most influential fashion show. "


"Doesn't this mean that those who just talked about it have their faces swollen?"

"It's more than swollen, it's directly beaten beyond recognition! ? "

"Haha, shit, you said that he was not qualified to be on a third-rate fashion show, but when you see it, wow, the world's number one directly sent him an invitation letter! "


"Shit, I was drinking water, and I almost laughed out loud!"


The live broadcast room suddenly gave off a happy atmosphere.

"Haha, so what if you were invited, it's probably bought with money!"

"Oh? Didn't you just say that it's impossible to buy above the first-class? Just got slapped in the face, and slapped yourself again! ? "

(First update)

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