Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 725: Betting against all the haters on the Internet?


A group of black men were dumbfounded.

"That's what I said just now, it has nothing to do with me now!"

"That's it! So what if I'm a finalist! Now I haven't even won the lowest award! Do you want to start bragging!?"

"Haha, it's so funny!"


"The shortlisting is already very strong, isn't it!"

"Really, who are these people! They are so drunk!"

"Don't bother with these bugs, they're disgusting!"

Fans were outraged.

Ye Yang looked at this scene and sneered.

For some people, their knees have already grown on the ground. They cannot pull them out even if they want to, and they cannot wake up even if they scold them.

The only useful thing is to use realistic facts to hammer them awake!

This kind of shameless scoundrel will do more harm to them by letting them realize that they are wrong than just kicking them a few times.

Therefore, Ye Yang is ready to let them realize their mistakes first...

Then kick them hard!

“This Paris Art Exhibition is No. 1, I’ve booked it.”

Ye Yang smiled faintly: "I will put a betting agreement on the website when I go back. If I can't do it, I will pay everyone who bets against me ten times the stake. If you lose, you only need to pay five times. . The deposit for participating in the betting agreement is 10,000 yuan.”

"Damn! Ye Shenhao is so awesome!"

"Awesome 666 my Ye Shenhao!"

"Be tough, Lao Ye, fight these idiots to death!"


Fans were very excited when they heard about Ye Yang's plan.

"Haha, then you don't have to pay with your life!?"

"Then you're finished! I'm going to kill you by a million!"

"You're laughing so hard, you're still in first place! It's great that you were shortlisted! And you're still in first place!? You're laughing so hard that you're laughing so hard!!!"


When the black men heard this, they instantly became angry.

"What are you so arrogant about upstairs! I'm afraid you have a cleaner pocket than your face. Generally, people like you who love sex and don't respect the fruits of other people's work are moneyless people. Because you don't have a correct outlook on life, you can't make a fortune! "

"That's right, I want to pay you back one million yuan, you're such a talkative bitch! I'm afraid you won't even be able to come up with ten thousand yuan and you'll be so angry that you'll be so embarrassed!"


Without saying a word, Ye Yang directly asked the technical department to launch the gambling agreement process. As for the application part of the relevant departments behind it, given his identity and the positive significance of this matter, of course it was approved very quickly.

After the program was launched, no one participated.

It seems that these orphans who like to find their existence on the Internet are indeed losers and have no money at all.

I hate Ye Yang and want to slap him in the face. I have to borrow it for half a day even if I pay 10,000 yuan for admission.

Sure enough, as time progresses.

Only then did a lot of funds come in.

Ye Yang sneered.

It seems that I have seen the ending of these people...

On the other side, Tang Han Zhihui also became busy.

Needless to say, Han Ruxiu’s interest in Paris Fashion Week goes without saying.

Make relevant preparations quickly.

As one of the brand ambassadors, Ye Yang, of course, has to come in person.

"Take my plane."

Ye Yang waved his hand.

"Is your plane big enough?"

Han Ruxiu said a little uncertainly.

"If my plane is not big enough, then probably no one in the world has a big enough plane."

Ye Yang said with great confidence.


Han Ruxiu expressed shock: "Is it true!?"

"Let's go into the house and show you."

Ye Yang waved his hand.


After Han Ruxiu realized what she was doing, her face turned red with embarrassment and she said in a state of confusion: "Oh! Bad boss!"

"Ha ha!"

Ye Yang pinched Han Ruxiu's little face: "I'm teasing you. I'll take you to my private airport."


Han Ruxiu was even more stunned.

Soon, members of Tang Han Zhihui who participated in this Paris Fashion Week also had clothing and props.

All were delivered to the airport.

The F1000 parked calmly in the center of the airport.

Its huge size and strange shape made everyone gasp!

"Is this the super-large plane that the boss said!?"

"It's really extraordinary!"

All the employees of Tang Han Zhihui had never had such a vision before, and they were all amazed at this time.

Putting all the luggage, props, fashion, etc. into the storage compartment of the F1000 only takes up a very small part.

Only after entering it can you feel how big and complicated the inside of this 'ship' is.

A group of employees said that they were stabbed in the butt - their eyes were opened.

The speed of the F1000 is unrivaled in civil aviation. Even in military aviation, it is difficult to surpass as long as it is not a fighter jet.

However, Ye Yang didn't want to arrive too quickly.

After all, although he has been rich for a long time, this is indeed the first time in his life that he has been to France.

With his current status, there is no need for him to handle minor matters such as visas.

Sitting on a plane and enjoying the beautiful scenery along the way is also very pleasing to the eye.

The majestic scenery cannot be believed unless you see it with your own eyes.

The feeling of overlooking the entire world from a high altitude is refreshing every time.

Of course, the most comfortable thing is the relaxing in-flight SPA, where you can overlook the beautiful scenery under the careful care of the two beautiful captains.

The magnificence and delicacy flow into my mind at the same moment.

It makes people feel the ultimate enjoyment.

Paris Charles de Gaulle International Airport.

Ye Yang's arrival was received with the highest standards.

Gulfstream or Centurion black card members will be treated with courtesy when they come here.

Not to mention that he is the boss of Gulfstream and the minister of the Centurion Club.

The highest VIP channel of the airport was opened for him.

The group walked through the channel and got on a fleet of Rolls-Royce luxury cars.

These were all provided by the Centurion Club.

The Rolls-Royce fleet drove through the streets of Paris, attracting people's attention.

"Oh my God! Which rich man is going out again!"

"This is too romantic! When will you get me a fleet like this to travel around the world?"

"Aren't my roses romantic?"

"Not as romantic as Rolls-Royce!"


After arriving in Paris, Ye Yang clearly felt a cultural landscape that was different from that of China.

Whether it was the architectural style or the humanities.

It was obviously very different from that in China.

It was quite interesting to look at new things occasionally.

After arriving at the Platinum Hotel, Yu Momo handed the tablet to Ye Yang.

She knew that according to the boss's temper, every time he arrived at a new place, he would buy a residence to represent that he had been there.

So, along the way, she also collected and selected many luxury houses and villas in Paris, and compiled them into a report for Ye Yang to choose.

Ye Yang flipped through it casually. The ones in the front list were ordinary luxury houses, each of which was only about 300 million yuan in Chinese currency. He was too lazy to look at them and skipped them directly.

Yu Momo shrugged, and knew it was like this...

(Second update)

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